So why is no one talking about the 3,000,000 GDKP bid for TOGC 25 ring on Eu wotlk?

GDKPs are nothing new no matter how high the bidding gets.


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The point is gdkp period are getting out of control…

Are US servers more tame and gdkp leaders putting max limits on bids? Cause as far as i know, dofferent servers, same game
Not to mention EU Blizzard employees tell us to post on US forums for customer support so…


No it isn’t. There’s no reporting on the Death’s Choice going for 5K gold, or the countless other very reasonable or low winning bids.

This is sensationalism and it’s cherry picking a single situation that isn’t even from our region.

Well they shouldn’t! It’s a different region, different enough game. We don’t share forums with Korea either, which is closer… why would we share with EU?

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He just doesn’t want attention being brought to the broken state of the game, because he pays-to-win.


No one ever said that RMT doesnt happen in GDKPs. You guys freak out a lot about things that dont impact you. Its funny

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Because, once again, we have the same CMs, the same team behind the game and even the same main server language.

What is it you think we do in WoW over in Europe?


I haven’t slept since I saw this, I just lay in bed awake for hours thinking about how much this doesn’t affect me.


Im so worried about it Im going to spend the majority of my day looking at /who in dungeons

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I saw Death’s Choice go for 169,420g.


The highest I’ve seen so far is 240,000g, but that was also the only time I’ve seen it drop so far.

Meanwhile I got Reign for free.


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Why I won’t watch it. Part of me is thinking its look at me vid.

someone paid 1300 for gold. Look at the fool!

Umm, some fool made could be making $10k off hits. It takes money to make money. That is $8700 for net profit for them.

Streamers do this you see. Why I laughed at the look the Diablo immortal dude who spent 10K. that dude probably made 20K since it became so viewed. That dude had views pay that 10K he paid…then they gave him extra money over that.

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Wow Token will fix this …

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DV went for 500k week 2 for my group. The same person is also bidding 1.2mil for smourne atm


Because it affects me exactly 0 percent.


lol, won’t be long until people are just bidding via PayPal. :rofl:


Nah here’s a more likely scenario.

They get together beforehand. Each participant in the raid is buying 125k each from a seller. Some reasonable price per 1k. Then they pick an item to fake bid. The seller is the “winner” of that item for 3mm. The raid participants each get 125k from the seller mixed into their cut. Good publicity for the gdkp, and some youtube content for the streamers.


The way i see it is this is not the norm in the average GDKP but these kinds of things should really be thoroughly looked into

Yep. I’d see $13000 if this was retail. WFR and top 100 hall of fame do throw down some serious gold.

But…that is geek rep, stream revenue. or an investment really. CE/AOTCs services will make up the millions in time. And final wing mount runs ofc. and more successful crews…their millions is from prior season’s carry services.

Not talking about it because thay guy buying that ring doesnt effect 99.9% of the playerbase so nonone really cares

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