So what will it take to save WoW?

If they do away with that we will have the onslaught of THERE’S NOTHING TO DO IN WOW!!!

Awww, thanks.


Now, I will quote the Truth and you can do with it whatever you like:

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It’s about trends, as listed above and I will link again.

On the flip side if a game has 500k players and goes up too 1 million players it is a far healthier MMO than the one with 3 million players. Since one doubled in size and is growing everyone wants to be there. Where the one that lost half it’s players even though it still has 3 million no one wants to be there cause it’s dying.

So saving WoW would mean gaining back the millions of players it lost and growing it’s player base again. It would mean for Subs to last longer than the typical 1-3 months a year. If players only play a few months a year and leave and maybe never come back we end up with the current situation.

WoW is profitable.

WoW is regularly updated. Maybe not as often as you like, but it is.

WoW is profitable.

WoW still has millions of players. Will it ever have 12 million again like it did in WOTLK? Nope. But it has millions of players. UO and Everquest are still alive and their playerbase is a tiny fraction of WoW’s current population.

WoW is profitable.

Everyone is not leaving. Some have left. But not everyone.

WoW is profitable.

WoW is not dying.

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THat’s why I say just give us temprary abilities like we have with the class ones , which are minor in comparison to things like the Soulbinds and Conduits. So in other words a choice of talents to pick for say your class/spec with the flavor of the expansion . None of this spend all patch grinding some kind of asinine particle farming .

The problem with these systems starting with the Artifact weapons is if you look at them they are pretty much 90+ % passive talent trees .

Something like essences would be fine but bring them back as glyphs .

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Yes here it is.

Everything in this game is in an abysmal state in participation from M+ too Arena. This is statically true. Participation is at historic lows.

Not for long cause SL killed it. You can’t lose 75% of your player base and remain profitable. Especially when other MMOs are really good and taking all the WoW refugees that are fed up with Blizz lies and bad expansions.

8 months isn’t regularly, if WoW is going to be saved it will need to be 2-3 months patches. Especially now that it has great competition.

50% of the population left twice though. WoW lost 50% the first few months after launch like it does now for releasing unfinished expansions, then it lost another 50% again last quarter. WoW is barely over 1 million subs. It lost most of it’s players. Let that sink in.

When you lose 50% of your players not once but twice… it’s died 2 times. This thing is on life support. I do hope Blizz hires people it needs to turn this sunken ship around though. Might take a miracle. Not sure they got it in them.


He never left. He plays it less.

To be the honest the best thing they can do is give us the tools we need to play the game without the hoops and then get out of our way and let us play how we want .

Yes some will blow through things and go there is nothing to do but then again they already do with the way it is now.

Giving us the freedom to play how we want will get more people to do more like old content as well as different forms of content along with trying new classes out more then have been done over the last 3 expansions.

Stop telling us we are having fun the wrong way , everyone has their own idea of what fun is for themselves. Just let us have that fun our way and just worry bout providing things like quests , dungeons, raids ,battle grounds and yes even things like wqs for us to do .

Or he is going to have to know more about the game he leads.

So in far in interviews he has admittted to not getting crafting and mogs.

he is a raider. OKay…raider is going to have get spun up on crafting. So that something besides alchemy is useful the whole expac or even across expacs. The crushing deprecations on new expac get old as well, imo.

Useful beyond making gold. Some in rpg’s we don’t want to get rich. Crafting is jsut a side thing we do for fun. But its a big side thing.

Like me in say skyrim. While I could on one save reset via legendary a few crafting trees, I keep that 100 crafting. Its day x…I want to make something different.

Put away the chaos enchanted stahlrim bow (stahlrim enhancing many elemental effects ofc) and lets make bow x with this enchant I never really use. Lets give this unloved enchant some love and make it work in some way.

These are the biggest issues I have with the game and what I might change:

Toxicity - We only have systems that promote elitism or competitive play (rankings, mythic score, easy vote to kick). Implement a reward system for grouping with new/unskilled players and moderate toxicity. Insta-kicking someone in LFR for messing up once on an encounter shouldn’t be allowed.

Alts - Make Renown account-wide and reduce currency costs of upgrades. Reward an account-bound experience boost ring for the first campaign completion.

Torghast - Remove the torments. Just stupid.

Gearing - Stupid to have 2 PvP sets. Consolidate into a single set that upgrades linearly from honor → conquest, update appearances based on iLvl and reduce cost accordingly. For example:

Rank 1: 1000 honor or 300 conquest
Rank 2: +500 honor
Rank 3: +800 honor
Rank 4: 200 conquest
Rank 5: 40 conquest
Rank 6: 60 conquest

That way honor gear isn’t literally deleted when you get conquest.

