I was saying what I wanted to happen ingame. If the Horde fans want to see Tirigarde removed, it shouldn’t happen until at least all of the Horde are removed from Ashenvale. Simple as that. In fact it should be obvious with all the context of my statements.
The feeling is mutual. I don’t particularly care to see what’s in your head.
Then why were you trying to negotiate with Horde players such as myself and Erevein over Ashenvale? You literally were doing that. Demanding “our” withdrawal from Ashenvale.
Retconning your own statements throughout the thread isn’t going to work.
Azshara (or the lumber rights to it ) was ceded in turn for staying out of Ashenvale.
That treaty has been comical levels of broken.
I don’t know if there’s still night elves on Orgrimmar’s back door occasionally attacking because frankly, I didn’t buy Exploring Kalimdor and I don’t want to.
I’m missing all the Exploring books, and the Shadowlands equivalent. I keep thinking I should grab them for the collection, but then I think to myself “Alynsa, you cannot start fires indoors!! You do not have a fireplace!! What will happen when you read something so very infuriating that fire is the only option??”
I am speaking, if the context failed to make it blindingly obvious, of the post MOP treaty that was in place up until the War of Thorns, where the Horde stayed out of night elf territory in turn for Azshara. This was, of course, violated wholesale by the events of War of Thorns despite the night elves holding up their end of the bargain as far as we know.
Of course, we’re in a new day full of hope and kittens and renewal (but renewal written in a bubbly font covered in sparkles so the depth of my sarcasm is clear), so I don’t expect the night elves to take back Aszhara as punishment and turn Gallywix’s face fort into Comarade Umbric’s education camp on the struggles of the proletariat.
Gazlowe is the communist. Umbric wants the wealth to benefit the alliance treasury. Stormwind should be grateful we aren’t trying to get back Honor Stand and Tiragade so far.
Jello shots, unsurprisingly, are credited to the goblins.
More surprisingly, the Dark Irons are credited with poutine.
Orcs brought deviled eggs to this world.
And the Zandalari do a fruited martini.
Kul Tiras does an oven baked cracker, which could presumably feature in the orc/Kul Tiran fusion cuisine that’s probably sprung up. Charcuterie outdoors, but in the shade.
By fighting Quillboar and Harpies you mean mediate between region disputes and provide material aid with druids actively cultivating the land to make up for any imbalance and intervene should any conflict arise.
I talked about Daelin because I was confirming the dude was not actually talking about him/that he was wrong and then YOU decided to say how I was wrong because he was racist/that I was saying he wasn’t racist when I never said anything about it. In fact I even mentioned his racism about orcs.