So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

No he was not. For the hundredth time now.

Find a actual quote where the Celestials find Garrosh guilty of genocide and explicitly use the word

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You are. Denying it doesn’t change the fact. It just means you’re lying about lying.

Again, you don’t have the skills to be a manipulator. You’re not going to convince me of a lie by insisting it isn’t one.


Whatever you say Gaslighter.

That word doesn’t mean what you think it means


To quote my favorite liar.

“No I’m not, you are.”


Think I’ll leave these here… not that anyone, especially someone who should, will actually read them.


You’re welcome. Always happy to keep you in check while giving you the attention you need.

:blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blue_heart:


Couldn’t resist and I needed a chuckle :dracthyr_crylaugh:


The only check needed is on your ego.

No, not really. But it’s okay if you tell yourself that.



The amount of waves doesn’t change how many attempts it was. That’s like saying Sylvanas attempted genocide however many times they shot catapults at Teldrassil. Jaina didn’t leave then come back, the second wave happens immediately after the first. It’s one event.


Yes, it does.

She sent one wave, that is one attempt. It was stopped by Thrall.

After that was halted - she sent another. A second attempt.

I don’t mind spelling out such elementary facts to people repeatedly. Facts that are literally spelled out in books - because it is hilarious to see people some how pretend that 2 does not equal 2.

Your point would make sense if the attempts were blocked and thwarted - then it would have been more attempts.

However, from the first volley, the catapult shots were not thwarted once, until they just got bored. It was a single attempt.

Bad example. Tyrande wasn’t blocking shots like a WNBA player or anything. She was gone before the first catapult launched.

Almost like there were two…

at some point ( hopefully after you typed out the words “first” and “second” ) you might be able to count up to the number two.


There are two waves. These waves happen within a short time frame. One event. Two waves does not equal two events.

If the catapults were blocked but then shot again immediately afterwards that would still be one attempt at burning down Teldrassil. The tree did not catch on fire with the first catapult shot.

You are living in conjecture and nonsense. I am discussing the canon.

Using your example, Sylvanas’s attempt was not thwarted, and was one attempt.

Jaina’s first attempt was thwarted, so she attempted a second time, and that was also thwarted.

Yes - two distinct events are two distinct events. Boy howdy, the concept of two seems to be too hard for people. (That is a different kind of “too” for those having a hard time)

Event one - one genocide attempt - blocked.

Another event is the second genocide attempt.

You act as if multiple events are singular just because it happens within a time frame you feel is small…. no. More than one event can happen over a short period of time.

As evidenced by the two distinct genocide attempts Jaina performed in a small amount of time.


Thwarting something just to have someone try again seconds later is not two events. By your logic the first catapult launch would’ve been The Attempted Burning Of Teldrassil, then whatever impact caused the fire would be The Burning Of Teldrassil. There is not Attempted Drowning Of Orgrimmar 1 and Attempted Drowning Of Orgrimmar 2.

To say things that happens within seconds of each other are two different things is nonsense. If I shoot at someone and miss twice, that’s not two cases of attempted murder, it’s just one. It doesn’t matter how many waves she sent, Jaina only ever tried to drown Orgrimmar once. Sylvanas only ever tried to catch Teldrassil on fire once. These are both one time attacks.


Incorrect. Two events are two events. If the first one is thwarted, and a second one occurs because the first one failed, that is two events.

You seem to understand two waves happening, but not that two distinct events are two distinct events.

Even if two attempts happen in a brief amount of time, they are two. Some fault in your mind seems to think 2 = 1 if the 2 happen quickly…

There is. It is in the book.

Maybe you didn’t understand the simple words on the page that spell out two distinct attempts. Maybe you can’t add or count past 1. Maybe reading and math both decided to leave your brain, because the rest of the stuff in there creeped them out…

Jaina attempts to drown Org with a wave and it is stopped by Thrall.

You acknowledge that she sent a second wave after. Think about that if the concept isn’t beyond you…. AFTER the FIRST, came a SECOND

Simply reading the words Blizzard helpfully put down for you, or adding a first attempt with the second one that comes after… (1 + 1 = 2) proves you wrong.


Just because there are two of one thing does not mean there is two of everything else. Your head is so far up your rear that your brain isn’t working. You are suffering from something called Dunning-Kreuger Syndrome. Or maybe perhaps you’re bring willfully disingenuous.

You don’t have to call me a creep just because you’re losing an argument.


There are two waves.

Both waves were sent with the intent to wipe out Horde civilians.

One wave was thwarted, so a second wave was sent, and it was also thwarted.

Each wave was an attempt of genocide on the Horde. A separate and distinct event, where one followed the other.

1 attempt followed by 1 attempt = 2 attempts

That might be how you pose yourself to post - and it shows because you can’t add 1 + 1. I am discussing the actual canon in the book. Where two distinct attempts are made.

I can be right about 1+1 = 2, and point out that Math and Reading clearly didn’t want to be involved in that mess of a thought process you got going on - I can’t blame them.


The waves happened in too short a timespan to be called two events.

It doesn’t matter how many waves, it’s all one act. These are not separate events.