So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

Again what are you referring to?

It’s legitimately funny that you expect Thrall to know the full inner workings of the heirarchies of the human kingdoms and work with them, but you think it is too far a stretch for Daelin to know a single thing about the Camps. That women and children exist among the orcs, and that since there weren’t any axe-weilding babies on the battle field, maybe orcs are not born evil.

You really do have a very low standard for the Alliance. Are you sure you’re a fan of them?


The stuff with trolls. Most alliance fans believe all Horde people are combatants by default.

I expect Daelin to not have cared because he lost his son.

Hey, better standard than the Horde any day of the week.

You are not being specific enough. I dont even recall Maiev ever dealing the trolls, or the dark irons for that matter.

Dakirons summoned Ragnaros. Maiev murdered many Highborne and tried the same with Malfurion.

Not at all. You’re expecting orcs to be far more mentally capable than any human. You’re expecting someone like Thrall to be more morally sound than any Alliance leader. It’s like you put the Horde on some pedestal, while being proud of the Alliance for at least only being a little racist today.

By any standard, you’re holding the Horde to a much higher moral character than the Alliance.


Can we go back to the original topic? Don’t want this thread to be locked.

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Personally I wouldnt have minded killing Maiev if for no other reason that because she wanted to get the night elves to leave the Alliance. Having said that blizzard more or less handwaved it and said she was not in her proper mental state.

As for the Dark Irons, their king was killed by Ragnaros and they spend 600 years or so enslaved. They paid for that foolishness a hundred fold.

Again, being a little racist is better then trying to rebuild a genocidal war machine.

I am holding them to a higher moral standard because their moral debt needs it to even get close to being paid.

And another case of bias. Horde leaders get killed. Aliance ones are being excused. Being Horde in WOW is a death sentence no matter who is in charge.

As I said Erevien if we had a Maiev raid I would have supported it 100% because after Wolfheart I never particularly liked Maiev.

If this was true Sylvanas’s head would be on a pike right now and not on a path to redemption.

What? She is in super hell for all eternity right now as part of her punishment. At the same time all sons of Lothar and Jaina are scott free.

Genocide was over the moment Mannoroth died. Nobody thought Blizzard would be stupid enough to repeat old Horde stupidity twice just to get the message across that you should kill your own until the alliance is willing to be nice again.

Man you should come to MMO CHampion. Alliance partisans need reinforcements.

I agree. It’s a good thing nobody was trying to rebuild a genocidal war machine.

That leaves only your pet racist.

Thank you for admitting that. We can move forward now that you’ve admitted you expect the Horde to have a higher moral character than the Alliance.


And I’ll smirk as they keep failing and the Alliance proves to be morally better then them.

Except that is what was rebuilt. A genocidal army that thus far had attempted two genocides.

Correction attempted 1 genocide and suceeded on the second attempt.

The Horde was rebuilt, correct.


The Alliance has morally stagnated from their WCIII days. The Horde has fluctuated, but current day shown more growth than ever before. Now they can admit their mistakes and make changes to ensure those mistakes are not repeated.

The Alliance can’t. They just ignore 90% of their mistakes and remain unchanging.

I can see why you like them.


That what happens when you build one side being better by default. No other MMO does this.

Two, Garrosh’s failed world domination/world genocide and Sylvanas’ genocide of The night elves.

If anything the current Alliance has grown and proven that as long as you are not out to kill them they are quite ok with burying the hatchet. Hell, the Horde isnt even the only faction for the misfits anymore with the Alliance embracing even literal demons and are willing to give them second chances.

As for the Horde, it has repeated its mistakes. Maybe third time will be the charm and they wont go all genocidal, time will tell.

Same as night elves. They did worse yet you love them.

Not a genocide, nor an attempted genocide. At best, a hypothetical plan to eliminate all of his enemies which in an unrealized, possible future could have led to genocide. That’s a nothingburger.

So one.

Not even a little bit. They’re the same people they were at the end of WCIII: Willing to forgive as soon as a world-ending threat is defeated.

They have stagnated.

So, like when Jaina was making nice with the orcs back in WCIII, because the Alliance has never been against working with former enemies?

Nothing new. Just stagnation. Still only owning 10% of their mistakes and not learning from them.

Not really tho.

All Garrosh had to do was say “let’s go kill the Alliance” and everyone signed off on it.

Sylvanas had to actually manufacture proof and come up with a vague, long-term goal to convince people to follow her, and it started fraying at the edges right from the start. Hell, while Garrosh got the Horde to follow him through his campaigns in Cataclysm and half of MoP before a rebellion started up, the rebellion against Sylvanas was beginning much quicker.

And when the Horde saw the flaw, that a singular warchief was the problem, they immediately resolved the problem.

This isn’t repeating the same mistakes. It’s making the fiorst mistake, then a whole different mistake the second time, finding the common denominator, and fixing the overarching problem.


After reading this latest conversation……all I can say that I Really Really dislike hardcore alliance fanboys. They’re so cringe with the garbage they’ll defend/justify as long as it doesn’t harm their faction.

Vulpera druids when so I can move?


Wanna cringe hard?