So, what's the problem with this event?

Let me start out by saying I had 2 goals… completely gear out 2 alts (leather and cloth) and collect the mog for plate and mail.
I have 5 characters. After completing all 3 events/zones on all 5 I have collected 35,435 memories and gear/weapons from drops valued at 81,500 memories (not including dupes) for a total of 116,935 in less than 2 days.
So again I ask, what’s the problem?


Congrats for you


Mainly the problem is that for the next 5 days you can accomplish almost nothing unless you do the weekly quest on more characters. A lot of times I don’t even get any residual memories for killing the boss if I have already done the weekly.

The lag is also a problem. Blizzard could have easily avoided this by limiting how many players can enter each shard - no idea why they haven’t figured this out.


this is my only complaint. and it’s a fair one.


Do all 5 characters each have 116k worth of memories?
Or it took all 5 characters to get this amount that you could spend on a single character?


The problem is people playing WoW as a single player game

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I don’t mean to be rude but did you read my post at all?

What are going on about ?


I dont understand what you mean.
Can you please elaborate


Congratulations on having the time to log on at the perfect time for 15 events. That means that you had nothing else going on and for those 15 times you could log on for the 10 minute window to complete the event in 3 days so far.

I having other things to do have only been able to hit maybe 5 even though I have probably been on wow in those 3 days about 10+ hours.


you will get lag with lots of people in the same place at once.

people seem to forget they can turn their settings down.

i run a potato with win10.
i get maybe 2 spikes per run, and they’re not the sort of spikes where you instantly know “ugh here it goes, kick from server in 5, 4, 3, 2…” :expressionless:

I did. My questions are “the problem” you asked about. In your case you just wanted a few mogs and gear two characters and you played 5 characters for it.
What about players who gave the same goals but over 10, 20, 30+ characters?
You think it’s feasible for them in the current state?


The waiting.
The hours and hours of waiting.

I dont want to have to set timers to enjoy the event.
If they set it at 30 minutes and not 90, things would be much better.

And of course the lag which makes playing feel impossible.


ah yes.

the good old “i’m the only person who has a life outside of the game” card.

should be a whole lot faster due to the gear being wbb :smiley:

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I’d also really like to know what the intent is for residual memory drops from the boss. Are we supposed to get the 500 RM only the first kill of each boss each week? Or the first kill of the day? Or every kill?

If it’s only the first kill of the week or the day, then the event design is bad. Increasing the frequency of boss spawns helps nothing if you only get the 500 RM once a day or a week.

If it’s supposed to be 500 for every boss kill, then it is majorly bugged, because that has not been happening for me and many others.

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I am sure success is possible for people that don’t have forces fighting to keep them from looting the boss every event , but I am " Forest Gump" to the bliz elite and they feel I don’t deserve functioning drivers for the full length of it.

that’s coming

Yeah in 2 weeks.
But having to wait 2 weeks for the event to not be awful isnt exactly great :stuck_out_tongue:


“I want to gear 30 characters, but I dont have enough time on my hands to do it.”



I don’t think this event was intended to gear out 30 characters on one account. sorry.