So which is the hunter spec for this patch?

Bro you dont even understand what people are saying, what you are arguing or basically words in general.

Your entire argument is “No wrong this youtube video says…” even when what is being said is not at all what the video is about and even agrees with the video.

The point is sailing so far over your head its in an entirely different dimension and still you are so unbelievably confident with your replies.

Stop, ACTUALLY read the things being posted. Take a moment to think about them and understand what is being said save yourself a whole bunch of looking stupid.


The irony here is that you’re the one that’s completely clueless.

I suggest taking your own advice.

Explain to me where Im wrong. If I am clueless I genuinely want you to make me look stupid and explain how Im wrong and where Im wrong.

You’re basing everything off of personal sims.

Top players disagree with you. I suggest watching the video and understanding what the top hunters are saying.

It’s already been done twice.

Almost sure you’re not factoring in the beacon nerfs either

When did tier sets become base line?

Holy crap bro you really are denser than a collapsed star.


Let me say that again:



You said “top players” say we are B tier - Cool, thats an arbitrary measurement but once again I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT WHERE WE FALL IN TERMS OF VIABILITY ON SOME DUDES TIER RANKING LIST.

I am talking about ONE SINGLE THING and that is OVERALL DPS DUE TO THE CHANGES OF WINDRUNNERS GUIDANCE. Since you seem to not understand what that means:

Overall - Adjective - “Taking everything into account”
Windrunners Guidance - A talent in the Marksmanship Tree that was changed
Changed - Verb - To make something diferent, to alter or to modify.

This is something that happened.

This is something that resulted in less OVERALL DPS. (There is that overall word again, look it up again to refresh, you seem to have a very short memory).

Notice how none of that is about tier bonuses OR about some tier ranking list? Notice how that none of those things are anything related to a single thing you have said?

Because you dont even know what the flying crap is being said.

This is the equicalent of me saying “This takes longer now” and you respond with “Wrong, experts say its actually louder”. What are you even talking about, thats not even whats being discussed.

If you are a troll bravo, you succeeded, I certainly hope for your sake you are because the alternatives are NOT flattering.


Which is lower because beacon was nerfed 11%.

Congrats on number 3 :joy:

What has beacon got to do with Windrunners guidance? What are you talking about?

You’re sim is lower because beacon was nerfed by 11%.

I don’t know how else to explain this to you.

My single target sims dont even use Beacon you geniuth. They use trinkets that havent been nerfed at all.

And even if I did Beacon would have to be doing about 200k DPS by itself for an 11% nerf to result in a 20k DPS drop.

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Sure thing. You have beacon equipped on armory.

Which trinkets were you using then.

Yes because Im not an idiot, you understand what I have equipped is not my only gear or my single target gear right?

I did the sim using crafted boots but not the acidic ones because I know they got nerfed. I was using Bomb Dispenser and Harlan’s Dice. not that it matters because no amount of difference between trinket or embellishment nerfs would account for such a big DPS drop.

You still havent addressed the hard reality that the change to Windrunners Guidance, the thing Im ACTUALLY talking about, is a massive DPS nerf. In fact on the PTR someone did the maths on it and it would need to stack up to something like 40 seconds extra to balance out.

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Agree to disagree.

Yes because I can clearly see your gear setup manager :joy:

Again I’m not sure what part of one of the top hunters in the game saying MM isn’t as bad as you’re complaining about.

Top hunter > you.

And once again, Im not talking about good or bad or whatever.

Im saying we are nerfed from 10.1.7 to 10.2

This is objective fact.

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Then share the patch notes showing you were nerfed.

I cant believe you are actually serious.

From the patch notes, where there was one single change to Markmanship hunters:

  • Marksmanship
    • Developers’ note: Windrunner’s Guidance being unreliable has added too much variance to a hunter’s performance on each dungeon or raid attempt. This should keep the Wind Arrow theme strong and useful, while being predictable and reliable for how it interacts with your other abilities and the Trueshot cooldown.

    • Windrunner’s Guidance has been redesigned – Each Wind Arrow fired reduces the cooldown of Rapid Fire by 0.5 seconds, and every 8 wind arrows increases the duration of your next Trueshot by 1 second, up to a maximum of 10 seconds.

This change resulted in an approximate nerf of 20k DPS, as evidenced by everything I posted verifying it thoroughly. As backed up by people on the PTR saying the same thing.

As backed up by taking a moment to do the maths on the abilities and compare them.

Previously it was a 3% chance at 6 seconds of trueshot, now its an extra 10 seconds every 2 minutes.

So the new talent means every 2 minutes there is 28 seconds of Trueshot.

In a 2 minute window, as verified by multiple test dummy runs, you fire about 100 Wind Arrows every 2 minutes. At 3% that means, on average, 3 procs per 2 minutes. Which at 6 seconds per proc means 18 seconds of extra Trueshot for a total of 36 seconds of Trueshot every 2 mins.

The short version:

10.1.7 - Windrunners Guidance = 36 seconds of Trueshot every 2 minutes
10.2 - Windrunners Guidance = 28 seconds of Trueshot every 2 minutes

This was the sole change to Markmanship Hunters from 10.1.7 to 10.2 and while Im not a mathematician the last time I checked 28 seconds is less than 36 seconds.

Lets assume 5 to 6 minutes for most raid bosses that means in 10.2 we lose around 20 seconds to 24 seconds of Trueshot up time per boss fight or to put it another way we were nerfed the equivalent of about 1.5 extra Trueshot cooldowns per fight.

The extra rapid fires do NOT make up the difference. Not even close. Those wind arrows equate to about 3 extra Rapid Fires every 2 minutes which even if they had 100% crit would be about 95k damage or about 790DPS extra from the extra Rapid Fire. Its actually much less than that.


I cant believe you still dont realize you messed up.

PTR is open to everyone even people without a clue meaning non sourced feedback isnt relevant. I suggest finding someone with a clue to what they are doing backing your claims.

Lets not.

OK you are definitely a troll, nobody is actually this dumb for real.

I literally explained it in excruciating detail in multiple ways backed with hard math, numbers, links, shown my working and you still dont get it.

Either you are the dumbest person to ever grace these forums or you’re a troll. I hope for the sake of everyone that has to interact with you IRL that its the second one.


Please stop. You are wrong. You have been wrong the entire time. You have been proven incorrect by patch notes direct from Blizzard and basic math.

At this point you are embarrassing yourself.

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Imagine being wrong and resorting to insults because of it.

Random people versus top players?