The fact you think I’m even disagreeing with your “ToP pLaYeRs” in the first place is hilarious. I’m not, the fact you keep repeating that shows you dont even know what discussion is being had.
Welcome to the Marksmanship Hunter guide for Dragonflight Season 3 . This guide will teach you how to play Marksmanship Hunter in both Amirdrassil and Mythic+ dungeons, and provide you with the best Talent Tree builds to use in every raid boss and dungeon.
Marksmanship Hunter Changes in Patch 10.2
Marksmanship received a crucial change to its Windrunner’s Guidance talent. Instead of it giving Wind Arrows a chance to offer " Trueshot procs", proccing the talent will now give you a buff that extends your next Trueshot by 1 sec, stacking up to 10 times.
This is a massive nerf to Marksmanship, although it reduces the RNG factor of DPS outcomes significantly as well. Instead of your DPS swinging wildly from pull to pull, it will now always be on the “bad” side of RNG, compared to pre-10.2.
On the bright side, Hunter has mostly secured a Raid Spot with its revamped Hunter’s Mark, which now increases damage done to a single target by 5% when it is above 80% health, translating to a ~1% raid-wide DPS increase.
I never said it wasnt a nerf. I said Hunters are still in solid spots.
Please try to keep up.
This you?
Asking for proof doesn’t equal me saying it didn’t happen. Stop reaching because you’re wrong.
I too demand proof from internet strangers for things I agree with
Still reaching I see.
He made a claim. I asked for proof. No where have I said otherwise.
Take the l and move on
Snozo really is the embodiment of the average twitch chatter in Max’s steam
Ahh insults because you cant refute points.
Its ok I dont even watch streams
I mean there’s no point arguing with you when it’s spelled out so clearly and you still don’t get it . All I can do is laugh at the stupidity.
First smart thing you have said considering I am still right.
Have a nice night.
“I am right” source - trust me bro
Average grey parser moment
Cant parse at 61 my guy.
In theory? i hear survival is the strongest out of the 3.
But survival isn’t hunter and shouldn’t exist, so BM.
His main, his raid logs looks seem ok, i dont raid, but the person hes mocking is terrible, terrible parses in raid and m+
I actually haven’t had a chance to play my hunter much lately cuz our warrior quit after prog so I swapped to warrior to bring battle shout.
But yeah I’ve got CE and better parses on both toons compared to this clown rogue lol. You are right tho that with current tuning sv looks really damn good and bm also being strong. Mm might have a niche in aoe but will have to see.
Really? Because at no point did I ever mention anything about raid spots.
And if all you wanted was proof I provided it over and over and over and you kept calling me wrong.
It’s right there for the whole world to see by simply scrolling up so pretend like you weren’t humiliated repeatedly all you want, we can all scroll and read.
The fact you even brought up parses in mythic plus shows you dont actually have an understanding of how parses work. Mplus parses are worthless.
Yet you are still wrong.
They can make survival be meta, i won’t play it, i didn’t switch from MM once during SL, not even during the meme survival season, that spec shouldn’t exist.
MM needs a rework at this point, they need to bring double tap back and elimitate some of the tedium the specs suffers from (mainly steady shot related, spell always felt like dog to cast)
Ill keep playing BM, yolo.
what a bizarre world view. average RSV fan I suppose
“I don’t like this so it shouldn’t exist”
why’d you ignore helios’ raid parses?