So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

It is ONE settlement. That exists for resource gathering. Not an invasion. And it isn’t even close to Astranaar but rather the border towards ashenvale which the night elves btw are currently attacking like an actual invasion. If anyone is breaking the peace it is Tyrande and her army.

So you break the treaty on purpose therefor kicking you out is fully justified. Thanks.

The treaty didn’t seem to have anything about either forces pulling out from Ashenvale/Barrens/Durotar.

Stealing. It exists to steal.

Nope just some trees no one cares about. Just because nelfs are crazy psychopaths about it doesn’t mean there is any gloabal law preventing its usage to other people.

I mean if that is the case then I think the Alliance should march to say Silverpine and tear down all those trees for resources. I am sure the Horde wouldn’t care.

The alliance wouldn’t do that since they have all the good land already with plenty of resources beyond measure. You can’T steal stuff from Horde lands since it dosn’t have anything worthy.

Oh I’m sure the Alliance can always use more wood. Hence, why it needed logging rights from the night elves. Regardless, if the Horde can decide to take land from the Alliance for whatever reason, the Alliance can do the same.

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No one is taking any lands. Ashenvale is still nelf controlled., The reason for Horde soldiers are the constant sentinel attacks on the peons gathering lumber. They are no agressions towards the alliance right now.

Again Ashenvale is fully night elf land. The Horde are squatting and trying to steal from it.


I assure you. Your misrepresentation of people isn’t a me problem at all. You, your beliefs and your weird takes are all your own issue.


No I’m pretty sure I see you clearly. Like you literally decided to make a mountain over me correcting a guy who turned out to be totally wrong and wasn’t even talking about Daelin at all.

Just leave Durotar and the Barrens. The actual Horde heatlands. The rejections of that is all we need to kick you out by force if needed. Like the attack on Azshara too.

As soon as the Horde leaves Ashenvale.

The Horde doesn’t even own Azshara, it is still night elf land and the best Tyrande gave them was to use its lumber to stop further bloodshed.

Tyrande ceded it willingly. In MoP. Taht is a fact. It is not our problem you can’t htalt your racism and militarism. I pray the Horde council stops being passive idiots and throw the nelfs back to where they came from.

Err, no Zerde. No, that wasn’t me at all. I never once mentioned your weird take on Daelin being “not like, all racist.”

Again, you’re misrepresenting things.


This is all too much time and energy being spent on Zerde.

I know everyone knows this, I’m just stating it for the record.


Oh my bad, you just decided to put words in my mouth about how I would be screaming bloody murder regardless of where the Horde was.

Why does anyone ever do anything around here? Because its fun.

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No, we had a whole conversation. Remember? Where you tried to play-act as a RP diplomat? Kept trying to get me, another player, to somehow pull the Horde out of Ashenvale in exchange for a single base? And you equated a tiny village an ocean away from the ruined husk of a city to a fully rebuilt (in lore) keep on Orgrimmar’s front lawn?

It was a long conversation.


I guess your mind must be going because I really wasn’t rp. Oh well, better get that checked.

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You are not wrong, sir.

But it is Sunday, and my D&D game is hours away…


See, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt by saying it was RP. Because that’s the least concerning possible answer to why you kept acting like we were negotiating a land exchange of Tirigard for Ashenvale.

If that wasn’t RP, and you really were trying to negotiate that trade…

Y’know what? Nevermind. I don’t think I want to know what was actually going on there…