So why are all u premades

eh, we just need a solo queue. This dev team seems on top of things. If it’s feasible, I can see them doing it. It’s been perhaps the number one request since the very first week of BGs in vanilla. It’s time. SoD is time.

if you solo queue you are much more likely to get pug v. pug. the worst queue to do is 3 or 4. This almost guarantees you go up against a premade. Either make your own premade or at max group 2 at a time.

It wouldn’t solve the issue. People make premade to farm rep and do it fast. It’s much easier to group up and farm players that are all pugs.

They would need to implement a system that forces grouped players into a specific Que. maybe only taking from Solo Que if spots need to be filled and making sure to put grouped premade against other group premades. The system is supposed to kind of work like that but I’ve never seen it work right. I think the values and requirements are set too low so that Que times won’t suffer.

Make more rep and honor come from RBGS. Since ranking is now non-rivalrous in terms of honor it would work.

Solo ques have been on request for almost a decade if not longer. And knowing blizzard it will probably take another decade before they implement it.

This has been an on going issue with wow for its whole existence. It definitely wasn’t as bad as it is now. I think that’s because of multiple factors like more people playing the game at a casual rate back in the day. Now we have less players and it’s split amongst multiple version of the game. more hardcore players would only Arena in other version of the game and only BG when they were bored and wanted to destroy for fun. In retail premades started popping up more when it became required to get honor to upgrade gear.

It will be 100% possible to pug to rank 14. Alterac valley meta makes it so.

True, but you still need rep to buy certain gear from vendors. The whole point of farming rep now is to be prepared for next phases and or even get a start at 60. If I recall warrior good leggings come from WSG rep.

hell yeah! good legs at 60 plus epic bracers at 40/50/60 and very nice one handed weapons at all levels ending in 8 along with necks and rings. IT will be very handy to ding a new level bracket and just have all that stuff available. I hope they do something similar with AB

Yep and a lot of us want to get rep without being farmed by premades or joining a premade. Thus bringing us back to the whole point of this thread.

I think a lot of us know it’s not ideal to solo Que to get rep. Yet we enjoy the fun of playing against other non grouped people and find it relaxing. Some of us don’t want to rush but want to have fun.

Unfortunately the game isn’t well designed for players like us anymore and we just wish we could get better Que systems or solo Que.

For myself I just want to PVP and do it against other pugs. I don’t find being a premade fun at all. I find it extremely boring. Yet I can’t Solo Que because everyone else is a premade….thus making PvP unplayable.

Problem is it’s how the game is designed so I have to deal with it lol

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Currently this premades are making it almost impossible to grind reputation and the devs had the great idea to destroy the Ashenvale event even more.

Whole lot of finger pointing here. Do you just jump into a dungeon or do you go with a group? Are there other games to play? Seems like YOU have a lot of options here instead of stewing and then spewing.

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Generally don’t find people like you in premades for starters

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Your premade can’t win a single game?

cos it takes 10 horde to punt a gnome back to ironforge

hmm premade funny

Bad player is bad, insecure no skill andy.