So why is no one talking about the 3,000,000 GDKP bid for TOGC 25 ring on Eu wotlk?

Literally a ring sold for 3 million, band of callous aggression in a EU Gdkp this week…i mean…lets talk about this.

Just want to add, plenty of source on this. Just type “3,000,000 GDKP WoW” in youtube and you can watch the actual bidding.

Each raider got almost 200k gold. The “host” got almost 1 million gold.

One of the raiders streamed it.


The RMT is so blatant that they can’t hide it anymore.
Hence the silence from the usual suspects claiming all this gold from doing Icecrown dailies.


And this is why 30-40k budgets get lol no ty. Apparently gold cap x 3 is gonna be the new norm.

Maybe the buyer bought 13,600 euro worth of WoW tokens.


Heard of a ring going for a crazy amount but didn’t remember the exact amount. Kind of nuts to spend that much on a single item.

You just forgot that they did it on alts too. XD


“But if you’ve been doing GDKPs since Vanilla and have been earning an average of 5k gold per run (Vanilla GDKPs paid out way less than this, but Wrath GDKPs pay out way more than this, so it evens out), then you’d have 3,000,000 gold in checks calculator ONLY 600 weeks!”. And of course you’ll have no problem throwing 11 years of effort away for a single item that isn’t even a legendary because you’re just such a chill guy.


-Gehennas EU is well known for bots farming raw gold via vendo’ing since day1. there is massive stock of gold with gold sellers on 3rd party site for that server& the deals will be almost instant unlike token with limits and slow sales.

-this is not the first time a certain item sell for massive amount of gold in there, also you can buy those 3million gold for just 5k $, to a whale that’s no big deal!

-the gold seller will simply invite you to party then to a guild so you can confirm that the guild bank has the amount of gold you requested then after you pay he makes you the leader of that guild and leave you alone in there, and the gold buyer uses dummy account to do this process.

I saw a post about it somewhere, people are talking about it

for this…no crap. Mnay never said rmt is not in game. they said some smaller gdkp is made from gold in game.

Retails wfr crews and rmt is so common its accepted. Most top 10 wfr has been dimed out for rmt in some way. Shocker…wfr teams who spend millions of gold to get WFR or first other 9 slots of 100 hall of fame…rmt.

Now for the weather. somewhere in the world, its raining.

at least some crews made it interesting. gold drives for gaming chairs! Now the fact that game chair was probably given for free from a sponsor and they were making gold off it I thought was a very innovative work around. If the chair was free anyway its not RMT becomes a nice debate.

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/shrug because people posting click bait streams of huge bids on items is not news, it’s been happening since vanilla classic.

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they were never hiding it, people have been buying gold unpunished openly since classic started and they’ll continue to do so

3 million gold gdkp bid on classic isnt clickbait, its unprecedented


there have been higher pots, there’s really nothing more to add to threads on these type of videos that we haven’t already beaten to death, “yeah its a goldbuyer, next”

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Every time someone posts a new high gdkp bid it’s unprecedented, it’s still just click bait.

Wish i had that payout.

3 million is 750 wow tokens. I would never have to pay my sub again. Lol.
62 and a half years of wow sub time… lol

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I know exactly who you’re talking about. There are a few people who appear to find joy and humor in repeating the same thing over and over. One is already in this thread deflecting. :slight_smile: The others will probably be here going on about how this is on a stream and therefore fake, saying that they’ve never known a single person to RMT but they also don’t want to know anyone elses business. Oh the AH is a hotbed for RMT and therefore exactly the same even while bringing up that prices are so low.


People know that GDKPs are pretty insane stuff and that Blizzard doesn’t seem interested to address them like they aren’t interested in stopping boosting (selling carries) on retail anyway. Not even sure that Blizzard really care about RMT much outside of not being able to make money out of it hence the wow token.

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Anything bought in a streamers gdkp needs an asterisk. This is so far outside of the norm and the people only did it to try and get some fame out of it because they know they are being recorded.

3 Million is a lot, it’s more than I have ever seen since starting to attend gdkps in tbc. It’s 5+ times larger than the largest pot for an entire instance I have ever attended, let alone a single item.

Because most people don’t care.

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Wow, people care so much about a single item in one run.

Yeah, that’s a crazy amount of gold, but there are some things to note here, imo:

EU servers are not US servers.

Well, that’s the biggest one. I don’t care at all about EU servers and sure don’t want EU server news on the US forums.

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