So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

Might want to actually READ and UNDERSTAND the quote you posted about Taran Zu. Because he DOES NOT mention genocide


Not in your quote. As you yourself clarified, nothing Taran said mentions genocide.

Failure, Zerde.

But no actually.


Iā€™ll go one better; at this point, Iā€™m not sure Zerde knows what words mean. Heā€™s really bad at them.

Like, all of them.



Either way, I canā€™t take someone serious who thinks racial guilt is okay.


Canā€™t bring up facts like Jaina is protected by infinite layers of plot armor. Like most alliance heroes.

Nothing more then empty trollish words. You should probably change race.

A degree of racial guilt would probably better for the world. Especially from nations that even now are supporting new genocides and new conflicts.

He mentiones genocide in his charges. And as per the intent of that trial, he was already guilt, it was more of what to do with Garrosh after.

Racial guilt is why Thrall is stupid and allows the Orcs to suffer in a craphole place of land. You should be thankful he threw his people into cold water instead of keep trying to get Lordaeron. Also this feels like you gaslight the west when places like Russia, China and oil rich nations do much worse.

No Zerde. It is never good, better or even remotely good sometimes for the world.

Thatā€™s like saying my ancestors who came to america in the late 1800s are responsible for slavery and the massacre of the natives the moment they became American citzens and everyone in our family before and afterwards should be found guilt of crimes they didnā€™t commit.

This is such a deeply deeply clown response, that you really should seek help for your issues

Citation and an actual quote needed because you donā€™t understand that words have meaning. Go get a actual quote of the celestials finding Garrosh of genocide


That is not what racial guilt is for. It is to remind you/certain that your ancestors did do these horrible and you should at the very least be concious of it, especially considering your government/institutions have never stopped their oppression.

No one is going to drag you to court for what your ancestors did years ago.

Thatā€™s exactly what racial guilt is. Nobody alive today is responsible for the crimes of their ancestors

Youā€™re a disgusting human being

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You are not responsible for it, but you do bear the weight of remembering that your anscestors did commit these henious acts and that you are indirectly benefiting from it.

Again, the verdict of the celestials was he would live. It was not a question of guilt. Everyone considered Garrosh guilty, the trial was about what to do with it.

I bear no weight, I wasnā€™t there and my ancestors are from Ireland and Italy. They had nothing to do with what happened here in america a hundred years ago. They didnā€™t even come here until well after the fact.

Go get bent

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IF you truly believe your ancestors were innocent then no need to feel guilty at all. Seems like your being overly defensive.

Yeah, that does sum up your diatribes very well. Empty words without meaning, because youā€™ll gladly lie, misrepresent and misinterpret for the sake of it, then pretend to forget your own arguments as soon as you accidentally disprove them.

If you understood anything about world events, youā€™d know the people supporting those conflicts are doing so because they already do believe in racial guilt.

Belief in racial guilt is literally the cause of more conflicts than a lack of belief in it.


You say this every time someone tells you a truth you donā€™t like hearing.


And does that hold true of all the races? The Night Elves from Azshara? The Draenei for what many of the Eredar became? Arthas for the humans?


No that is you, miss gaslighter.

Actually is because those nations dont have a guilty concience. Or more precisely there government do not and are willing to sweep their past under the rug as much as possible.

Heā€™s a racist and actually believes people alive now, bear the burden of guilt for crimes that happened a hundred, or even a thousand years ago.

At this point, I wonder what other extremist views he holds. Because it sure does explain his need to keep the Alliance, based off Western European peoples, as morally pure as possible