So which is the hunter spec for this patch?

Bro come on, actually read the things that I am posting.

I literally said directly beneath the old build that I also simmed with the new builds and there is still a significant DPS loss.

Let me repeat that - When I sim with the new tier set using the new talent builds I still do less DPS than 10.1.7

What are you talking about AoE spec? I simmed in Single Target using Single Target specs. Do words just mean different things to you?


Simming new builds in old gear still isn’t meaningful.

And like others have told you. You’re doing something wrong.

The sim sheet shows going from 4 piece Aberus to 4 piece amirdrasil is over an 8% gain.

Do you not understand that MM is primarily a burst aoe spec? It’s ST is never going to be stronger than say BM which is a primarily ST spec.

Which means it’s strengths are in aoe not ST.

new tier bonus with rf dmg buff and rf double tap baked in just is going to be a ST buff.

OK Im going to break this down AGAIN as simply as humanly possible because despite the fact I already explained it using very simple sentences apparently I need to go full crayon and painstaking detail:

  • Yes I am completely aware that new builds in old gear are meaningless
  • Yes I am completely aware that old builds in new gear are meaningless
  • Yes I am completely aware that old builds in old gear are meaningless
  • Yes I am completely aware that new builds in new gear are the only only thing that matter overall
  • One caveat to the old ST build is its still the best build for pre-T31 4 piece
  • I am comparing MM ST DPS to MM ST DPS, yes Im aware BM and Survival are different Im not discussing them Im comparing MM before to MM after.

Now that we have that out of the way, I want you to remember the above with every single further thing I reply with because literally everything is with that context and understanding applied to it.

Now I am going to step through what I did in excruciating detail so you cant possibly not understand my post:

  • In patch 10.1.7 my Marksmanship Hunter single target DPS Sim according to raidbots was 148k using the optimal Marksmanship Hunter single target spec DPS.
  • Doing that exact sim in that exact gear with that exact build in patch 10.2 according to raidbots resulted in 129k. Yes I am completely aware this is totally irrelevant.
  • Doing that exact sim in that exact gear but with the new builds designed for T31 4 Pc results in 127k sure expected as they are designed for new gear.

Now lets see what happens when I replace old tier with new tier - On raidbots gear compare I swapped each of the 4 OLD tier pieces with the NEW tier pieces keeping their ilvl, enchants, etc identical so the ONLY change was the set bonus and maybe some slight allocation of stats but my stat weights are all within 0.1 of each other so that wont matter more than 100DPS variance tops:

  • Using the old pre-T31 Build with the new tier netted 133k DPS - a significant jump from the old set bonus at 129k but as you mentioned as I am aware the old build is irrelevant
  • Using the new ISS/PS ST Build with the new tier netted 139k DPS - this is in equivalent ilvl gear using one of the 2 new recommended Single Target Builds with the new tier set bonus
  • Using the new Readiness ST Build with the new tier also netted 139k DPS - this is in equivalent ilvl gear using one of the 2 new recommended Single Target Builds with the new tier set bonus

So to summarise:

  • No matter what combination of gear and/or spec whether old tier, new tier, old spec, new specs the Single Target vs Single Target before and after the patch is a significant DPS nerf with all other gear being equal.
  • Yes you are correct the new set bonus is an 8% increase over the old set bonus - nobody is debating that. What I am saying is OVERALL DPS has been nerfed, not that the new set bonus is a nerf the new set bonus is great.
  • There is no situation or combination of talents that will change the fact in 10.2 we will always do less DPS than 10.1.7 in the same gear.
  • This is because of the change to Wind Arrow procs/Trueshot

If you still think I “did something wrong” Id love to hear exactly what.


You didnt look at the tier bonus because changing the tier ALONE is an 8.3% increase over Aberus 4p

I dont know how you messed it up but im going to trust sims from the top players over your sims.

OK this just shows you either didnt read a single thing I posted or are just an absolute peak troll or utterly and thoroughly illiterate because I literally compared before and after with both set bonuses.



  • OVERALL damage was nerfed
  • Tier set bonus damage was buffed
  • Old DPS - Overall damage nerf + Tier set damage buff = Less damage overall

I mean come on, it literally couldnt be broken down in any finer detail unless I start defining every word in advance.


These arent “my sims” these are the hard maths from raidbots. You can literally just do it yourself.

If you dont believe my sims then you think raidbots is completely incorrect and wrong.

Edit: OK the ONLY thing that spreadsheet is comparing is the set bonuses.

Yes, the new set bonuses are better, at no point did I disagree with that, suggest that wasnt the case or in any way shape or form say the new set bonuses were a nerf.

In fact I LITERALLY proved the exact thing that spreadsheet is showing - that the new set bonuses are a significant buff over the old ones.

What I am talking about is the nerf to OVERALL DPS from the change to Wind Arrows/Trueshot procs.

its clear you fundamentally dont even understand my post at all which is mind blowing but holy crap.

so Abberus just didn’t happen or what?

Also lmao

One tier is an exception

Mocking one prog kill and a trial reclear while on an alt is super classy.

I also wasn’t aware the majority of players were 8/9 mythic :man_shrugging:t3::+1:

What about all the times in previous expansions or are those all exceptions too?

Trying to flex that you are the ‘high end of wow’ without even getting CE and getting grey logs is pretty cringe so yes I am mocking.

I wasn’t flexing. I was stating an actual fact. The majority of WoW players don’t see 5/9 mythic let alone 8/9 or CE so even just being there puts me in the higher playerbase.

The fact that you don’t actually understand how parsing works is pretty clear when you tried to mock someone that’s slightly undergeared on a prog kill. Just shows you have zero clue what you’re talking about.

PS I was pure ST for echo due to guild wanting prio damage on boss.

Keep hiding on that alt though.

Sims aren’t a good measuring stick right now. They are rough at best. MM tested pretty well after the tier change. It could use a little nudge up but is going to be more than serviceable. Especially with the content you do.

You didn’t get nerfed. MM is fine. You’ll be fine. All hunter specs are looking pretty okay for 10.2.

If you’d like to trash another players logs you should do it from your main.

Yet I have multiple CE’s and you don’t x damn my bad your boss damage logs really showed me.

Easy to say when hiding on an alt :slight_smile:

Even then, I never claimed to be good, just that I play up there :stuck_out_tongue:

Someones super tilted <3

PS my boss damage by Ilvl at 442 was a 64.

I wouldn’t call myself high end if I can’t even kill the last boss on mythic but I guess we have different definitions :person_shrugging:

Took me 2 seconds to look up lol and I think based on your replies u seem a bit mad.

ps only 26 parses in that bracket xD

This isn’t true at all idk where you are getting this from.

This is also completely false the change to WRG was a massive nerf.

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I wouldnt call myself high end hiding on an alt either.

Nah not mad at all. I dont get upset over someone hiding on an alt looking at logs outside of context when I never even claimed to be good.

a blue is a blue.

Granted tier lists should be taken with a grain of salt but Azortharion says its B tier

You sound tilted <3

What does a max tier list have to do with me talking about sims?

Not even close. Actually in a solid mood.

Not like sims have a factor in where they place specs at. I trust the top players over a 61 alt any day.