So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

A threat of sharp pointy sticks if they leave. Although honestly, thanks to the Lethargy they might not even react much at all.

Terenas might have changed his mind if were to actually see a orc actually behave/try and parley with him, not to mention promise to reduce the burden of the prisons. I would also point out Thrall was fairly sneaky with his other raids like the one to save Etrigg.

Right. The actual fighting force against women and children with pointy sticks.

You’re hilarious.

It’s like you forgot that Thrall then used the people he rescued to free the other camps. Using the soldiers he freed. Proving the lethargy wasn’t stopping them from fighting.

Why? He’s already fine with women and children suffering imprisonment for the crime of their race. Why would Thrall think being able to talk would be the thing to change Terenas’s mind?

You’re reaching so very, very hard just to force extra guilt on Thrall, and it’s outright funny from the guy who believes in justifiable genocide.


He still had his forces from the Frostwolf clan and hopefully Warsong. After rereading parts of Lord of the Clan, I am actually certain those trapped orcs wouldn’t have fought back/not actually try and escape without encouragement.

Only after he actually freed them and gave them hope. Freeing them was helping weaken said lethargy. As per Doomhammer himself “if a pig loves her stall, the open door means nothing.” Being reminded of the ways of the shaman was breaking the lethargy.

Hope for an actually better tomorrow? I mean, that is literally what we have all done is risk everything for a chance at peace. Why couldn’t Thrall have tried that first? Worse case he fails and Terenas would have been proven to be an old fool who approved of the abuse in the camps. But he didn’t and ultimately Thrall used violence to get his way, the same way Daelin tried to get his way.

After he escaped, along with the war criminals imprisoned with him.

That’s literally why he had to escape, along with everyone with him. Because what he’d seen of the Alliance was that a better tomorrow under them was impossible. They’re the ones who locked everyone up indiscriminately. They already established how much they cared about a better tomorrow for the orcs; not a whit.

No, worst case would be increased security, Thrall’s death, and any hope for a better tomorrow dying with him. If Terenas cared, he would have shown it already because he had plenty of time to do so.

Because the Alliance offered no alternatives. You’ve got hypotheticals. “What if he tried this, what if he tried that”.

What if the Alliance instead held trials for the imprisoned, seperated the guilty from the innocent, offered integration for the innocent or even a shot at their own new lives elsewhere, in a place nobody much cared about like the Badlands? What if the Alliance instead seperated the war criminals from the women and children instead of throwing everyone into whatever camp was convenient? What if the Alliance chose a better way?

Naw, Thrall was trying to save his people. Daenil wanted murder. These are not the same.


Daelin wanted to keep his people safe from a threat. A threat that ultimately came true.

No, the frostwolf clan were free, and we can actually say they never participated in the first and second war, the warsong was another matter.

He saw not every human was like Blackmoore. Had he tried to reach out to Terenas and avoided violence he might have seen reason.

Like that was what Antonidas wanted but again Lethargy and problems like Deathwing and the plague were cropping up!

Regardless, what we have is the true timeline, and in this true timeline Thrall has been as much a cause of the faction wars as he ever was the solution. Thrall kept choosing things that ultimately worsened the relations between the factions and instead of acting swiftly and decisively to bring peace, he did not and it gave Daelin time to reach Kalimdor and start the war. Hell, he turned a blind eye to Ashenvale for so long.

Except his stated reason was vengeance. You are lying here.

Thrall didn’t make contact with them until after he freed his camp. Try again.

And he saw every human in a position of power that could change things had chosen not to.

Then stop playing “what if” as soon as it becomes inconvenient.

There weren’t factions at that point. It was the orc survivors and escapees.

It’s adorable that you put the entire onus of making peace on Thrall alone. It shows how little you actually think of the Alliance that you don’t even consider that they could possibly ever have reached out to be the ones to start making amends. It shows how incompetent you find them to be that only Thrall could broker peace.


So just like Varadoc ad Mace. Only alliance fanboys get triggered by the mere existence of the other faction lol.

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He says he could not trust them. Yes vengenance was a part of it, but so was fear that the Horde would kill his people again.

Who’s lying now. He actually made contact with them first and learned shamanism in order to free the orcs.

So its ok for Thrall to stereotype and not Daelin? Because all Daelin ever saw from the Horde was death and destruction.

The Alliance wasnt the one who attempted genocide. The onus is on the victimizers, not the victims to attone for crimes.

Also, the Alliance is quite capable of making amends to people who actually tried. Hence why we now have Gilneas, the dark irons, nightfallen etc back in the fold.

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The orc slave camps was a deal breaker. Nothing good came from it apart from the fantasy of alliance dominance.

And the Horde’s attempted genocide caused the camps to be created. Let us be clear, the Alliance doesnt care about the Horde except as a potential threat to be dealt with.

So don’t be surprised at any uprising.

And dont be suprise at the Horde getting the warchief or whoever leads them tied and put on another trial.

Not Happening. Ever. Not your choice.

I mean it happened thrice already.

Thrall seeing leaders not caring about his people and assuming that means those leaders don’t care about his people… Isn’t stereotyping though. It’s assuming the people who don’t care will continue to not care.

Neither were the noncombattants among the orcs. Neither was Thrall. You’re still holding Thrall to a higher standard than you’d hold the Alliance.

Now I’ll be sitting back from here out and watch you and Erevein go at it, because this is always popcorn worthy.


Blizzard knows many Horde fans see the council as an alliance appeasement tool. Putting all Orcs into slavery again would just foster that sentiment. They can’t afford more backlash.

And Daelin seeing nothing but destruction from the orcs and assuming they will continue to do so is actually a fairly logical conclusion especially when they have done nothing to prove otherwise.

Again, he wanted to remake the Horde, he gets it along with all the baggage that entails.

Talking about justice when will the DI clan and Maiev be punished for their crimes?

What are you talking about now Erevien.

You are so obsessed with Orc crimes and hold allHorde races accountable just for tagging along. Yet the damage Maiev and the darkirons did is a similar scale. YOu chose to ignore it because the alliance wasn’T the damaged party.