For dungeons… Remove keystone cap on mythic gear upgrades, increase Valor cost and change the achievement to simply the valor cost.

Lastly - Fire arrogant developer leads that undermine players and/or call them stupid.

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a bigger dev team that doesn’t ghost the community would “save” wow :100:

they should also pick a direction for the game and stick with it (modern design vs classic/conservative design, etc.) just seems like they are going in circles from expansion to expansion with their ideas

The problem I see is Blizzard has pushed out most of the casual playerbase so now the whales have no one to lord it over with their bought power so guess who the next will be to leave if this continues.
You can not have elitists in a game without casuals to be fodder.

The World of MMO Whales

Is the title of a pretty good youtube vid explanation on whales and casuals in an MMOs.

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Get rid of rating gate for Conquest gearing would be a start.

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Don’t you have New World to play? Or have you been blasting their forums with crap just like you do here?

Their forums are just as bad btw, everyone should go have a look at it and how everyone is “enjoying” the “better mmo”

I pvp’d alot in 9.0.

9.1…not so much.

Comp stomp was nice. I will give it that. a place where some fresh noob 60 alts could work up some gear not in the RNG hell that is korthia. And…I wasn’t face planted in seconds flat.

some lesser played classes I even got to work full rotations, several times…to get into their groove. Meanwhile versus humans in regular pvp…I am dead 3 casts into a 5 cast rotation. And those 3 are build ups…not even putting out real damage yet.

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Nothing this game has been ruined by the woke and people who don’t deserve to be here

The only thing that will save WoW, is to release a revamped version of WoW - one where the core game is fresh, and has none of the “Blizzard Fraternity” which has tarnished its name. There are countless examples of content that the former designers had left in the game which would take a prohibitively extensive amount of time to redo. Entire questlines, areas, models, zones, voice lines, character interactions, artwork etc…

In theory they could remove and rework all of this content, but it would not be an easy and quick fix… Examples of which can include:

The Great Afrasiabi questline
Karazhan’s maiden section with the Concubines and Seductresses
Black Temple’s harem section, also with Concubines
“Sultry” voicelines
‘Nods’ and cameo’s of former, disgraced developers
Extra skimpy armor/clothing models, as well as the basic ‘no clothes’ options
The super-voluptuous figures that practically all female humans/elves have
Artwork that follows the above
Politically correct changes, and/or what is basically insulting today, which may have been acceptable years ago

These are just a few of the literally dozens of types of things which need to be changed, and given the age of WoW, and much of the outdated original architecture, a complete refresh could actually be a practical option at this point…

Short version? The game does fine because it’s not built for gamers. It’s built for whales.

The guy who buys 5-6 tokens every week so he can dunk on his heroic raid “buddies” with his bought and paid for mythic gear.

That guys is worth 20 regular players. And he’s not an outlier. Pretty soon, it’s just gonna be whales selling carries to newer whales and the game is just going to be raking in the cash and be a stagnant cesspool for people who actually play. Or is it that already?

“Saving” wow means different things to different people. Personally, I think getting people to play the game and make whaling harder is the way I’d take it, but that would be over Kotiks dead body at this point, so it’ll never happen.

As long as m+ is fun and rewarding, idgaf what they do. If they try to continue this push to make m+ players raid, then I’ll probably be out.

Go take your cancel culture where it’s wanted (nowhere)

While I agree that nods towards the disgusting employees that corrupted Blizzard should be removed, but everything else should stay.

I’m sure there are games out there for your easily offended people, but this game isn’t one of them.

Ooo yeah watch me flex on my heroic buddies with my 2 pieces of 252 AH gear, and once a week choice of +15 from the vault.

Seeing as you have some raid kills, and do m+, I’m sure you know that’s not the case. You could buy your way to a full 252 set, and still be a garbage player with no idea what your abilities do, which is more than likely the case when it comes to people who would go as far to buy that many carries.


Not that I think WoW is ending, it’s still subscription based for a reason, but there needs to be a lot more passion the world part of warcraft. They also need to start connecting or merge servers. Folks will whine about customizations taking up resources, but immersion is pretty damn crucial to a MMORPG and the fact that we’re getting new options after like…14 years of waiting is actually insane. Not going to count WoD as it’s a general update that didn’t give any ‘‘new’’ customizations. The last time we got something ‘‘new’’ was really WotLK.