So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

It was a bunch of abandoned ruins when the high elves found it. Ashenvale still had kaldorei living there

Big difference buddy


Jania’s father Grand Admiral Daelin Proudmoore led his fleet from Kul Tiras to the shores of Durotar, and proceeded to wage renewed war against the orcs. The Admiral hastily constructed Tiragarde Keep as part of his offensive.

Tiragard keep was a hastly built settlement by the Kul Tirans to harass/keep tabs on the orcs fleeing human confinement.

“It’s always been there.” It didn’t have to be. There’s no logical reason why it still should be. It’s a foothold built by a racist to intimidate the newly liberated orcs, on thier settled land.


And the Horde has no business trying to colonize night elf land. The request is reasonable, leave night elf/Alliance lands and the Alliance leaves Horde/orc land.


Durotar is not night elf land. Durotar was a mostly uninhabited wasteland of quillboar and harpies.

Zerde answer me this, if the Night Elves are blessed with the power to grow trees, why did they not assist the orcs instead of the orcs having to take resources by force?


Amani land taken without asking. High elves had it coming. Anasterian, Igneaus and Thoradin are war criminals.


We are not building settlements or kicking the nelfs out. We just take wood and for some reason the nelves always treat it as an act of war. Which has no basis in any actually existing laws in real life on our world or any fanatsy franchise.

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And Ashenvale is. If you were following the conversation at all then you know what I want. The Alliance leave Horde land and the Horde does the same.

The answer is simply, they cant grow it anymore, at least not without major effort. For example, they gave the Alliance LOGGING RIGHTS, not even lumber, just logging right.

As mentioned by Malfurion, their power over nature has waned because they had to sacrifice Nodrassil.


“No lumber for you!” By the power of Nodrassil.

Yesdrassil for lumber.

Nodrassil for no lumber.

Big sad :frowning:


They should just put an alliance embassy in Orgrimmar.

When the Horde has continuously declared war on the Alliance it makes sense that there’s a military base to keep an eye on them. The US has military bases in Germany and Japan because of WW2.


You can prove that Ashenvale is fully settled? IF taht is the argument we will start making outposts everywhere where night elves aren’t problem solved.

No that is because they are allied and Germany takes part on their nuclear weapon program noit because they are occupied. Alliance and Horde only have a truce we are not allies. So it is clear that garrison is a fully fledged occupation forced meant to hold the Horde on a leash and humiliate them.

And Hirohito didn’t even Banshee Rocket away.


They keep it there so they have a reason for the Horde to start war against the Alliance again.

In all seriousness though, are we still taking Exploring Kalimdor as gospel? Like I’ve said before, I don’t like discounting lore books as non-canon, but it’s aggressively bad and contradictory to things. I’m convinced the author just flew through a bunch of Cata era zones and jotted that all down without a care for the timespan. With an added bonus of not thinking a trained troll shaman could read and write.


remember when alliance invaded durotar in siege of org but they didnt use the base that was already there and instead attacked the port and armed voljin


:roll_eyes: is that the lense you view the entire faction war under lol?

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It’s canon that he is a racist tho. Jaina even talks about it in bfa.


She can be wrong. Look at what the orcs did in the first and second wars, look at the orc ending for warcraft 2 which resulted in the wholesale extermination of humankind. There are a billion reasons for Daelin Proudmoore to hate orcs and the idea that his primary motivation is them not being human is terrible writing.

Maybe it is canon though idk these are the same people who wrote shadowlands so.


It’s canon that Daelin was a racist and a terrible human being. Even Katherine realizes that after she saves Jaina from thros.

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Yeah that’s why I said it was poor writing. But even with that being true his racism must have been him hating high elves or gnomes or someone else because the founding of durotar was 16 years after the end of the second war. That’s not a long amount of time, he had plenty of reasons to hate orcs.

It Daelin was racist it sure as hell wasn’t because he hated and distrusted orcs.


He’s been making these posts for at least a decade now, it doesn’t take a MA in psychology to know why he does this.

The Exploring books in general, I think shouldn’t really be valued that high. While they have some interesting side notes, they seem to just be a low effort cash grab. The devs can’t be bothered to update the game world, so they just write what is present gamewise into the book.

Why not cut down some of those Eversong trees? Surely that wood is vastly superior to anything in Ashenvale, right?


He was racist because he thought humans were the only ones that mattered. I don’t understand your point of view.