So why is the wow forums the only one thats not using btag?

Yeah thats why I want btags tbh.

Cuz like for me, I could have put this on my main, but I already started posting on this and I dont wanna start at zero again and plus just too lazy to change

So like Im hoping btags will come to wow forums so I dont have to do it it does it for me automatically

It’s really not that hard to change…

There are a lot of people that have been advocating for Battle Tags on the forums for a while now.

But they are also correct about this thread being unneeded. There is already a thread with thousands of posts discussing the topic


I don’t want randos to know my btag. It’s that simple.

I don’t troll or “sock puppet”, I’m just paranoid when it comes to other people.

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Then why do people ask “show us your main” ? LIke i dont get that either if they dont want their btags why ask for mains?

And yet when we had that discussion with all of us revealing our battletags I was not once ‘contacted’ At all, Hell my battletag is STILL on public display in one of those threads.

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to lazy or to mush of a troll and sh–poster

ill say the 2nd

And while I’m at it I might as well tell you all my social security number. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease.

warcraft is different from other games. warcraft is an RPG

I remember the RealID rage. it was delicious.

It’s kinda people’s fault tbh. Idk why or who in their right minds would actually put their real life name and last names on anything besides government/bank forms. LOL

delicious delicious victim blaming.

I don’t really care to be honest. If Btags comes or not .
Personally for me nothing changes .

That said ,No idea why its not part of wow forums yet. Some say its on its way , ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Oh hey look everyone. It’s this thread again. Let’s all point and laugh.

Cuz only people like you keep suggesting it.

You know if you REALLY want to stop alt posting and know who is who, there are multiple ways to find out who all of our alts our already.

A better option would be to KEEP our names and have an option of being able to klick on the toon portrait and it would show the entire list of every toon they have ever posted on, on that account.

So you have 20 posting alts, you scroll over a name, all 20 will show up on a small text screen next to the name, you can scroll down and see 100% of everytoon they have ever posted on, ever. Other game forums do this. I dont see why Blizzard has not yet.

That would make hiding behind alts entirely 100% impossible. That system is 10x better than battlags.

Btags does not stop trolling at all btw. It still exists on the forums that have it just as much as it before it was added. Trolls want recognition. They go out of their way to stick out. They want everyone to know who they are. Adding btags here would just be giving them a crown to better troll people with.

Then every single post they make on all their alts, they can claim credit for saying all that work was theirs.

Just have the option to show ALL toons that have ever posted with a drop down selection as I just described…and btw… if you people cant handle a couple of neckbeard trolls on the forums, maybe you shouldn’t be on here in the first place.

Idk. I know logically that usung battle tags here isn’t a big deal, that they can’t really be used in a negative way. But at the same time my anxiety screams at the idea that info linked that closely to my account could be just open to the public here.

I’d much rather they created a new forum id tag seperate from the bnet tag. A tag that is only for the forums that would function in the same way here to stop the sock puppets and mass upvote/reporting. Even give those who don’t mind the option to make the forum tag and bnet tag the same.

It would make me much more comfortable

My guess is some of the more, in the sake of politeness I’ll say “prolific” forum goers, work for Blizzard and use forum alts to create a specific atmosphere to the forums. Just look at how often some of those most vocally against the idea of the forums using btags have also made posts asking “innocuous” questions about how the community would react to very specific and unpopular features that get implemented into the game anyways despite near universal backlash.

Oh yeah, never thought of it before but the diablo forum uses your battletag, right?

Yes. This is the only Blizzard forum that doesn’t use them.

Probably because people want to be known on their characters and not btag? WoW does have a RP element in it.