So, what's the problem with this event?

ok, but why is this necessary?

it’s needlessly frustrating.


I just recently resubbed to try out the prepatch event. I log on, see what time the event that I need is, log off, then wait.

Because of how specific the timing is I usually miss the one I need and try again the next day. I have a sleep disorder, I actually fell asleep and missed the one I needed last night. The night before that the event bugged and the Lich King didn’t spawn.

This is just my experience, so now imagine hundreds of thousands of players having their own experiences with this.

These are non accessible-friendly mobile gaming tactics that coerce you into logging on at times that aren’t convenient for everybody.
There is absolutely no reasonable explanation to put a 4hr 30m timer on an event.


well well well. if it isnt bigglesworth.

It is in fact their fault that the event is on a 90 minute timer, though. They designed it that way.


i mean, it kind of is, it was their choice to only make the event last 10 min out of the uptime instead of respawn the boss multiple times over the time period which would allow more people to participate

  1. The event is designed to cause severe server lag. Yes designed. This was so negligent, that it may as well be on purpose.

  2. 1.5 hour timer forces players to play on Blizzard’s time, not their own. I’m setting my phone to catch these events, but I’m not super busy right now. I can only imagine if I was, I would have to totally write off this event.

  3. Excessive farming. If you don’t have or want to level up

then the event is realistically an impossible grind.

Honestly despite the 90min timer the event is great now. you can do the bosses as often as you want, get 500 per kill and maybe an item + the little events give 100 memories and sometimes epics too now.

on top of that 2 normal crests per boss kill every 90min. its not much but more than nothing.

what bugs me is the catalyst thing though and the lag.

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exactly. so do what you can when you can or unsub.

Unfortunately the bosses are bugged right now and often not dropping any residual memories.

Also, you cannot kill then as often as you want - it’s once every 90 mins. If someone had a 2 hour window each day to play, they get 1 boss kill a day.

Actually yes! My life runs off bells, timers and dings. Ding coffee’s done, BXXZZZZRTTT Oh time to get the laundry. beepbeepbeepbeep food in the oven is done. Chirpchirp Hmm text message from work, Little tune playing from the PC time to log on and do a little event.

as long as you’re there within the first 10 minutes, that’s the big problem.

All other events the bosses respawned throughout even if you couldn’t loot again, just to give people a chance to kill them

the other big problem is it forces alts


I only had that happen on ragnaros once but ya it can happen which needs a fix and all of them semi reset, making my dots and such fall off is also annoying… maybe next week is better lol.

Biggest thing that sucks for me is that with Remix I deleted a bunch of half-leveled toons, created them anew in remix, leveled them, and:

  1. Don’t know what gear they’ll have when they leave, so don’t know if we should be holding onto the gear from the event for them

  2. Remix toons are still locked to Panda Land, so I only have a few characters I can do the event on right now.

  3. Even if I had full access to them right now only one toon can do the event before it’s over for 90 minutes. So it makes sense to do all three zones on one toon first, then the next. Which means you’re up to 4.5 hours minimum per character to get the weekly done. That adds up fast if you’re not no-lifing the game.

They’ll have 420 gear from interviews, they might up that to 480 though, either way I wouldn’t really worry about it, TWW is going to be designed around 360 ilvl

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you would still have the majority of people killing the boss in the first 10 mins. 30 mins later you would have 1 or 2 people complaining there wasn’t enough people to down it.

nah… someone wants to play the “superior” card.

just because someone is able to take 10 minutes out of their day every once in a while, doesn’t mean they don’t have responsibilities.

it’s kind of old, and green, and has tentacles sprouting out of it.

another person who doesn’t remember that the item level for alts in the last pre-expansion event was half of what it should have been. :crazy_face:

it’s kind of how war works.


if it was any other way, people would be screaming “but muh immersion!”

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it scales, you cand do it with 100, you can do it with 10

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ok, fair enough

scaling gets whacky with lowbies


so instead of playing wow on my days off, I play other games with 10 min of wow every 90