So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

Nonsense. The book spells them out as two distinct events. One and then another.

One event follows the previous event. Two.

Your only reason to suggest that 2 events are somehow just 1 event is that the span of time is too fast for the processing speed of your mind to grasp…. however, not everyone is so limited.

It certainly matters, since the first one was meant to finish the job. Thrall thwarted it. So she sent a second attempt.

Two things happening are two things, even if they happen too fast for a simple minded person to grasp.

She sent a second wave after the first because the first was thwarted.

It is called a chain of events.


Tell me what the length of time is between the waves.

Since you are the one that is definitive that it happened so fast, it was one event, you should back your position. I am not here to do your homework for you.

And yet you don’t even know the length of time. It just felt fast to you… the still words on the page were moving too fast for you, so it is just one event in that head of yours…

Meanwhile, my position is the two events are distinct regardless of the length of time. Whether it was 30 seconds or 10 minutes in between.

The length of time between them is irrelevant. It is still two, one after the other, in a chain of distinct events.


So you don’t know what the length of time is. I’m not going to argue your position for you.

You don’t have to, you proved your ignorance and that you can’t back up your claim.

It was all just too fast for the speed of your brain… so it is one event to you… the still words on the page moved too fast for you to comprehend.

You claim it was too fast and all one event… but you can’t even say the time span. Just like you can’t add 1 + 1.

The lore and canon says she attempted once, Thrall thwarted it, and she attempted again - two attempts.

I am glad you proved your utter ignorance, and can’t even defend your position on the amount of time it took.


30 seconds is too short a time frame to say they are distinct events.

You’re proving your own ignorance. Give me book excerpts and page citations showing when these separate attempts happened. If you can’t do that, I will assume that you haven’t read the book and are making a disingenuous argument.

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What physics class did you learn that from? Novels aren’t some turn based game with 30 second breaks between events…. more than one event can happen in 30 seconds….

I am not surprised your lack of understanding goes beyond reading and math.

You already acknowledged she sent two separate waves, one after the other. Right here :

You have a hard time following that one event follows the other in a chain of events.

You don’t disagree with the number of genocidal waves she sent - you just think the time span is so fast, it turns 2 into 1 somehow.

Your argument is that two does not equal two… Your argument falls on its own face. Fitting.

If you need a citation for 1+1 = 2, assumptions is all you have.


The premise of your argument is wrong and you won’t give evidence to support your side or disprove mine. You are simply making an unprovable statement that isn’t backed by anything but your opinion. I think I’m done with this.


My premise is she sent two waves… the premise you agreed with …

Each wave was its own distinct attempt at genocide, and there were two waves - that is two attempts.

Whether they happen in 5 seconds or 5 minutes. Two events can be distinct, even if your mind can not process them.

You say it is all “too fast to be more than one event” but you can’t say the time span…

Way to call yourself out.

Other posters acknowledge as much - even you did :

My “opinion” was a statement you acknowledged as true.

Good. While watching you disagree with yourself when proven wrong was a hoot, and watching you fail at math and reading was good for a laugh…. I have been neglecting my WoW chores just to watch you vomit hilarious contradictions.

“There were two but two are really one if it happens so fast I can’t comprehend!”

Way to be.


The argument isn’t about there being two waves. The argument is about two waves meaning two events. It is not. It is one.


That isn’t an argument, that is just wrong. Two distinct events are simply two distinct events. One after the other.

They are described narratively as occurring one after the other.

The second one comes as a result of the failure of the first. A chain of events. Not a single event.

It is a totally incorrect premise that two separate events that follow each other in time and causation are some how one event. Especially when one comes after the other because the first was unsuccessful.


You’re just wrong about this.


Not according to even yourself earlier, you acknowledge there are two waves. The span of time does not reduce the amount of waves she sent, whether it was 5 seconds or 5 minutes.

Two waves, both distinct and separate - and one coming after the other - are two distinct events, and two separate attempts.

2 does not just turn into 1 because your mind is too slow to comprehend multiple events in a brief period.


No you are.


Uh uh, you are!

No, both of you are wrong and I am right. I am prettier, therefore right. Pretty = correct.


Something alliance bias.

Yes. She actually said more or less those exact words to Thrall when he reminded her that drowning Orgrimmar would mean killing baby orcs.


You’re right, of course, about how it was presented in the game. I believe Alynsa’s point is that if Sylvanas were in the Alliance, Zerde would claim she allowed time for evacuation.

Monthly reminder that the idea about Thrall choosing the location of Orgrimmar as penance is a retcon twice over. The very, very first explanation was that it reminded the orcs of their homeland. Later that was changed to the idea that Thrall wanted the orcs to concentrate on building a life for themselves in a difficult (but not impossible) land so that they wouldn’t have spare time to think about mischief. It’s only around the time Garrosh shows up that the writers started pushing the idea that penance was the big reason.

You’re talking about racial (or societal) remorse, not racial guilt. They’re different things.

Racial/societal remorse comes from within. Racial guilt is projected on you from outside.

Zandalar was pretty darn cool, but do give the Alliance zones a try sometime. Drustvar at least is a must-see, and Tiragarde Sound isn’t bad either. (Stormsong Valley is kind of a mess, though, so you can safely skip that. At most, check out the “pirate treasure” questline in Deadwash, because Moxie Lockspinner is a delightful NPC.)

Jaina twice made the decision to act and pulled the “trigger.” That counts as two attempts in my book. The amount of time in between them is irrelevant. She still made two separate decisions, and Thrall even gave her new points to consider in between the first and second one.


You get me! You really, really get me!!
