So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

Can we not do this? That term is a specific form of personal abuse, and it’s pretty distasteful to try and smack someone with it over an internet game argument.


Yes, I even mentionex that earlier. That the night elves do have some guilt in what their queen did. The draenei, not so much because they left/truly had no choice(unlike the orcs) and considering Anduin said Arthas was one of its “ghost” he is one of the Alliance greatest sins

She is literally calling me a liar and manipulator.

Nah, not really. If it were, I wouldn’t be the one accused of it by numerous people.

That’s all you, Zerde.

Which has nothing to do with racial guilt.

I get that you don’t know what the phrase means, but at least give it a search.

Correction: I’m only calling you a liar. You lack the skill to be a manipulator.


Other than the part where they chose to leave the more primitive race to fend for themselves against the interstellar threat that they lead right to them?

Well, you aren’t helping your case here by turning a statement about how you manipulate lore to fit your meanings into calling you a manipulator, which is more of a thing about treating people.


You want to hold people accountable what their families did 300 years ago. That holds no water in any law system.

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Again they literally could do nothing else except run. If someone was being chased by a gun wielding maniac, I am gonna blame the gun wielder and not the person running.

Again, why not ask her to stop? If you are so concerned. Regardless, if she keep insulting me I am not one to particularly let her continue.

Have all you got left is insults?

I want them to at least hold their governments accountable to blatant lies. No one is being sent to court for racial guilt.

Racial guilt got the Horde in this bad situation because Thrall couldn’t musteer the guts to settle the Orcs somewhere where they wouldn face starving and drought all the time. It is the worst thing imagiable. Get your american centrism out of here. Outside america no one cares about european colonialism.

I will side eye someone who doesn’t mention there’s a gun wielding maniac looking for them if you’re crashing on someone’s couch without asking for a while before they find you.

Because she’s commenting on the way you twist around the lore to only see what you want to see, not claiming you’re mentally abusing anyone here.


I’m not insulting you when I point out you are a liar, Zerde. I’m stating facts. It is a fact you have lied, and I’ve pointed your lies out as they came. It is a fact that you have misrepresented the lore, which I’ve also pointed out as have others. It is also factual that you have misrepresented my words, which has also been called out.

These are not insults. If facts are insulting to you, that is on you.

I’ll gladly continue to engaging in a discussion with you, but expect me to continue pointing out your lies as they come up.


Or their nation.

Just adding.

The only thing close to a “genocide” that the orcs did was during the first horde period, and It was the draenei, and that was just 4d manipulation by kil jaeden.

The horde did burn Teldrassil later which started the whole 4th war, and I think that counts as genocide attempt as well.

You don’t attribute the sins of the fathers to their sons, or their praises.


Me watching this embarrassing situation with Zerde. He’s really letting some of his ugly beliefs out for everyone to see.


I feel like if that term hadn’t been used it may not have come up organically. It would be a disaster, a horrific act by the horde, but more people might not have gone to the idea that this was an active attempt to eradicate the night elves. But that whole plotline has so many massive logical holes poking through it I just feel it’s almost pointless to try and fit it in with the rest of the story.


Wasn’t it labeled a genocide in a tweet by Golden no less?

Think she had Tyrande call it that in one of the stories


Yeah, I agree.

Like, the word here is iffy, i mentioned it is considered genocide because it was used that word by the devs, but when you think about it.

Sylvanas wasnt targetting teldrassil because they were night elves, nor was it because they worshipped elune, or because they were purple.

The war was based on the fact that Darnassus was the Alliance seat of Power in Kalimdor, and Sylvanas herself just wanted to increase the number of killed people.

We dont know how much of Night Elf culture and people died at that, but it was a considerable ammount, so even if the specific intent wasn’t gwtting rid of night elves, they ended up taking a huge hit in their numbers.


Oh right. Outside of Zandalar questing, which was a blast, I just sort of blanked most of BfA from my mind. Never even did it alliance side. :fox_face:

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You should do it. BFA questing is legit amazing on the alliance side.

Specially the zones.

It’s hard to do BfA alliance side after how amazing Zandalar was questing wise. It had some of the best characters.

War Druid Loti is my personal favorite, besides Talajani and good ol’ Bwom and Rakastan that is :fox_face:

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Yes your are insulting me because no I am not lying.

And you are all twisting the lore to suite your own position. Like i dont think it would be unreasonable to consider burning Stormwind down as genocide, it would fit our normal definition of said criteria. Again,Garrosh himself was accused of genocide.

I think a big chunk of the problem is squaring the RTS lore with the rest of the game. Especially the first two the writing was basically there to link the big awesome battles together. And the games were there for people to fight big awesome RTS battles in without really thinking of the costs that big battles have in a realistic view.

So now we have to deal with fitting in lore from a time where the games were all about big RTS battles into a more RPG setting where we see more of the personal stakes in these things. And then that’s not helped when some devs go “Wooo, WC2 was so metal, let’s do that in wow because they’re totally the same type of stories!”