So when will xp off/on be merged again?

We are obviously not going to agree at all, so there is no point in going in circles for the sake of this crappy expansion.

This is a cop out, but fine with me.

How is it a cop out? I say merges would be good for the game, you say it is detrimental. Varying opinions can exist.

Known as “agree to disagree”.

Because instead of continuing the discussion, you resort to “we’ll have to agree to disagree” when it gets hard.

Where did I say anything about merges?

Yes this is a cop out.

Is it a discussion when one side says “twinks are bullies - keep em out of the brackets” and the other side says “you are wrong”?

Considering this has been debated for the last two years, I don’t blame him for saying agree to disagree. The anti twink crowd all say the same thing.

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Nah we all have to conform to the anti twink agenda.

Oh, we’re doing reductio ad absurdum now? Okay, maybe it’s a good thing you copped out. I don’t think reasonable, honest, and fair discussion is possible with you, especially when you say nonsense like

Oh boy.

“Twinking is bullying, shouldn’t need to get gear while leveling since its for the sake of fun gear does not matter at all, gear gap at 120 is to be expected and fine the way it is.”

I disagree with all of those points, for reasons which have been stated ad nauseam, so why should I keep repeating what I and many others have said multiple times? You can keep BfA how it is in all of the dumpster fire glory.

Yes twinking is a form of bullying - I explained why. Your arguments against were unfair, unreasonable, and disingenuous. And now you’re also straw manning by mischaracterizing my position and statements into a ridiculous caricature of what they actually are.

In my experience people who know they’re wrong, but still want things their way, tend to do stuff like that. :man_shrugging:

Alright then, lets keep this bullsh!t circle on course. Twinking is a form of bullying? In my opinion bullying only exists irl, not over some pixelated online game.

According to who?

Yet sending gold for enchants or to buy items off the AH is unreasonable? Or if my high level is making items from their professions to mail to my alts for use in BGs, is that according to your expectations?

You can bully someone anywhere that involves interaction between people.

According to the arguments I set forth. You’re arguing that instead of twinks being removed or restricted, which the devs seem to be onboard with and the majority of the playerbase has been begging for years - that everyone else (aka the majority of the playerbase) should play in accordance to twinking and the standards you set based off of twinks. Basically, you think the majority of the playerbase should cater to and work around the minority which you belong to.

That’s not fair and is actually a rather entitled and narcissistic point of view.

Narcissism and entitlement are traits bullies often have.

Whataboutism. The topic is twinking vs heirloom gear.

Hi there twink here may as well weigh in.
There are multiple reasons as to why someone would want to twink i.e.
PVE/Raiding (60s in particular love legit raiding)
Doing bgs to run into other twinks
And yes some like to squash levelers like bugs there’s no point in trying deny that

That being said i’d say a good majority just want to get back to our normal brackets. Many of us don’t like being forced onto legion locked accounts or let your sub run out to play 20s.
I see no reason to seperate xp off from xp on. People may complain but there simply aren’t enough twinks in all the different brackets to keep everything active through wargames (xpoff bgs). Hence why many went to 110s or 20s. I think Blizzard was under the impression we had enough of a community still going to pull things off easily. That and they just frankly don’t care.

Wouldn’t this help twinks run into other twinks?

I mean, I do realize it killed twinking in Lich King because apparently the majority of twinks don’t want to fight other twinks, so most quit due to the changes and the queues became horrible.

Agreed it would make sense but it hasn’t turned out that way. Twinking is a very toxic community unfortunately and when it takes coordination to schedule out wargames things collapse quickly. 20s has pulled it off with epic bgs as well as 19s, but when for example 70s tried to plan wargames it was successful for a couple months at most before people either lost interest or infighting took it out.

With that being said personally my issue with the split is the fact that you have to plan wargames to even do a bg.

Who’da guessed?

Okay but doesn’t the community have a responsibility for this?

Hang on while I get my drest trinket and bike to compete in any rated content

edit : and corruption xDxD

That’s not twinking.

Twinking occurs before max level. That is the definition of twinking.

When there’s no scaling, and you go in a bg decked out in 470+ and stomp a team of people who average from 440-450, it might as well be.

Hence what people complained about the get twinking separated :slight_smile: