So which is the hunter spec for this patch?

I mean this is how melee fans felt and still feel about ranged SV with the big difference being Blizzard validated them and acted on that.

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No, this is standard. You used to be able to play hunter forum bingo on what will be discussed regardless of the initial subject. But I stopped playing because I always got bingo.

Though there hasn’t been any pseudo-hip-intellectual rambling monologue blather from the level 60 contingent yet. So maybe this thread won’t hit a bingo.

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Hunter thread turned into troll thread.

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Dragging up the rear overall you numb nuts.

Im done, you are just deliberately trolling at this point because I refuse to believe someone as smooth brained and illiterate with you is capable of being real AND using a computer to post words on a forum.

I feel sorry for anyone who has to interact with you in real life because if I had to Id just throw myself into traffic for the relief it would bring.

You not understanding a spec with not so good single target being low in a single target raid is kinda sad.

More insults because you again lack the ability to refute valid points.

That’s pretty toxic. Imagine saying stuff like that AND being wrong at the same time.

I think that the class must attract idiots unfortunately


doesn’t mean it’s not an unhinged and ridiculous thing to say. absolutely ridiculous to want an entire spec removed in 2023 because you don’t like it rather than just asking for your dream munitions spec to be added as a 4th spec or something.

Beastmastery! Get one of the new dream bears and the biggest gun your character can carry. Did you get the tracker’s quiver/bullet pouch combo from the trading post while it was up?

There is no having an intelligent discussion with a forum troll whos entire counterpoint is ignoring everything being said and going NUH UH WRONG over and over because words are too hard for them.

Have fun jerking it to your reflection of how awesome and right you think you are.

There was no conversation because you can’t understand that the entire points you have made are still irrelevant to the point I made. You being unable to counter my statement is on you.

You do realize that resorting to insults proves you weren’t able to refute anything?

OK fine Ill respond the way you do.


Yet it’s actually not. As backed by this.

Throwing insults like you have been the majority of this thread just proves my point.


Keep deflecting to avoid addressing my points though.

BM is definitely the play unless it eats a big nerf. The logs for BM aren’t correct either because it’s still bugged and showing Aug damage as the hunter’s damage.

We won’t be meta until the class gets an entire survivability and utility rework. DH, Aug, Spriest are probably gonna end up the go to dps comp.

when will this meme die, hunter has more than good enough defensives now

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I addressed and actually refuted your points but keep trying to make a terrible argument.

Oh hey look at that, the latest update for class tier rankings for the raid is out:

Oh and would you look at that, is that Marksmanship right at the bottom in D Tier like I said it would be?

And what is D Tier?

“D: Specs with serious issues that are apparent when trying to use them in a raid setting, these may work well in very niche circumstances that rarely appear in raid, but single target damage is typically a big challenge for specs in this tier.”

Woah it’s almost like I knew what I was talking about.

Edit - almost forgot:

Wrong again.

An opinion piece by two people who don’t play hunter.


Hunter main and theory crafters.

You also clearly missed the big disclaimer
They also have shadow priest in C tier lol

Yes you are wrong again. It’s hilarious how far you keep reaching in an effort to be right.


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Someone is clearly being very bitter and childish.

I’m sorry that you being wrong has caused this.