So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

I already said what you get, which is proof that you are right.

Controlling? Another gaslighting proposition. You have the choice to make your own statement, having said that I have my choice to call out how hypocritical you are for saying a statement you cannot even back up.

And once again, I am already right. If I were wrong, if someone had made the claim you think they made, you would have quoted them by now to prove it.

I do not need to prove a negative. Additionally, me making the disavowal you demand is not in any way proof nobody made the statement you claim they have made.

Yes. You insist on behavior from me and others, insist we say things you want us to say. This is controlling behavior.

I’ve already backed it up; nobody said what you claim they believe. There is no evidence to back your claim. It doesn’t exist.

And yet you still want something from me, but won’t give anything in exchange.


What’s to hate?

Hard to make a valid argument when you can’t see the forest for your bias.

What? Where did they say that?

You are having some serious issues with basic reading comprehension and logic.

You keep sounding increasingly desperate. Why? What’s going on that you need this so badly?


Then prove it by saying you think its wrong. The mere fact you keep dodging it means you can’t say it was wrong. Thus making your statement false.

Desperate? Nah, just amused how all the supposed moral aggrandizing from you guys fall apart the moment someone call you out on it.

I insist on proof from a statement you mentioned. If you truly think no one is justifying Thrall freeing war criminals then say it.

Got bored so I scrolled up.

Thrall busting out the orcs from all the camps was absolutely justified, regardless of participation in the First and Second Wars. To claim that the New Horde was built on vile foundations is actually pathetic; the Old Horde as an entity was done and over with, those foundations were erased in the Internment Camps with any lingering traces in the Dark Horde.

Well there we go, guess you were wrong Alynsa.

That will not prove whether or not anyone had previously stated Thrall was right and justified. It will simply be giving you my opinion on the prison camps and Thrall’s actions.

I haven’t dodged even once. Rather, I have made one request; what do I get out of giving you what you want?

You are the one dodging by never answering that question.

The proof that nobody has made the claim you say they have made is that no where can those claims be found. Find the statement being made. Prove me wrong.

Ok. No one has made the claim Thralls actions were right or justified, other than instances where you have claimed people have made this claim.

This is the third time I’ve repeated the fact nobody has made that claim, in spite of you pretending they have made such a claim. In fact, nobody has discussed the morality of it at all, beyond you assuming they have.

Gosh dang it, Sath!!!

Ok, fine Zerde. Sath has made the claim now.

Now you can argue with him.


Huh, I was wondering how you justified your hate.

Moral aggrandizing… lol, that’s rich given how many threads you derail with your crusade against the Horde.

Once again you can’t see beyond your own bias.


I couldn’t have been wrong when I said nobody had made the claim. It’s not a predictor that nobody would ever make the claim.

Do you know how words work?


Just take the L Alynsa.

Racial guilt is also a childish notion and I treat the takes and intelligence of those that think it should matter in Warcraft as below a Scourge Abomination, the stereotypical Ogre: not very smart. If the Orcs should bear racial guilt, than so should the Draenei with the Man’ari, the Night Elves and Azshara, Humans with Arthas and the Cult of the Damned. The Man’ari, Azshara, Arthas and the Cult of the Damned have far more blood and evil on their hands than the Orcs in the franchise’s history.

How is it a loss to not make predictions of future actions?

Are you okay tonight Zerde?


Your statement was not a “prediction of future actions” it was a general statement , implying that no one would claim to justify Thrall freeing war criminals.

Regardless, we now have proof Horde fans will justify morally wrong behavior. So, yeah, now I am curious if you will disavow it and finally make a stance that it was morally wrong, or just remain silent?

Better then ever.

Regardless, we now have proof Horde fans will justify morally wrong behavior.

What’s wrong about breaking free slaves?

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You mean War criminals who caused genocide.

Millenias later, humans of the Alliance of Lordaeron were known to practice slavery on orcs and ogres[1] after the events of the Second War. Aedelas Blackmoore himself enslaved Thrall, the future warchief of the Horde.[2] The king of Lordaeron was aware of Blackmoore’s gladiatorial games and allowed them personally, as long as the royal coffers would see the proper percentage of his earnings.[3] The enslavement of orcs has been practiced among the internment camps, Lorin Remka keeping Greekik as her own personal slave while Lord Agrovane[4] bought Rehgar and used him as his gladiator. After the events of the Third War, few cases of humans using slaves remain. In the fallen kingdom of Alterac, Aliden Perenolde believed in slavery and sought to place the orc race back into chains[5] — to return, in fact, to the days of Alliance internment camps under Aedelas Blackmoore.

No, I mean slaves.

Still makes your statement incorrect. Now we do have proof that there are people making this claim that isn’t Erieven.

An actual moral ground? Or was it all pretention on your part?

Uhm… No. I stated nobody had made the claims you stated. That isn’t some general statement that nobody ever would make a statement like it.

That isn’t how words work, Zerde.

You have proof that Sath feels this way. You have nothing indicating a trend.

Once more; what do I get from giving you what you want? What’s in this for me?

You mean War criminals who caused genocide.

Considering that the Old Horde was enslaved by the Burning Legion and that we have proof that the Orcs before the Old Horde were generally peaceful, they didn’t have any actual agency.

The elements literally stopped talking to their shaman after they went to war with the draenei. Saying they didn’t have any agency is wrong. They had red flags up the wazoo and yet they chose their path.

And if AU Gul’dan’s “everything” comment is also now canon to MU then they were even given a warning.