So why is no one talking about the 3,000,000 GDKP bid for TOGC 25 ring on Eu wotlk?

It’s obviously rmt/gold laundering. Ring isn’t even BIS game.

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/shrug I can’t speak for your server but I see plenty of non GDKP pugs and casual guilds on pagle and there’s no reason to think that will change in ICC.

People still play wotlk?

At least they tried for this.

I still remember the tbcc bait vid for the warrior who bid big for the SWP bow.

Look…they gdkp’d the bow!

I gave it points for creative trolling while baiting stream hits. I could give it that.

I think it’s more likely a set up for clicks/views. They got that gold right back after the run. This would be more believable if it was Death’s Choice/Verdict.

That ring is typically under 40k in every payout sheet i have seen.

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that’s alot of dailies!

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Thats a lot of gdkps.

Dailies are for poor people.

RMT boys RMT, Hey blizz, this is the thing you do right? Get on this.

But hey, gotta make gray level mobs inside dungeons stunlock you into oblivion if you take too long killing them and randomly teleport you or the mobs if you got too far away/walked over a ledge because of why not. That should solve the RMT issue, right?

Oh boy I can already feel how awful it will be to farm old dungeons for transmogs when cataclysm hits

what others do with their gold just doesnt interest me that much.

Not sure this is the case you get about 2-10k payout. If you are going for big ticket items like glaives in tbc or a future tbc era, you will probably pre-bid to prevent low payouts. It reminds me of the bids for dst, well the number of people trying to hr or lowball was crazy.

I personally don’t care. I suspect many others are in the same boat.

He did a lot of jump runs bro wym

No one would spend 3 mil on that ring. Doesn’t matter how rich you are or how much RMT you do. Multiple people chipped in the cost for that ring and their gold was returned discreetly after the fact.

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I’m kinda inclined to believe that too. Especially if you’re RMTing then that gold would have a real world value and I think even the most degenerate gamers would still have a tough time paying 5k for an epic ring no one will care about at all in ~6 months. And if you watch the video, it was actually a bidding war (allegedly…) So not only would that imply 2 such people exist… but that they were also in the same raid. It kinda strains credulity…

I also think it’s a pretty low chance they were actually RMTing because they’d have to know that a transaction that big would attract all kinds of scrutiny. If you somehow managed to RMT 3 million gold without it being noticed, you’d almost certainly get flagged while making 15 max gold trades in a couple minutes…

Most likely they saw the popularity of the other “ZOMG WE HAD A 3 MIL POT” videos and decided to stage one of their own.

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What likely happened is they planned it for if verdict dropped, it didnt drop so they improvised. Pretty much anything could have dropped off Anub and theyd have bid up to 3 mil on it. Theyre actively farming the gullible viewers like the OP.

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Someone having 3 million gold definitely affects the player base.

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How? If you were on my server and you had 3 million gold not only would I not know you had it unless you told me, I literally couldn’t care less. It doesnt impact me in any way.