So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

A master of gaslighting as always.

Oh I think racism is wrong(see how easy it is to make a true negative or positive statement?), however I think it is inherently part of our world and not acknowledging everyone is racist(to varying degrees) is as a problem as well.

You made a statement and failed to back it up. Again, you said no one is justifying Thrall freeing war criminals. If that is the case then prove it by saying you think he was doing was wrong.

And again, you make a demand of me without answering the simplest question; why? What do I get from this? Whatā€™s in it for me to give you what you want?

You made the demand that I disavow something nobody claimed. I want to know what I get in return. You have repeatedly refused to even acknowledge this simple question, let alone answer it.

You are, by every definition, deflecting.

Calling that deflection out isnā€™t gaslighting.


To prove you are right. That no one truly does support Thrall for freeing all those war criminals and that doing so was a moral error. Of course silence means your statement was nothing more then hot air.

You are deflecting, gaslighter. You could have answered already and proven your statement, that no one was justifying Thrall actions by simply condoning it. But you still have not.

But Iā€™ve never needed to prove that. I know that nobody has claimed Thrall freeing war criminals was right or justified (except maybe broken toys like Erevein). If someone had, you would have quoted them by now. I donā€™t need to prove a negative.

Not at all. Iā€™m asking what I get for giving you something you repeatedly demand. My question has been simple and direct: What is in it for me if I give you what you want?

You have not provided anything in exchange.

You are deflecting.

Offer something of equal value.


What did the Horde do to you? You act like itā€™s personal.

Unlike all the hot air you keep venting?


See, was that so hard? So, another proof Thrallā€™s new Horde was built on morally vile foundations. Daelinā€™s action of starting a war was wrong, but at the end of the day he had reasons for doing what he did. Same as Thrall, only difference is Thrall is alive and Daelin died for his actions.

I have never liked the Horde. I have never hidden that fact.

Repeating something I already said? No. It wasnā€™t the first time I denied anyone made the claim you seem to think they have made in spite of there being no evidence of it.

Iā€™m still not going to give you the disavowal you have repeatedly asked for, but Iā€™m glad to know that all you actually wanted was for me to repeat that nobody had made a claim thatā€¦ Nobody had made?


And yet you keep deflecting. Regardless Thrall and his Horde as you mentioned was built on morally bankrupt foundations. That is a good place to leave this discussion.

I donā€™t. Deflecting would be to not acknowledge the request. Iā€™ve continually acknowledged it by asking what I get from you in exchange.

No, I never actually said that.

Once more, this is you pretending someone said something they never said.


You just said Thrall freeing war criminals was neither right nor justified. Thrall made his Horde using said war criminals ergo, it is morally bankrupt.

I did not say that. I said nobody made the claim you said they made.


You literally said no one claimed Thrall was right or justified. Which means his action was wrong/morally bankrupt.

Correct. I also did not say they were wrong/immoral.

I said nobody made the claim youā€™re acting like they made.

You seem to have forgotten how words work today.


Either it was wrong or right. Pick a lane. Is Thrall freeing war criminals right/justifiable or is it wrong/not justifiable? Pick one.

Iā€™ve picked my lane. Weā€™ve been going back and forth with this for a while today.

You have made a demand of me, to make a disavowal to sate your needs.

What is in it for me? What do I get in exchange for giving you what you want?

When you come up with an answer, we can finally reach a conclusion.


Then you have made your choice, you canā€™t even defend your statement that that nobody has claimed Thrall freeing war criminals was right or justified because silence means you are justifying it. Silence is not a no.

I donā€™t need to defend a negative. You havenā€™t shown any proof anyone made the claim. Itā€™s a scenario strictly in your head until you can point at any evidence.


Iā€™m burnt out of SC1, so iā€™ll bite: whatā€™s the current discussion? I assume itā€™s not why Stormwind is still occupying Durotar.


Then say you donā€™t agree it was justified. Simply as that.

Instead you have decided to give a non answer because your statement was wrong, you are tacitly defending it.

Regardless, Thrall built his Horde with an army of war criminalz, he was just morally in the wrong.

Zerde wants me to disavow something that he made up in his head and attributed to Horde players or something.

Nightsong thinks it might be his kink.

Iā€™m starting to agree.

Incorrect; I have asked what I get in exchange. You have not once given a true answer to that. You have dodged and deflected, because you want to make a demand without giving anything in exchange.

Iā€™m not catering to your controlling impulses.