So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

But that is never how it plays out, now is it Zerde? It’s always both the Horde and Alliance attacking together.

So it looks like both diplomat and military RP are just off the table for you entirely, if you cannot even properly remember how the battles have gone.

Goldshire tavern RP really does seem the only option for your RP. I’m so very sorry.


I don’t know getting Vol’jin to beg was pretty neat. In fact, I recall it was actually me who tweeted that to kosak/him replying about needed further justification/a better showing of why an Alliance player would want to help Vol’jin’s crew.


Oh. Well. Uhm…

Yes, I hear that kind of RP also happens in the Goldshire Tavern RP community, but I think you should go to the basement to look for it.


I didn’t need a reason to help Vol’jin other than the fact that he was cool.


We don’t talk about goldshire or the basement

It’s a quarantine zone and off limits due to rampant diseases about


[Call his bluff] Why don’t WE wait until YOU attack Orgrimmar, then mop up YOUR dead?
<Vol’jin sees his opportunity slipping away. He holds up his hands.>
Wait now, ! Orgrimmar be a fortress. My people, we ain’t gonna crack dat nut on our own. How long we gonna last out here? Days? Weeks? Vol’jin can’t say.
You keep da supplies comin, an’ I promise, more Kor’kron gonna die. Before ya troops even land! The blood bein’ spilt ain’t even ya own! Surely dat be worth a few crates of meat?

Horde blood for a few crates of meat. A fair deal.

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That I can believe… and it does explain why so many paladins and priests keep heading that way…

  1. I’m a her, not a him.
  2. I’m not bluffing about the basement in Goldshire Tavern RP. You can get all kinds of people there to beg for all kinds of things. Maybe you even do the begging, depending what you’re into.

I am saying nothing, I am being a good elf.


I mean, he’s right, it might be a gotcha moment for the Alliance player but tactically sending the Darkspear made zero sense. Maybe Vol’jin realized he was talking to an idiot and decided to appease us. You wouldn’t send gnomes to engage in night time jungle warfare.

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The bestest elf :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


So I was just going to let this thread go, but since we’re on the topic again…

This is what my Durotar looked like for my orc heritage quest. Just saying.

h ttps://

Can someone not on the forum naughty list link it?


Sledgies link.


Tirigarde is nothing. Night elves have taken Durotar.

(Well, mostly still Azshara from Exploring Kalimdor. That treaty wasn’t worth spit from a night elf perspective.)


What happened?

That looks horrible. I mean it was bad enough with how crowded it was the time I ran it, but still… Those elves clearly haven’t had enough to drink yet and those poor dwarves they just look confused with their guns out like that. Meanwhile the poor orc in the back is probably trying to hide the good booze.


Dodgy phasing. I don’t think I actually finished the BFA quests on Jotar.

I like how Sledge with her old haircut has clearly decided to crash the party just above my text box. I guess she wanted to check in on my death knight and steal her beer. Dead orcs don’t need beer clearly.

It was messing with my ORCITUDE enough so that I did it twice, since my shaman didn’t invite extra guests so it felt a bit less ridiculous.


Should have guessed. That phasing tech needs a looking at.


Like, it’s great I could go back to it if I wanted to deal with BFA’s questline more than twice.

But it reduced the orc gravitas of the whole affair when Garona invited everyone she knew without getting the “orcs only” memo.


Oh, still unupdated though…well “not-updated” to be correct

That’s like saying “aside from his racism, he wasn’t racist”.

Genocide is inherently racist. It is killing people because of their race, not because of anything they did.


Did you not read the thread? The person who I was talking to WAS NOT talking about Daelin at all and confused him for Garithos.
Maybe people should learn to first?

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