So why is no one talking about the 3,000,000 GDKP bid for TOGC 25 ring on Eu wotlk?

They buy the gold from the GDKP organizer/someone in raid and launder it as gdkp bid/payout

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Explain to me how you think that works

i guess i’ll type it again :person_shrugging:
They buy the gold from the GDKP organizer/someone in raid and launder it as gdkp bid/payout.
What is it you don’t understand?

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Yes, they love buying 25k gold and then only getting 1k of it because the other 24 raiders get 1k also, not even including Organizer cuts.

I mean the actual mechanics. If you really think about it you would understand how incredibly unwieldy operating something like that would be… You need an organizer with millions of gold to sell, which by itself isn’t common, I’ve personally never seen one in literally hundreds of GDKP’s. And you’ve still got to distribute that to everyone so you’re still trading millions of gold in a small time frame… so you’re not “laundering” anything… because you can’t launder a digital currency. People who say that have absolutely no idea how anything works.

Just the convergence of everything is already so unlikely there’s just no way, and you’re suggesting adding even more variables. So they had multiple people in the raid willing to spend thousands of USD on a fairly mediocre ring, that ring happened to drop, AND the seller happened to have millions of gold to sell? AND someone was recording and put it on youtube.

It just didn’t happen. Sorry

They could potentially trade gold they bought IN ADDITION to a gdkp payout. But that’s not laundering that’s just a straight up transaction that

A. Requires the organizer to have the amount on hand + the amount of the pot.

B. Requires extra effort on the hypothetical buyer to actually attend this specific raid.

The more likely and common scenario is that the gold is bought on an alternate account and funneled through a guild bank.

Additionally, no RMT was involved in this 3,000,000 gold clickbait. This was a collection of gold from multiple individuals bidding each other up to garner youtube video views.

If retail I’d say maybe.

We don’t even have BMAH yet. Now that is a rich person’s playground lol.

But…also cosmetic. SOme would argue long boy finally being there. Nah…If one has made 5 million without long boy (to even get them like in bfa), I’d argue you dont’ really need AH anywhere.

The skill for 5 million gold (when released) was there already lol.

No one’s talking about it because no one really cares.

I started gdkp with 20 k gold in ulduar . Im now sitting on 80k gold + 6 month sub and im 5525 gs . That ring sold for 25k last time it dropped in my gdkp run. I got my bis weapon and bis neck for min bid. Paying 3 mil for a ring is NOT the norm

I think the problem is no one cares for one, and two that this is often a big outliner instead of any type of normal. I know in the TOGC gdkp I run with week one and two things were going for a 100k and people were gasping, but the reality is by week three or four they were sinking down to like 40-50k and now they are like 10-20k items. Outside of course the major things like chest cloak, some of the high end tier tokens… and a trinket or two.

With that said I am not going to lie GDKPs are an obvious afront to a lot of gold launderings and those groups if you were able to fallow the money all the way back to the source of creation probably was botted up. Now most the people spending it have no idea because its been washed in and out of so many hands in their gdkp groups but it is what it is.

I mean that’s exactly why most people don’t care, since these kind of payouts are both extreme outliers and in this case obvious staged click bait.

Right, that is why I stated that.

I’m disagreeing it’s a problem people don’t care, not caring about these kind of videos is how you make them go away.

They literally laundered marked gold (blizzard has stated they mark dirty gold) through guild banks, looks like you are the one who doesn’t know what they are talking about.

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LoL if blizzard is fully able to track said gold it’s not being laundered.

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I dont know how to explain this to you any more basically… Ill work on a sockpuppet routine maybe

This guy gets it

The pots are ridiculous and in general I think GDKP should be axed at this point, but the reality of the situation is that it’s probably not quite as black and white as we think.

A lot of people made GDKP pugs their main form of content. To them gold is basically just a thing they bring to raid and it holds virtually no other value to them like it might have over over in retail. They also know ahead of time what gear is going to be crazy good and can stockpile it ahead of time to be ready for it. If you got into GDKPs early enough and are part of the really well oiled ones then you can be bringing in tons and tons of gold each week and then casually spend it as you desire. It’s very possible the people who sometimes spend millions of gold on items aren’t the actual cheaters, albeit some probably are as well.

My guess is that the RMT people make up a minority of the GDKP population, but are big spenders and are impactful enough which has led to pot inflation over time, and then these people who organize the runs are likely selling their gold back into the system. It’s basically a snowball and at this point they’re bringing in so much gold there’s no good reason to justify why they even bother at this point other than that they’re profiting IRL off of it.

It’s like the scene with Walter and Skyler towards the end of Breaking Bad; the amount of gold they are bringing in is stupid, but the reality is they’re making a living off of it which is why they keep doing it.

They’re not able to fully track it. Or rather they definitely don’t dedicate anywhere near the resources to properly do it if it’s even theoretically possible. Gold sellers do things like mail GDKP “cuts” or buy people’s auctions to cover up people purchasing gold and that makes the tracking part difficult for Blizzard to track because it’s happening across the board on every server. It makes the illegal gold look legitimate and requires a human to really scrutinize where all the gold came from and where it went, not to mention establish a pattern between users. Gold sellers aren’t just sitting on 500M gold on one account and standing outside the Orgrimmar AH with it opening trade with gold buyers.

Not sure why people think that because the gold is virtual that Blizzard can magically track everything flawlessly. Any noteworthy amount of real world money is virtual in this day and age, yet there’s tons of fraudulent activity that takes place all the time that takes authorities a lot of manpower to expose yet ya’ll think Blizzard can just hit a few buttons all beep boop like to find all the dirty gold so “It ToTaLlY cAn’T bE lAuNdErEd” to the point that it’s actually kind of sad.

Actually ignorance. It’s just ignorance.

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