So, you bought EVERYTHING. Now what?

I do about 100k in one shot knocking down the raids in just a couple hours. With the bronze buff it’s faster to farm it on my main than it is leveling alts. At this point I’m only leveling alts to see what sets I’m missing because the UI sucks.


Yeah, trying to figure out what mogs I’ve already bought on different alts is painfully frustrating for sure.

The event is ALSO a leveling thing for me, so I’ll only be done after that.
And there are still the RNG weapon drops to farm.

I still have a rogue and lock to go to finish leveling all classes on remix.
Then I’ll grind ilvls while farming the weapons.

I need at least 40 more farming druids.

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I was going to pvp all of s4, but I enjoyed remix enough to do that instead.

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Same. I’ve tried playing on retail a few times since too. It feels weird and I end up going back to Remix.

You won the game. And are now free to do things you actually find enjoyable.

sold, I will take it, lol

I do my weekly content on retail still and miss having to actually think at least a little. But I’m going to enjoy this so I’m good and ready to tackle the new content.

Leveling alts. I only have 250k left of vendor items to purchase, and about 700k sitting on alts. I’ll finish buying everything once I figure out which items I’ve already purchased.

What do you mean? Now you can start playing the game!

So, I have literally done this. Now what? Well, let me tell you…

  • Ran LFR on my Paladin on a LARK for a chance at the Legendary Axe. The damn thing actually dropped. I spent a day putting that together.
  • Bored, I decided to farm the Scarlet Crusade tabard on a Mail wearer to finally get the last bit of xmog during the next Darkmoon Faire. The tabard dropped on my first run; I did not buy a lottery ticket.

Now I’m working on the “Best in Slot” fishing gear achievement.

Quit until prepatch. Makes more sense to go out on a high note to me.

once I hit the point where I bought everything I wanted, got all the achievements I cared about and leveled every alt I wanted to level - I’m just going to be done and move back to retail instead of splitting time between the two. I was having fun just playing at first, but between scaling issues, character gear progress not being shared with alts and community issues, actualy playing alts at 70 is a chore and I do not want to go through a grind of making it less of a chore over and over… when that progress doesn’t even save into retail. if I want to one shot MoP raid bosses… I can do that on retail already /shrug

I have purchased everything that can be purchased, and capped every secondary and tertiary stat to the point of gemming for Armor now. I’m also spending my bronze on gems that i can give to other players since i have no use for it now, and that’s the only thing that can be helpful to anyone.

My current goal is to see how many max-difficulty bosses I can solo.

yesterday i ran MSV without issue and all of ToES but sha-- sha seems doable, but I wiped a few times to insta-kill adds that snuck up on me, and didn’t feel like continuing. I will definitely return to finish the job later.

I’ll probably try HoF tonight and dont anticipate any trouble ther either, unless the 5th boss has no issue with turning his top-aggro target into an amber golem.

I’ve already solo’d heroic Animus in ToT, so I don’t think there’s anything else in there that should give me trouble, but it remains to be seen.

For SoO i’ve already written off Spoils and Galakras, I think Malkorok and Garrosh will also be trouble, and (similar to the amber golem thing) Sha of Pride might be an issue if he’s willing to imprison me or port me into the pacman maze.

Dunno, we’ll see.

Me, I’m going to Disney World.

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I’ll be gearing up a hunter and clothie to get the weapon mogs

This is a new account, so my warband will be the toons I level in Remix.

I am leveling alts with my kids and wife. Eventually I will go back to regular wow. I am in no rush to jump on this next expansion since I haven’t finished the existing one.

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Keep leveling an army of alts, gearing other ones, and keep blasting things while I’m op for the fun of it. I still have achievements and rep to finish off too.

Pandaria is a beautiful place. It was my favourite xpac when it was current, and still is to this day. If they had a permanent MoP server, I’d stay there. As is, I’ll be gone from the game once Remix wraps up.

I let over 2 million in gold and probably several more million in ah items expire playing remix. Lol flushed.