So, you bought EVERYTHING. Now what?

Heroic HoF confirmed soloable, just did it. things to keep in mind for any that want to try:

  • Amber shaper CAN turn you into a golem, but you still have time to kill the boss before it wears off.
  • You will likely need to kill Empress before you get feared; i got her to 1% and she died to dots as she feared me, but I think you will likely get chain-feared to death if you can’t kill her in time

Retrying ToES tonight as well, we’ll see if i can get Sha this time.

edit: was able to finish ToES.
Tips for Sha:

  • Take Blink so you can move in phase 2 otherwise you’ll be perma-rooted. his abilities dont hurt, but you may want it to reposition yourself to give your self more time for the instakill adds.
  • summons 1 add on first burrow, 2 on all following burrows. they have significant enough health that you may not be able to 1-shot them with weak fillter abilities, so save a burst or two for them.
  • I was able to kill boss after 3 burrows, so 5 adds.
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I would probably try out upgrading my gear.

Just finished soloing all of ToT except for Ra-den. Unfortunately he has one-shot mechanics for anyone that’s not a tank (and at least one for even if you are).

I tried putting on all the different shield tinkers as well as ankh, and he one-shot me through all of them (ankh didn’t even proc, i was just insta-dead).

Unless i can find a way to not get hit at all, i don’t think it’s soloable without having such astronomically high mainstat that he falls over before he can use any real mechanics. Even with max runspeed and all sorts of abilities and tinkers, I can’t kite him, so that’s out too. I was getting him to about 80ish (i think) before he’d slap me with murderous strike or fatal strike.

Disappointing, but not surprising, i suppose. I had hoped to clear it so I could say that i’d cleared everything before SoO (which i also am pretty sure is going to have some impossible fights), but I guess ToT will just have to go down as “everything but the hard-mode-only boss.”

edit: Apparently there might be some sort of kiting strategy to never letting him get an orb, that’s my only remaining hope. But it’s late and i’m not going to worry about it tonight, I’ve got work in the morning :stuck_out_tongue:

Now go play FFXIV Dawntrail, Elden Ring shadow of the erdtree, V Rising, Ghost of Tushimsa, etc…wow doesnt have to be played 24/7.

Currently playing shadow of the erdtree nd im having fun making slow progress while getting destroyed by every enemy around the corner on NG+3.

This is one of the reasons I’m keeping the character until the event ends. I’m on about 40k gold that I don’t want to waste. I’m also gonna cap bronze on the faint hope they convert that to gold too.

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nah - I have bought everything I want and once I maxed out the gear on my 2 70s I am rapidly losing interest.

I have time to do beta now.

I’m basically leveling up 70s in classes and specs I’ve never played before and trying them out for fun. I’ve been a healer forever and I have been tanking all through remix and it’s been fun.

you can probably make a ticket and still get that back if it hasn’t been over 30 days.

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I’ve been doing heroic raids and dailies.

I enjoy the massive OP’ness and pretending that I’m good at the game while my gems cover my screen with beautiful numbers. I can speed through most encounters in seconds and leave the other people in my party frustrated while they try to catch up and wanting more runs. Sometimes I’ll solo when I’m just looking for a quick and convenient daily completion, but it isn’t nearly as fun.

Next thing for me is to try to get a group together to do the Glory of the Panderia raider achieve

Level alts or get some retail toons some gear to make leveling in TWW even quicker.

In the event I actually got everything (which includes weapon mogs which are far from guaranteed or even halfway decent farmable for the LFR stuff), I’d probably just go back to finish working on retail achievements/collections (what I do on dull/lull periods) or maybe not even that.

And I am nearly just over even bothering with the LFR grind and I have already purchased all the stuff from the vendors in remix. I consider it to be a massive oversight on the utter shatshow LFR is in remix and not giving some kind of deterministic path to getting that stuff. The queues take way too long since you need to wait for a “proper” comp to be assembled, there still is the dumb need to be within a certain radius to even qualify for boss loot yet stupidly DHs get an epic flight mount base run speed ON TOP of benefitting from the actual speed stat COMBINED with their already absurd high mobility abilities PLUS a bonus cogwheel movement effect AND they have the highest or among the highest potential burst damage in the entire game…because of course they effing do and need all that.

You are allowed to make one if you like, its pretty fast now…

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RA-DEN DOWN! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hoo boy, that was a fight!

my strat:
Lust on pull, kill blue orb. continue to DPS boss, until he starts summoning orbs again. MOVE AWAY FROM BOSS AND START KITING. Kill BLUE orb again. keep kiting and DPSing. get him to 40%, then stay on boss and pray your DPS+leech is enough to keep you up through all of his casts. Defensives. Win.

I really didn’t think it was going to be possible without getting way more mainstat, but i got lucky with a few kites and it that pushed me to keep on with attepmts. i killed him on my 2nd-to-last attempt today. Whew!


I am curious. How big were you in soloing them? I’m not sure if I’m big enough yet.

with cloak and gear: 75k int, 480k stam, maxed on all secondaries and tertiaries.

Or to put it another way, 42k mainstat and 225k stam on cloak, maxed gear upgrades, geared for avoidance, gemmed for armor cuz all secondaries capped with cloak already.

Hmm. So little over 20k more main stat and over 100k more stam. I hit the crit/mastery hard caps so all my gems are haste/vers until those start hitting the hard caps but have been swapping in some Avoidance gear to boost up survivability for the more annoying things, then again I haven’t been doing the daily raids for quite some time and just been grabbing dailies and WBs for threads.

My strat was roll.face on keyboard and kill raden. Works every rime

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It is not even a let’s pretend question. Virtually the vast majority of playerbase has already done this.

what’s your remix class, and what are your stats like? i definitely feel like some classes would have a big advantage for that fight in particular.