So, what's the problem with this event?

My Druid only has a staff and no clothing lol

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Most people also aren’t going to go all degenerate and do the event on 5+ characters all day every day.

Hurr . … it’s ok guys … you just have to log in and super camp it for 34 hours a day, on sixteen characters at once with 19 accounts. WHUTS da prob?


so because I can do something you can’t you insult me as having no life?

I’ve given up on the event for gear.

It’s faster and more reliable to gear doing the daily/weekly rewards in DF. the bags have been rewarding 480 gear at least for my character, and the weekly has given me a couple 493 pieces.

Also you get 2 pieces of currency to buy 493 raid gear.

it’s far more efficient use of time, and can be done far more reliably (except researchers under fire which won’t even start on my main anymore)

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you did describe to us in great detail how little life you have. What did you expect?

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I’m almost thinking the same if I wasn’t levelling alts ready for 70.

What I really would like is the heirloom ring and I’m 1 memory away and I hope I get it in the next 15 minutes in the next event.

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I just got a crossbow.
I dont play hunter.
This event is just frustrating.

Between logging back in every hour and the garbage drops, this event offers no fun at all.

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you know nothing about me. and where is the detail I went into about my life or what little you think there is?

I’m going to give you the positive and say you work in an office with access to a PC. So logging in every 90 minutes to play. Game sounds like time well spent . Not everyone can do that tho.

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Not spawning movs for 3 days now

yeah someone was fluffing on about the pre-df event before.

then i rattled off a list of stuff which went wrong with the event, and they disappeared.


in particular, the issues with spawns in Tirisfal Glades, item levels being stupidly low for lowbies, chronic lag issues, experience nerfed

…but i’m sure none of those things happened to you.
it was only everyone else who had their time disrespected.

Is it really an insult when it’s just the given fact? :smile: If you think the event is fine just because you’re able to invest all of your time into the game, I figure there are no other priorities. You could also be on vacation, but the fact that it doesn’t even cross your mind that this stuff could be a problem for a lot of players with a normal life, speaks volumes.

That would result in a real quick trip to HR and a box for your stuff where I work.

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It works better with things that aren’t actually that bad.

A for effort. Everyone respects the hustle.

But this one is pretty bad.

He could be CEO/Exec?

Caught my old CEO playing WoW on company time :stuck_out_tongue:

correct. and some people can play all hours of the night, I cannot.

Being able to log in every few hours is, though. Not everyone works for home, and those that do are still sometimes way too busy for that sort of nonsense.

Even if you generally have about an hour to play every day… that’s a reasonable amount of time… you can do anything, even mythic + with that.

But with an event like this? What if that one hour falls between the event timers?

Sorry but just because it works for you doesn’t mean it works for everyone, and an event should be designed to include everyone and not just the peoppe who have a computer handy 24/7. :woman_shrugging:


I do not. not even close. but keep on assuming.

This is one of the times where I will say if you have any type of commitments outside of WoW you are going to be screwed with the 90 minute timer this week. So I can get maybe one event done and just farming mobs for it … sucks. As the timer goes down the event will feel better but I am hoping they skip the 60 minute one and go straight to every 30 minutes.

Considering the poster to which you are replying is comparing herself to someone who apparently played the game almost 24 hours straight and doesn’t seem to understand that other people do things like stop to prepare food for their families a few times a day, I think in this case it’s a fair observation.