So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

Okay so he was racist for things that had nothing to do with orcs and if, theoretically he continued to feel the way he felt about orcs but did not feel any negative or discriminatory feelings to any other races but orcs he wouldn’t be racist right?


It had everything to do with orcs. He despised anyone that wasn’t human. The fact that these alien invaders were taking their planet’s land probably hardened it more. A group that not too long ago bled fel and burned their towns, still existed. He straight up hated everyone that wasn’t human just for existing.


Can you cite your sources on this? CTRL + F for his page on wowpedia doesn’t yield anything for elves, gnomes, or dwarves (execpt for a minor non-canon exerpt about him resenting the wildhammer for only sending a token force to assist him).

I’m willing to change my mind but as of right now it seemed like he only hated orcs and hated them because of what they did only 16 years ago, him refusing to forgive them or even believe that their children who weren’t alive or old enough to participate in the first and second war wouldn’t do the same thing isn’t enough for him to be racist.


Honestly I’m surprised that there are no embassies. But then it would be even harder to justify faction conflict since most of the time it’s just a miscommunication issue.


Blizz can simply justify pvp and battlegrounds by calling them War Games instead. And both sides are simply keeping their militaries in top shape for the next big world ending threat


Honestly, that sounds like a War Crime in the making for the next “ebul Warchief” to look metal.

“Oh there is an Alliance embassy in Org? We want the Horde to be Maximum Ebul?”

With all due respect to the dead, Blizzard would make the Kashoggi incident canon, if the Horde had an embassy for the Alliance.


Are we talking about Daelin? Because aside from races allied to the orcs he never once harbored any true racist tendency toward the non humans. I dont even recall him having much of an interaction with the other races to be honest.

Also, one would assume Boralus was about the same as it was during the time he was alive so one would assume he let people of different races trade with his city.


Wait. I combined him with the dude from the blood elf campaign in wc3

Now we are getting somewhere. I dont know where but its somewhere.


Ah yes Tiragarde. That one’s real dumb. I have no idea why they doubled down on it being an active military outpost in Exploring Kalimdor instead of just letting people roll with the (much more sensical) idea that it had been abandoned again after BFA but the change wasn’t visible by virtue of the ingame world map not reflecting the reality of the current lore. Cuz like… how exactly do you justify the Alliance keeping an active garrison 10 minutes away from the Horde capital in a post-Fourth War world ???

…Bah. Exploring Azeroth stuff. This whole series is big a question mark.


You could say that about Ashenvale. Like the Horde should have finally been pushed out of the damn place.

Regardless, aside from the Kalimdor one I generally enjoyed the series. It doesnt help the Kalimdor one doesnt have a gay character in it but oh well, that is just another knock to it


Which order would you recommend me getting them in? I have pandaria, I think.

Very different situations but we already discussed that to death in the past so yeah

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I mean for me EK, Pandaria, wrath. But that os my alliance bias talking. Really aside from Kalimdor they were all good. I actually dont totally hate the Kalimdor one but I wish it had been proof read/had things changed abit.

It helps these three actually had some world updates telling us some of the changes that have happened. The Kalimdor one kinda didnt have as much/or any.

I dont see the difference. You want the Alliance out of Horde lands. Sure as soon as the Horde does the same to Alliance ones.


Zerde the Warsong outposts are 2 (3 ?) zones away from the Nelves’ (former) capital

You can literally see Orgrimmar from Tiragarde lmao

I don’t even actually care about Tiragarde but yes it being currently active is dumb and there’s no arguing against this

They have some nice art but lorewise they were all largely worthless (when not actively stupid or inconsistent)
Hell I wanted ONE THING from Exploring Pandaria, I wanted it to update us on the Horde Hozen and Alliance Jinyu for the first time since MoP, and it didn’t even bother mentioning them, LMAO


Ashenvale is the heartland of the night elves. Like that was their former home as well as important, if not more important to the night elves as Durotar.

And the Horde still being in Ashenvale is as equally dumb. Like if I was Anduin any peace treaty would include them leaving the place.


Is the Nelves’ (and Alliance’s) capital located in Ashenvale just next to Warsong Lumber Camp Zerde

It is dumb, just not as dumb

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There’s a difference here that I don’t think you see.

Unless Astranaar is now the seat of Alliance power, Splintertree Outpost existing isn’t quite the same at all as Tiragard being on Orgrimmar’s front lawn. It’d be more like if the Horde took over Goldshire and made a base out of it, or that keep near Westfall.

I’d prefer the keep near Westfall. I’ve seen what you guys get down to in Goldshire, and there are no where near enough shaman-powered catapults to burn that taint away.


Took the words right out of my mouth… and laundered them for gentle ears.

Zerde, as usual, missing the forest for the trees.

There is no comparison, so he just bleats “Horde in Alliance land”


There is an Alliance base a stone’s throw from the Horde capital. (Like the stone’s throw that killed Anduin’s mommy). Not in just some allied kingdom’s zone, like Ashenvale.

If the Horde had a fortress in Elwyn Forest, that would be something to compare.


They don’t have a capital now. And in many ways Teldrassil is actually is less(or only equally important considering the night elves epilogue mentions how important all their settlements are) important lorewise due to the fact it wasn’t even their home for 10,000 years.

Both are just as dumb.

It be more like letting the Shatterspear, a tribe that did join the Horde and committed horrible attrocities to the night elves and as per Kalimdor book would aid the Horde again if requested, continue living near night elf lands. Which, shocker they apperently do again and the night elves allowed them to return! oh and look, you could probably see them from Teldrassil.

So yeah, don’t play like there are no comparisons here for it.