So, you bought EVERYTHING. Now what?

Mage max gear 260kish threads…it’s an easy fight

Yeah, i’ve seen lots of mages just absolutely blasting in remix. I’ve never had much interest in the class, so i haven’t paid much attention to what they’re doing specifically, but based on my personal experience, they and DH are the kings of remix :slight_smile:

I max out all my character slots.

That reminds me. This is a good time to get someone to help do Criss Cross…

Then I would have nothing to level when retail gets boring or I want to do the campaign again.

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I just completed everything tonight. Was really hoping they would have done something for alts before I got to this point. Guess it’s back to retail.

Fair, I’d leave 5 of the 65 slots open for those moments where you want to do stuff like that. I’m doing that since I just figured out they upped the cap from 60 to 65.

That way I can farm mog from the Race/Class Locked areas And the Exile’s Reach Dungeon. Plus a slot for Earthen.