So why is Stormwind allowed to occupy Durotar

Wait, we talking about night elves again?


Yep. We are. Silly night elves and their legion calling buddies back in the day.

So sad. So Sundered :dracthyr_crylaugh:


I continue to blame the blood elves by proxy for that debacle.

I mean, they had the “wasn’t even in my lifetime” defense, but then we got Lorash bloody Sunbeam…

At the time, we were night elves still!!



Look, it’s not my fault that blaming blood elves for everything is very satisfying. It just is.

Besides, they keep changing their names. How am I supposed to keep up with that?

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Fine, we’ll compromise and we’ll call the old empire elves the World Sundering Legion Elves :dracthyr_crylaugh:

See, that works for me.

I just want to stick up for my tall elves who kept the world from being completely exploded and also turned a green that gets tedious really fast and a rather dull grey.

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Mmkay, that isn’t just an us thing. That’s elvin culture. We do not like just one flavor of elf. We wanmt the entire rainbow of blood, high, mocha, void, night, nightborne, san’layn, vanthyr, shen’dralah, etc


“Oh dear, we seem to have mutated into horrible spider centaur people. The first thing to do is give ourselves a new name!”


No the orcs. Because the night elves did call the Legion they ultimately fought them and their leadership and made a new path for themselves. The Horde, well they killed their old leader but followed the same destructive path they were set on and didn’t look back/realize how much it was destroying them. Hell, Doomhammer would have been doing the world and himself a favor had he killed Gul’dan then and there but he decided to use him and make an army of Death Knights.


But if we’re talking about who endangered the world? That’s on the night elves.

Had Azshara not summoned Sargeras, he wouldn’t have known about Azeroth. If he never knew about Azeroth, there’s no Sargeras inside Medivh to summon the Horde to Azeroth.

The night elves made Sargeras aware of the greatest prize in the cosmos and blew up the world. All the orcs ever did to Azeroth was kill a whole lot of people.

Orcs got nothing on night elves when it comes to endangering Azeroth!!


And the night elves spent 10,000 years defending and trying to correct that mistake. The Horde? Well they seem to keep multiplying their mistakes.

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Hasn’t had 10,000 years to make up for their mistakes yet, but they’ve already taken part in multiple efforts to save the world.


And multiple efforts that would have doomed the world. Sure the night elves have WoTA to hang on their head, the Horde? How many times have the Horde’s action endangered the world? And that is in less then 40 years.

Endangered Azeroth?

Just the invasion with the Legion.

Sure, they killed a whole lot of night elves and humans, but actual world-ending? Nothing since them. They have consistently stepped up to fight the actual world-enders.


Like had Garrosh’s plan work Azeroth would have been destroyed. Then we have Sylvanas and while it is fair to say the rest of the Horde was mostly unaware of her deals, had she won Azeroth would have been destroyed.

Uhm… Which plan? The plan to murder the Alliance and keep Azeroth for the Horde?

Or the plan to murder the Alliance and Horde and keep Azeroth for the Iron Horde?

Because neither was a world-ending threat, just a people-murdering threat.

She isn’t an orc.

If we’re shifting it to bad actors of all races, then the drainos have the highest number of world-ending threats under their belt.


Using an old God heart, we saw Garrosh’s vision and we know what would happen as per Blank Scroll. It would ultimately mean the death of Azeroth.

She is Horde though. And it is the Horde I have been talking about here.

The draenei are not Eredar, or more precisely they are the the eredar that left their civilization and are literally not even using the name anymore. The Horde continue to use a name that has caused numerous genocides and honors those that caused it.

If your literal only criteria for absolving guilt comes down to rebranding, then you must work in some marketting department IRL.

Naw, if all it takes to wash away this idea of racial guilt is a name change, then Azshara gets a full pass because she leads the Naga, and we’re just not going there.

Drainos still get the guilty stick.

Mmkay, so then we got three attempts to murder Azeroth to the Horde.

Old Horde invasion, Garrosh eating the heart and Sylvanas’s Jailer boyfriend arc. Toss in Gul’Dan II in Legion for fun, and add blood elves via Kael during TBC for completionism.

Night elves in ancient Kalimdor. Drainos via their eredar brothers in the Old Horde’s invasion. Humans via Medivh also because of the Old Horde’s invasion. Drainos again in WCIII. Humans via Arthas also in WCIII. Night elves again via Illidaniel in WCIII (siding with the Legion for a minute, also nearly blowing up Northrend which Malfurion explicitly laid out as very terrible for Azeroth). Humans again, still via Arthas, in Wrath. Drainos again in Legion.

Y’all Alliance races grow some real world-enders.


Exploring Kalimdor made it clear that not only did they reclaim Tiragarde Keep in the Fourth War but they also reclaimed their holdings in The Barrens

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