So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

Daelin is still a racist and you trying to suggest he wasn’t isn’t really surprising. And this wouldn’t be the first horrible and extremely bad take you’ve had concerning the lore


The funny thing about you and Alynsa is you are both the meme about someone saying “they love pancakes” and the other dude saying “so you hate waffles”. That is a totally different statement from what I just said.

I specially mentioned he WAS NOT RACIST TO EVERYONE. No where did I ever say he wasn’t racist to the orcs/those who sided with the Horde. Reread this part again:

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A racist is still a racist. Literally no need to say Well akkaully he wasn’t racist to everyone.

Another clown response by you


The only clown response is you being caught not reading things properly. The reason the “well actually” was said was because the other dude wasn’t even talking about Daelin at all and was confusing him for Garithos.

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Clown response. Not wasting my time responding to this


Good because you are wasting both our times.

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No, you’re just wasting mine with your ignorance.


Here is a like, now will you be quite?

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Nope. I’ll respond to your horrible takes as I see fit


Being specific racist to one race is still racism. No matter what said race did. If he blames all Orcs because SOME killed his son it is still not justified. Or do you think Thrall hates all humans just because of Blackmoore?


I wonder if English is Zerde’s second language sometimes.

Like, being racist against one race still means you are racist.

“He was only racist to some races, that doesn’t mean he is racist,” is a… different sort of take.


Well that isn’t at all true. That’s just your issues at play.


You just had to pick the quest that specifically portrayed Vol’jin as yet another smelly savage right? Gods are you deaf today.


It’s everyday and no matter how times people correct him, he still doesn’t get it.


I called this out since I left for job training back in MOP and came back in SoO. Like whoever is reponsible for alliance story and quests must be a raging racist himself since there is no way a california based company would constantly portray the POC coded monster people as inferior at every chance they get.

And that is the problem here. Cataclysm was nothing compared to the Bfa aftermath. Varian would be jealous of Anduin.

  • reclaiming Southshore.
  • taking Shadowfang Keep(Silverpine is Forsaken turf mind you)
  • Having fortresses in Barrens AND Durotar
  • gaining Kul Tiras
  • Reclamation of Gilneas
  • Rebuilding Stromgarde.

The only alliance nation not in the fold is Lordaeron and Calia is really doing her best to appease to the alliance/Stormwind as hard as possible. Bfa was the addon that murdered faction pride for the Horde forever.

At the same time half of all clans are dead, mostly due to Thrall the traitor, and Draenor is dead too.

I am amazed that 60% of all subs are still Horde and active like how hard must Blizazrd hate on us again until first people start to cancel? This is peak stockholm syndrome.

Elwynn forest is alliance heartlands. Not Ashenvale. Try again.

Not a good deal. Ashenvale lumber is too much importance for all future building projects. And AGAIN gathering resources is not an act of war. Stop being ignorant.


And again, I never said he wasn’t racist(find me one where in this entire thread were I said it) I however said he wasn’t racist to everyone. Specifically to the races allied to the Alliance. And by doing so found out the person I was replying to wasn’t even correct! That he was in fact not talking about Daelin and was talking about Garithos.

I would also point out, if his people were never attacked and his son didn’t die he would probably never developed such hatred of the Horde.

Nope, that is your problem. Something you should fix.

Invading land that never belonged to you is however an act of war. Regardless, may Durotar and the Barrens always have an Alliance presence for as long as the Horde remains in Ashenvale.

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Racism is racism. Regardless of how many people someone hates.

This isn’t difficult. Do better and stop trying to defend him


And again that was however not the point. The point was the dude I was replying to was wrong and he wasn’t even talking about Daelin at all. So you are all making a big deal about a guy who wasn’t even right in his accusations about Daelin.

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They aren’t invading anything. The lumber camp exist to collect woods. Nothing else. They are no further advances into nelf territory so far. Read the human rights convection and yrealize you lose.

Let me guess Orcs aren’t people to you so they deserve it?

So at least you admit they invaded night elf territory. That is a start. I mean if that is your justification then at least the Alliance has made no further advances in the Barrens/the area Tirigarde Keep controls.