So, you bought EVERYTHING. Now what?

Let’s pretend that you have purchased literally everything available in Remix.

You got all the mounts.

You got all the toys.

You got all the transmogs.

You got all the heirlooms.

You got all the achievements.

Now what?

Do you keep playing Remix until the TWW pre-patch event? Level up new alts in Remix? Quit until the pre-patch?

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I am at that point now.

The answer for me is make an alt, use your main to carry your friends alts, and if they are friends worth having they will return the favor.

10-70 should be silly fast with the no looting mailbox trick.

Scrap everything you get, buy GEMS and start stacking those gold gems, so you can trade them to your friend, who will in turn trade them to your alt to make getting max gear just a touch quicker.

I think its like a 10% return on your effort, so you decide if the hassle of trading everything over to your alt is worth it or not…

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Are you including all the unique weapon transmogs that can’t be bought? This would likely keep you busy until the end of the event.


yeah I am pretty sure I got everything that will drop for a Shaman and a Hunter, I bet I will get all the other stuff once I finish the hunter too.

But you are correct, it will keep me busy for a while, and leave me with a bunch of 70’s (not important to me, but I am not complaining either)

Also there are like 2 titles from retail you can get in Pandaland that are not remix achieves, I am going to knock those out too. One of the two is just running 3 scenarios on a Saturday, lol.

Don’t forget you need 100,000 timeless coins for the gold cloud serpent, 9,999 bones from the isle of giants for the “9,999 problems but a bone white primal raptor aint one”

Then the eggs for the raptors that take 3 days to hatch. I am waiting on my second egg, and was told that they can drop the same color over and over, so if you care about grabbing this on your god level toon, I would start sooner rather than later because there is no shortening that 3 day waiting period, and you might get bad RNG on the drop colors (there are 3)

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I completed all my goals in S4 before starting Remix… i doubt im after EVERYTHING in Remix, but i know when im done there will be some things i just don’t care to collect… but even if i did…

When i have everything i want from Remix, and im already done with S4.

There are other games out there.

Its WoW break-time until TWW.

Give legendary gems to random people in The Jade Forest.


I will sell you one for whatever gold it is you have made in Pandaland, lol

I don’t need to buy any gems, I am already giving them away.

Dang I was really hoping I could profit from this, the 10% return that I am getting trading them to friends who trade them to my alts is pitiful

Ah, I know this one, what you do is you go over to the forums and start a thread complaining about battle pets not being purchasable, and another thread about weapons being purchasable and another thread about how much you like how they handled weapons and how much better fyralath would have been if holy paladins could use it.

I havent done this one yet, I might just skip it.

I do not have a lot going on in retail wow at the moment, so for me, I plan on playing Remix until the pre-patch comes out. Just farming up threads to increase my cloaks level as much as I can before I drop the event.

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You could give more away if you bought mine, haha

Nah, I’m keeping my gold on the assumption that it gets transferred to retail.

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Yeah, no thanks - given the need to level AND gear multiple characters (classes) for a chance at items I may never use, so not worth it.

Played and geared one character to complete the achievements and collect the Garrosh heirlooms I was missing, otherwise leveled alts to have in retail and strip for bronze to buy the other cosmetic stuff I was missing.

I now have literally everything for my chosen main. I’m still working on a some sets for other classes. I’m still working on the Celestials rep because I started that one late. If I had all of that finished up, I would probably find myself moving on. However, if a couple things were different I would play until the very last day.

1 Alt gear prices. This one isn’t as much of a problem with bronze buffs and nothing else to buy, however it still put a huge damper on us that would have gladly played several characters end game.
2 Cloak threads. It took allot of work to get that cloak over the 200k mark. Again, it’s a huge leap to do that on multiple characters. I think the fix could be at max gear level to offer the main cloak on alts.

Basically, the event isn’t nearly alt-friendly enough to keep me interested beyond what I’ve already done with my main. I know the event is short enough, there are people that will never be worried about that as they are still enjoying building their main and buying stuff.

I haven’t even seen enough gold to cover my retail AH fees for a couple days. Took me quite a while to see enough for a single retail repair bill. Not really enough to matter.

I play PvP in retail not PvE, so my repair bills are quite low.

I won’t even come close to that, won’t be upgrading anything, doubtful I’ll do many, if any raids, and likely not most of the dungeons with any except one or two alts. My goals are all mounts(almost done) and all mogs I want, and maybe some toys if I have bronze left over. After that, it’s just leveling alts to maybe play someday down the road. :smiley:

I forgot there’s a difference. Haven’t done PVP since Cata. I’m just getting old.