So why are all u premades

You mean, as they do in the EULA?

I don’t know how you’re facing premades, because as horde every other game is either a full premade or 80-90% premade.

Edit: EVERY GAME. I get like 1 out of 10 games that’s actually a random pug.

THe EULA doesn’t say they can’t form a party before doing party-related content.

(actually lol though does this really need to be explained to someone who is assumedly a fully grown adult)


Have you read how they define an exploit?

You should. I’ll wait.

Go and head and report them for premade then. See how that works out

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Queing as a group is an exploit by using the “join as group” button how?


News to me since most of them seem to prefer facing off with the “lesser players” rather than other premades where they have to use those mad skillz.

Seriously, that’s not an edible … :wink:

Right, but that’s why a solo queue is necessary.

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That’s reductive and you know it.

Is it?

You would first need to prove “the exploit”

All you’ve done is claim it

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What does, rank or rep?

I don’t think they are, either. I was saying the lowest end of the majority of players would be mid-late 20s. Probably should’ve gone with just late 20s, as someone who is currently 29 years old would’ve been born in 1994. I didn’t think that through 100%.

That having been said, I would estimate the majority are between early 30s to early 40s. Just a personal guess.

They define it in the EULA.

Unfortunately that’s wow nowadays.

Premade in classic, premade in retail, premade in wrath.

Kind of sad as the last thing I enjoyed in wow was just casually playing Bgs. It’s what kept me playing from Cata-legion. Before that I did raid and and all that vanilla-wrath.

If you want to pvp you have to premade that’s just the horrible truth. I think when the game was larger and had a bigger casual community it made it easier to just casually BG. Now the game is just filled with Meta chasers and No lifers.

I no longer PvP cause of this stuff. It took the fun out of the game. I just come back to level and maybe do a bit of raiding. Unfortunately raiding also sucks cause GDKP stuff.

The wow community took the fun out of the game.

it’s literally the honest, pure answer.

what’s the joke about it? if accepting the actual answer is difficult, this thread might be more than you can handle.

Can you provide the quote,

Reputation. Silverwing reputation at 40/50/60 offers epic bracers and rep is farmed best in a premade. So the moment you hit the max level cap in another bracket you just get an amazing set of bracers, weapons, rings, neck etc if melee.

In terms of sweaty we seek to completely annihilate and demoralize the opponents so they give up making our flag runs faster so we can get out and into a new game.

Makes sense, and I think everyone understands that’s the point.

I think this is an old issue that blizzard never fixed. It would be nice if the que system would be completely separate. Yet that’s what people have been asking for a long time and it’s hasn’t exactly happened or the attempts were never great.

So the community takes advantage of how bad the que system is and just farms Solo/casual players for free reputation.

I personally never enjoyed playing in a premade just cause I never liked fighting pugs. It kind of feels boring to me.

Yet I understand why people do it for Rep farms.

I just still wish the wow community wasn’t so sweaty and blizzard would also fix the que system….yet I don’t see any of my wishes coming true.

So I’ll go play other games and let wow stay a broken mess. At least some people enjoy it.

I just miss when I could log in PVP all day and blast metal music and not be stuck in a party. Just playing solo and doing my own thing.

I think the solution would be a rated battleground.