So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

More like you butted in to the conversation.

Then check the start of this Thread. I was initially talking to Erevien

You seem to think Tirigarde is a greater danger/problem to the Horde then the Horde having access to Ashenvale. Seem to me it is more beneficial for the Horde for the Alliance to leave then the inverse. So yeah, sounds like it would be a sweeter deal for the Horde if the Alliance didn’t have a base in Durotar and all it would cost them is Ashenvale. Sounds fair to me.

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Okie, Lorewise, this sort of stuff was around Cata, in Cataclysm, Kul Tiras was still I believe opposed to the Alliance for Betrayal and the Horde. Tiragarde I think was settled by Vengeful Kul Tirans.
Indeed, after nearly a decade, this hasn’t changed, which for new players may be confusing indeed since, in BFA, the Kul Tirans joined the alliance.
Following the quests, in current tiragarde, if it was up to date, it’d be derelict, or settled by the Horde. Or knowing the current story direction, be the source of peaceful settlement between Kul Tirans and the Horde… sigh

Except lorewise, as of the end of the Fourth War, it is still controlled by the Alliance.


No, I don’t see any posts to anyone else where you were trying to force your RP on to them.

That was your first post, a response to Gornur.

He is a male orc. Erevein is a male blood elf. I suppose you at least got the gender right for once, but Gornur is also absolutely NOT Erevein and you absolutely SHOULD set up an appointment with your eye doctor still.

Yes, because Orgrimmar is the faction capital and Astranaar is not. In fact, the nearest remaining major city isn’t even accessible by land from anywhere in Ashenvale, so the differences here are very striking.

Those are differences that a proper diplomat RP will need to address, so you might wish to work on that. It will help your RP in the long run.

Proper diplomat RP is all about equating value to both sides’ proposition, and if you insist on overinflating the value of your own while diminishing the value of the other side, your diplomacy will simply not work. You have to look at more than just “this exists”. You need to look at the utility of the various pieces being negotiated, you need to assess how both sides value each piece, you need to look at what your proposition costs the other side and offer benefits that mitigate the loss.

Diplomat RP might be a bit beyond your capabilities right now, but I have faith that if you try and you learn, you might become very good at it, Zerde!!


And again, seems like a reasonble request. If you want Tirigarde gone then I want the Horde gone from Ashenvale.

Not really interested in rp, but if you want the game world to no longer have Tirigarde then, it should only happen once the Horde leave Ashenvale and not a moment sooner.

I suggest rereading the thread.

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No, no, no Zerde!! Very bad diplomat RP, very bad!!!

You cannot trade one base for an entire faction!!

That isn’t true. You instigated it. You clearly wanted to play.

I’m sorry if my rejection has turned you off RP entirely, but it isn’t personal!!

I did. Maybe you should scroll back up, or learn what the word “initial” means?


And in the initial parts of it, I was talking to him, then later Erivien.

Hence the change to Ashenvale.

Again, never been interested in Rp, even though Zerde was initially from Ravenholdt. At best I went to one random bar rp then and while it was ok, never been my cup of tea.

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The best way to watch Orgrimmar is to be as close to it as possible.

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Oh, okay!! See, this would be a much better starting point that trying to trade a base for a whole faction.

But this won’t go over well for your diplomat RP either, because now you’re trying to trade one base for several in Ashenvale. I would suggest starting your RP diplomatic treaty negotiations with either a single Horde camp in Ashenvale (Splintertree or the one in the ruined night elf camp would probably be equivalent trade), or the withdrawal of Alliance bases in the Southern Barrens in addition to Tirigard.

I hope the RP works out for you, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!!


Then Horde will have to have Tirigarde Keep forever keep watch over them. Sounds fun.

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Welcome to a public, or open air, conversation. These sorts of things tend to be a group affair. In the event you were looking for a more private sort of conversation, might I recommend discord or perhaps the chats and groups features of the app?

Hi, just getting your attention.

Breathe… it’ll be ok.


Still my fav mocha elf just so ya know. Hugs

But yeah, don’t let him get to ya, I know it can be annoying sometimes


Pft, I’m having fun. I enjoy helping Zerde work on his RP!!

Bad diplomat RP, very bad Zerde!! Diplomacy is all about negotiation. You cannot get anywhere if you refuse any negotiations!! The Horde diplomat RPer will just counter with “then the night elves will have to deal with their forests getting clearcut forever!!”

You do not want that. Work with them. Offer trades, offer equitable value.

You got this, I believe in you!!


Best I can do is offer a ham sandwich for a top tier cheese sandwich.

Or a pizza party for the besties on both sides. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Understood. :smile_cat:


And I am enjoying the détente of seeing the Horde forever complaining about Tirigarde Keep. Maybe the next time we have a world revamp it gets built up even bigger then before.

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This is a good start. We can even lay out some with Pineapple just to see what we’ve got to work with and as far as divides are concerned.

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Never had it. But I would be interested in trying it :blush:

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Yeah, I changed my mind, maybe diplomat RP just isn’t for you at all. A proper diplomat cannot be invested in seeing their opposite party upset.

All that will get you is more orcs cutting more trees in Ashenvale, and so far, the Horde’s proven they are very, very good at taking out night elf trees, while the entire Alliance isn’t so good at attacking Orgrimmar without the Horde helping them.

You might want to stick with Goldshire tavern RP.


But the point is to use the Horde as meat shields. To let them kill each other. Nothing better then seeing them spill each other blood while I give them a bit of meat as payment.

And its also proven to be very good at dying to night elven bows.

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