So which is the hunter spec for this patch?

So much cope. You’re argument is invalid because you balance classes around the top players not around what the average player can do.

The sooner you realize that the better off you will be.

Wouldn’t that mean MM is S Tier? S Tier can fit in the top 5. I’d never thought I’d see the day that happened.

But it’s what I’ve said all the time; gamers vs. politicians. People who bring in their Hunter alt after something has been on farm mode don’t rate with me. People who buy boosts and ratings likewise don’t rate with me. So when I tell a good from a bad, I look really hard at how they’ve made their bones.

The difference: what measure of WORK do you put into it.

It’s very plausible. News flash: [MM] Hunter takes a LOT OF WORK. More work is a hindrance to those CE types. A lot of other class/specs were just quicker ways to the cheese in the maze. This is high-hanging fruit.

But I did my part to recruit more Markses. Got jailed for it more than once, so there’s that. And I suppose I get it; in RL no post-college young guy in a certain town wants to deliver packages for $23/hr. It’s me, another 30-something, and a guy in his late 40’s. I can’t be surprised no one wants to WORK, and this includes maining MM.

It’s why BM and SV are chosen over MM is because those two specs are EASIER. It’s so bad with BM being the sacred cow even to this day, that it makes overlooking the other two specs easier.

Sure thing wherever you said :+1:

What you said might have some bearing if you were any good at MM and did any competitive content whatsoever. But alas.

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The one thing the entire hunter forums can agree on is how cringe Jackal’s posting is


Is he still doing his “I’m a grand world pvper” thing?

I regret making this thread

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It’s like watching a train wreck happen in slow motion. It just kept going more and more off the rails lol

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I’ve learned nothing.

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Ive honestly never utilised the block feature of social media until these forums,

Let’s be perfectly clear:

  • You aren’t a good MM player
  • You’ve never done any difficult content
  • You have a massively inflated ego because you stick to easy content where you can win all the time
  • You’re nowhere near as well-spoken and convincing as you think you are.
  • Literally not a single soul on this forum, Discord, or anywhere is impressed by your tenure.
  • All your MM advice is consistently terrible and actively misleading

You are in absolutely no place to call anyone else “losers”.


Notwithstanding the fact that I’m still in semiretirement, I have not ganked a 70 or any level 61-69 at 70. I have as a 60 during BFest, which is a most hilarious detail.

You’re just lucky you haven’t been ganked yet by a MM in open-world: me, anyone. You’d change your tune.

I just happened to be one of the few that actually understood MM, having done THE hardest content there is withstanding Mythic raid.

It’s nothing but pettiness here anyway. I just tune in because it’s retirement privilege.

You literally live in your own made up fantasy and are calling other people losers get a grip…


I call it like it is. I’m here because I want to be and I’m enjoying semiretirement. Classic Cata’s coming up and that might be where I’d go rather than TWW. I’m not here because I want to be part of a losing team’s echo chamber. That doesn’t improve gameplay at all, or maybe we can all agree that the purpose of discussion here is not to begin gitting gud and actually STAYING as a MM, Hunter main.

People QQ just to QQ. I knew this coming in, but I think that more pew-pew talk deserves the same equal time.

As for the losers comment, you have done that yourself. You’re[second-person] not a loser because you got yours handed to you(because welcome to Hunter where most things are already better than you), but you’re a loser because you’ve given up and have taken the easy way out. It’s easy to hang out here in-between raid nights to do nothing but talk.

And that’s fine enough: [MM] Hunter is not for everyone. Btw, I hear Warlocks are hiring lol. But trying to cajole a hard-hearten Blizzard into putting MM in some place of prominence that others such as myself have already entered is a waste of time.

I know that makes me the bad guy sticking up for Blizz, but anything else is shoveling poo against the tides. I couldn’t have done what I did if I did not acquiesce to Blizzard’s design for the class/spec.

You shouldn’t though.

It’s a shame when lesser experienced players disagree with facts because their personal experience isn’t the same.

It’s even worse when they can’t accept the facts and persistently troll because of it.

I know you and I don’t normally agree on much

But man I want to know what that guy is taking.

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jackal is the force that unites the hunter forums as we can all agree the dude is off his rocker lmao

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I think I remember having a pvp “discussion” with him early SL.

I didn’t recognize him till he made that long post talking about being the best works pvper or whatever.

Either way he’s on some 70s Lucas high.

I’ve been ganked by MM, and I have also ganked many as MM. Because I participate in end game PvP unlike you.

You haven’t done any challenging content to speak of.

P.S. I’m eagerly awaiting your meltdown when you learn that Haste and Crit are still the primary recommended stats for MM until their DR thresholds.

If it was my league of Hunters vs. you guys, you would lose badly.

So yes, behold the galvanization effect. I did my best to be fair, that not everyone who thinks I’m bad are bad themselves. The best Hunters don’t have a problem with me; they probably think I’m just wasting my time being here.

Jealous of me, much? Maybe if you actually WORKED to get somewhere instead of buying your way in, you’d appreciate more what it actually means to stand on skill and merit. And I’ve already covered this ground enough.

If it’s anything at all, it’s a far superior PED than what you guys might be taking.

If you want to listen to bad advice, I won’t stop you. You’re just forfeiting without cause. We’ve already discussed this, and that’s nowhere near the BiS getup this season. I had recently checked it.