So, what's the problem with this event?

Having all these events on timers is new as of Dragonflight. They don’t work for everyone. It’s okay for the people who don’t like them to give feedback. If everyone who ever had a problem with the direction of development unsubscribed instead of giving feedback the game would die.

It’s better for the health and survival of the game for the content to be within the reach of the entire community. They have done it that way many times before and there is no reason they could not have done it again here if they wanted to.

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by feedback you mean topics like “yo this prepatch event sucks” plus any one of the many like it. that’s not feedback.

Cmon man, if you dont split your panties over a video game, you are a white-knight. Now start crying or be labled as such! :grin:

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Not really, they’ve been on timers since legion.

This is just the first time the bosses aren’t respawning during the up time

Did one round of the event last night, it was a lot better paced than my first experience. Combat lag was a bit off the charts, but we were able to complete the mission.

Not Ideal but improved between my experiences

You’re not the one who designed this event so you don’t get to decide what this event was intended to do or for whom it was intended. Blizzard has not stated their intent for the event. So speculate sure but don’t begrudge others for their own reasoning for the event.

I think it would be much better if the waiting room lobby had some drinks and finger food

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I didn’t design it but I’m playing how they intended. once every 90 mins. no speculation here.

I was told that the event could be used to level alts really fast, like the legion one, which was the last pre-patch event I played.

Alas, the xp amount is ludicrous and the waiting time sucks.

It would also help if there was anything worth doing in the downtime.

The event is all the game has to offer.
Yes im about today so can play it, but im still logging off between each rotation and having to keep an eye on the clock.
There is nothing natural about the way you play it.

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maybe a game of uno.

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Your point ?

This is such a funny overview of the event:

Blizz should’ve really just run with it and put in like waiters coming in to offer food and throw in like a game machine to play those old WQ’s where you match patterns, play bejeweled-lite, throw in some uno lmao

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there’s a whole world of things to do. its a pre xpac event. nothing ground breaking, game changing about it. if you don’t like to do other things this game has to offer then it may be time for you to move on.

you know what must happen.

i’d go even further back than that, and point to Wintergrasp

or… if you want to go WAY back, STV fishing extravaganza, & Gurubashi arena

It’s a 20 year old game buddy. Lots of people have been there, done that to death and back 300 times. Maybe take a chill.

Lots of people really look forward to the pre-patch. It’s a highlight of an expansion, and provides closure.

The little gear up alts ritual adds to the hype for the next one.

Always so eager to get rid of players…

In 3 weeks tww comes out and the game will be drowning in things to do.
Just because the event is trash and dragonflight is over doesnt mean im going to quit.

pretty sure their point and my point was related specifically to these prepatch events.

Though you’re not TECHNICALLY wrong, there was some timed events in the wrath prepatch

it’s drowning in things to do now.

sort out currencies
sort out banks
set up warbank
go and farm all the juicy mogs (without the disappointment that the staff dropped for your rogue)
clean up quest log
give Topper McNabb a few coins
dance on mailbox


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