So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

At this point I’m surprised Blizzard hasn’t had the Alliance abandon it and then have it be occupied by pirates. Human pirates with a license to pillage mind you but pirates none the less.

That’d be worse. It’d be the Northrend situation all over again.

This particular argument is one of those very pedantic things (which is why I’m not getting involved – I can only argue on definition of meaning when it comes to magical tidal waves for so long before I leave to go chew my own arm off).

The entire incident was one event. It’s not like Jaina was thwarted, went home, calmed down, had a cup of tea, thought about it a bit, came to the conclusion that actually yes, she did want to drown Orgrimmar wholesale, turned around, came back, was thwarted, left, had another cup of tea, thought some more, squared up… then realized she didn’t actually want to murder everyone, she just wanted some crumpets with jam for her tea, actually.

But she made two attempts in the space of one incident, so if you want to maximize your “Jaina is mean” scorecard, you obviously score it as two. And if you want to minimize the “Jaina is mean” scorecard, it’s one and even that is doubtful because she never actually went through with it so there’s no way to tell if she could have changed her mind before literally murdering babies and worg puppies. It depends entirely how you parse it to support your favorite point of view and well.


I get that there are multiple ways of looking at it—though I obviously think some make more sense than others—but I want to push back against the idea that I “want to maximize the ‘Jaina is mean’ scorecard.” I actually preferred Jaina when she was friendly to the Horde and have no interest in making her out to be as bad as possible.

And while it’s true that she didn’t calm down and have a cup of tea between attempts, she did have an argument with Thrall in which he raised some points for her to consider, like the fact that there were children in Orgrimmar. Those points failed to change her mind.

I’m pretty sure I’d count this as two attempts even if we were talking about a Horde character trying to wipe out an Alliance city.


I mean, it’s all in how you want to break it down.

If you had Tyrande dueling Sylvanas and they’re both hopped up on the POWAH, and Tyrande takes a few swings at Sylvanas before she grabs her by the neck and starts choking her, do each of those swings count as an attempt at necrocide or is it just a single (stupid) event?

Depends in how you want to view it. I would basically parse it as a single chunk of rising action, with separate events in it.

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Is Sylvanas giving reasons to Tyrande why she shouldn’t kill her in between each of the swings?

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I mean, I still can’t think of a good reason not to chunk Sylvanas during that whole thing and Elune is dumb and wrong.

But that’s just me.

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And if she’s using her glaives, then you double them because they have double blades.

I am 100% serious about this, stop thinking I’m joking, okay??


so much murderizing


Never thought this thread would blow up so hard. I should use it to promote the discord.

After being banned for calling out the Mods on MMO Champion Mace dropped another banger today:

"Anyone playing through the storyline has to be either blind or a total horde elf fanatic to miss how big a gaping hole ignoring the night elves is for the Nightborne.

Horde elf fans are so quick to tell everyone else that night elves have nothing in Suramar aren’t interested and Nightborne and blood elves love each other so much they are practically married and are practically the same people, all too completely avoid , anything of the kaldorei - which haven’t disappeared from the city or the Nightborne nor been explained away and could actually be a far more significant factor and should be if you go by the history, the 7.0 quests and events and the significance of Suramar to the Darnassians and the key characters of the night elves. Suramar is more significant to the night elven Highborne, the night elven priesthood and the night elven faction, it’s got more lore and history for the night e lves than Darnassus has - there is a weightiness on Suramar in connection to the night elves on the alliance that supercedes that of the night elves on the horde and makes ignoring them or pretending it’s no longer relevant potentially a mistake.

No matter what iteration I can come up of, I cannot ever think of Silvermoon without high elves and void elves and Suramar not involving night elven Darnassians - I think it’s a bad move."

Wow this thread certainly did entertained me for some hours thank you alynsa and cursewords for being a bacon of light in this forgotten forum.

With that said. ( i know i’m late but)
A good example of how cursewords is right is simple:
If you tried to press a button but someone stop you and 5 seconds later you try again, its too tentatives, two tries,
Look at our raids if you pull the boss and wipe that counts as one try, if you pull the boss again in next minute, It will count as another try, not the same as the previous one.
It is rather a simple concept that
Each try is its own singular event, so in the case of jaina
Her MOTIVATION was one( to annihilate azer…orgrimmar), her PREPARATION was one, but the attempts was 2, each attempt was carried by the water elementals condensed into that tsunami aimed at orgrimmar.
So yeah she did attempt to destroy orgrimmar and everyone within it 2 times.
Only by external force( thrall and kalec) that she was stoped and saw reason, but until that she did sent two waves, she would have done it, alone she would never have come to reason, so alone jaina would have fulfilled her wish of wiping out orgrimmar.
( Edit: I know i’m raining on wet floor but I had to say it)


In your raid analogy, though, it’s two tries at the same boss.

Like it’s two tries at the same objective (that was never carried out). Not separate…

Yeah, okay, I’m off to get some ketchup for that arm but it really is in how you want to parse it.

You are welcome!! I am always happy to entertain people with my expert elite kickball skills.


Alliance bias is evergreen - this is a great example of it. And there isn’t much red meat for the slavering Faction War Dogs these days.

Some backwater fort at least has implications that might be interesting if one squints hard enough….

I find it strange that you would discuss such things.

We have enough rabid nutso Night Elf Forum Posting Alts (NEFPA) over here - why would you hold that insane rant in your brain to share it.

Yes, Alliance Partisans post their gibberish across the internet. I can’t imagine why one would want to carry such a dump from one website over to this one.

There is nothing more Holy than Bacon of Light


Cursewords here on my Alliance Pally.

You might be surprised at how often people whisper “I thought your name was Blazedbacon!”

I think it is a sign… of bacon.


I too am an Alliance Paladin, and none shall ever guess whose alt I happen to be!!

My name is very clever and gives nothing at all away.


I admit I read it as BlazedBacon at first too. So all hail the glorious blazing bacon :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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Oh no! Its you again, cemeronina! The king of trolls, denona biggest nemesis!

Yeah my grammar and phrasing may be somewhat strange when things get a bit complex, english is not my mother language.

But what I meant was to give an example on how blessed baco… cursewords is right.

A try/ tentative/ attempt are singular events and time does not play a role on how you quantify those attempts.


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My point is that it is breaking up one incidence of rising action into two seperate efforts to maximize “points”. But the entire thing is still only one chunk of action. Incomplete action, at that.

Ironically, this is my most played pally. I do have a human lurking up there for heritage, but I put more time into Niok lately.

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