So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

I would say I’m shocked by some of the comments, but I’ve played alliance long enough to know that some of those comments are not surprising.

There’s a lot players alliance side with some….we’ll call them Interesting Takes. The times I ran across it on the horde was pretty rare, but they really stand out because that’s how rare it is from players on that side.

In my experience anyway


I am sure it causes them actual pain knowing alliance don’t have Suramar and Silvermoon right now.


For real though.

I’m at the point where I’m thinking I might need to talk to a professional, because I’m really starting to lean in Erevein’s direction on some things.

Not like “WC I & II Horde is best Horde,” but like… Some of the other stuff.

Like, why keep bothering to be rational and seeing both sides of this whole thing if I’m gonna have to deal with whitewashing Alliance fankids who cover their eyes and ears whenever they hear that things aren’t all black and white. Maybe it’s time to embrace the cringe and just go full Red Team Ultrapatriot to counter the Blue Team Zealotry?

I could never though, but I’ll be damned if some people make me think it’d be fun.


Suramar doea hurt a bit, the questline to free it is so good.

No Alliance allied race had the buildup Suramar and the Nightborne did.

Also the fact that this is Tyrande’s birthplace.

And last, a small detail, I keep seeing people say the nightborne were former highborne, but suramar wasn’t a highborne city IIRC, those were just regular night elves before.

Anyways, besides hurting a bit, the Nightborne does make sense to be in the Horde, what doesnt make sense is them agreeing to help in the war of thorns, but thats another story.


Have you actual evidence and Nightborne NPC was part of the army attacking the night elves? Also just like Mechagnomes they were neutral and it was actual active work to make them join one side. Blood elf gave a branch and Thalyssra accepted it. Erazmin because “We gnomes gotta stick together.” And its an excuse for Blizzard not to put work in for like stuff like forest trolls or ogres. Actual stuff people demanded all the time.


Well, it was a big city with a large population including highborne and regular lowborn kaldorei. During legion blizz said it was “Once a shining symbol of Highborne society”.
I chalk current Suramar to be pretty much just the highborne areas that were protected by Elisande and her followers. Since it does not look like how the city is described in books and in the new retcon it says that most of the city sank beneath the sea instead of the old that the whole thing sank.

There are no allied races part of the war of thorns no, outside of player characters that is. I went through the NPCs when it was current.


Hey just like Jaina!

She actually tried and failed to commit genocide twice. She launched two attacks on Orgrimmar, fully attempting to commit genocide twice - but Thrall stopped the attacks.

She changed her mind afterward - but she still attempted 2 genocides.

And that is without her ethnic cleansing of Dalaran….

Even just One Character in the Alliance already has more attempted genocides than the entire Horde, by your count.


The tidal wave and what else?

Not just A tidal wave. She sent two tidal waves. One after the other failed. Both had to be stopped by Thrall.

Two attempts that were foiled.


This sounds like the suramar cinematic, but there it is called the jewel of the “night elf empire” or something like that.

Though I’m not sure if this is what you mean. But I recall WOTA lore stating the highbornes all lived closer to the well, in Zin azshari, with Suramar not being that.

I don’t, and if they weren’t in the war of thorns. Since i started in bfa i could not exactly play the event and the footage of it on the web isnt the best.

But, they were part of the Horde during those events.

So was Baine - but Saurfang and Sylvanas made it a point not to inform him of the details of their plan. The two of them kept their plans close to their vests. It seems not many of the Horde racial leaders were even aware of the plan to invade kaldorei lands.

Well at least you back pedaled from “agreeing to help in the war of thorns” to simply “being in the Horde.”

It reminds me of that line Blizzard removed from Thalyssra, where she intoned she would be down for a fight with the kaldorei. Something about testing her skills in Ashenvale.

She still gets lumped in and blamed by some Alliance partisans, anyway. Blizz should have left the line in - at least Alliance partisans would have something real to be riled about, instead of making stuff up.


I forgot about that.

The thing about nightborne participating in the WOTA, or being ok with it, is that, even if not on the best terms, they did help free Suramar.

Yes, the same can be said about Mechagnomes, but mechagnomes Joined the alliance after the war was over.

Is not something deep though, They joined the horde and the horde went to War. It just looks weird.

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Making stuff up is part of the hardcore alliance fanboy playbook though. That and justifying…Stuff we will call it, long as it doesn’t affect their precious alliance


Thrall didnt stop it. Or more preciselt Jaina decided to stop on her own. And id also point out, while never explicitly called it, bombing Theramore could be considered its own successful genocide.

You mean after the Horde helped steal a weapon of mass destruction/something they were going to use to kill off all the Alliance?

Will be fun to revisit all this again in a few month thanks to Chronicles.

Thrall had to talk her down both times.

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You need to brush up on your lore - Thrall stopped her two attempts at genocide.

She launched a wave to genocide the Horde - Thrall foiled her attempted genocide.

She then attempted genocide for a second time - and Thrall stopped that attempt.

After stopping her two attempts at genocide, Thrall was spent and could not handle the next attack - but she decided not to try a third attempt.

So yeah - Thrall stopped two of her attempts at genocide.

Wrong again - just like when you said Tess wasn’t part of the Uncrowned.

You are losing your lore marbles, Zerde. At least base your positions on canon.

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And Jaina did not listen to him.

oh and I just checked warcrimes, Garrosh was accused of Genocide as well. And we know the trials already considered him guilty. And it wasn’t attempted genocide he was charged, it was actual genocide.

And ultimately it was her holding back. She could have killed Thrall, and she might have if Kalec didn’t show up. It was her choice not to step off the edge and Thrall’s word didn’t do anything. If anyone truly stopped her it would be Kalec.

You seem to miss the fact that Jaina launched two waves to destroy Org and Thrall stopped them.

She attempted genocide twice - she launched two separate waves. Thrall stopped the waves she sent.

She finally stopped trying to commit genocide after her two attempts were stopped by Thrall. Just because she failed twice and changed her mind before a third attempt doesn’t erase that she did attempt twice.


She did not stop actually. And she was about to kill a defenseless Thrall trying to hold the wave back until Kalec showed up. So Thrall at best slowed down Jaina long enough for Kalec to arrive.

Thrall stopped the first two waves she sent. He couldn’t handle more.

Um, she isn’t still sending waves Zerde. She stopped.

She tried twice, was foiled by Thrall twice, and changed her mind about it after the two failed attempts.

That is just the lore fact.