So what will it take to save WoW?

Why, yes. Yes, it is.

I guess i’m asking for a health check on WoW cause I really don’t know if it is or not. Most of the cities look like ghost towns.

Not with the drift wood we have as devs and managers above them no.

Maybe in the players hands we could get something exciting again.


Go back to the old days and stop designing the game with +3 systems in mind, all made so people log in every day and waste their time. They are not challenging or interesting to farm and are just a way to make the game into a tedious grind, it kills the excited to roll new character when they are behind 3 time consuming grinds.

They shouldnt be afraid to let people play when they want.


ban all the cry babies.

From the bad, it is the worse, and ofc, that being, it is the famous one.

It is like Bill Nye being the “Science Guy”, while freaking Dolph Lundgren is more of a SCience Guy than him.

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You know this streamer is going to come back to WoW.


I don’t think it is going to die as long as it continues to be financially successful.

But I do not believe there is anything the playerbase can do or suggest that will make it popular again.

Even if Blizzard was willing to spend the money and followed WoTLK’s formula exactly, how many people do you really think would return for that? And before you answer, remember instead of all the repetitive endgame activities, you had leveling that actually took time, dedication and effort which folks whined endlessly about.


Also had leveling that mattered. Some of the gripes about modern wow leveling as there is no real point to it. Level cutoffs for gear is all it is. Can’t have you having that 55 weapon now mister/ms 51. It break the game.

OKay I am now 55, gimme that weapon. And then the scaling goes hahahahaha, you got pranked hard.

MOb X met in minute 1 of the expac scales to us. And will does so basically till 9.x much later.

We gain 2 levels, mob gains 2 levels.

Tell us mob when do we beat you like the trash mob you are?

Dude…that’s easy. be season 2 raid gear fit and now you take a few rotations off me, maybe. You won’t one shot me till, oh, wow 11.0. Which with the new squish scaling has happened. BFA is not one shot ville really.

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Preaching to the choir. Open world questing is my main game.

And I am one of those people griping.

But that doesn’t mean I was/am unaware of folks who endlessly cried about the original leveling system and either do or would prefer present day’s braindead leveling system with the scaling and fast xp gains and on-rails story.

Thats pretty much what we have.

They can work on making the game fun again, but it’s too old to he as fun as it used to be.

those numbers are nice n’ all but we all know emphasis is/isnt placed on things to make managers/companies look good. i think the game is on life support and we are still seeing the fantasy numbers that make people look good

It’s over. No king rules forever.


In order to answer this question I would first need to believe wow is in need of saving.

To fix this? Destroy the world :slight_smile: No more covenant bases for people to hide out in :-1:

To fix this: Remove sharding :+1:


Getting rid of Ion. The game is without a doubt worse with him in charge


A ‘WoW 2’ but not what you think.

Hear me out.

You still keep all the current landmasses (Kalimdor etc.) but the 'WoW 2 part of it is on the other side of the planet we can’t see yet (or does the current world map actually wrap around the planet but it’s just laid out flat?)

So the team do another Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor called something completely different and have 4 new races for each faction. It’s like starting again but it’s not because the player can freely travel between the 2 sides of the planet and everyone retains all their current gear etc.

It’s ‘WoW 2’ but not a reset.

I’m no game dev but i think a good start would be to put more resources into the game, it has been painfully obvious to me that the devs are less focused on creating good+fun content and more interested in using crappy tactics to try and milk as much engagement out of us as possible with the least amount of money spent on their end. That’s just corporate BS 101, must milk more profits while spending less, fire people, trim budgets and get more out of what little you have left.

Sadly, the Blizzard that would have once cared about this kind of thing is long gone.


Earnings are up only due to sales of tokens on the cash shop. If the current trend continues, lack of content will continue to drive away players. And you think there’s a bright future in a game that has a playerbase that is perpetually circling the drain?

Those whales you are trusting to stay forever and continually max out their tokens while spending oodles more on real money transactions to you will leave at the drop of a hat when they look around and see no one playing.

The people who used to make good content have left long ago. Hiring has been of like-minded individuals who are interested in milking those spreadsheet metrics and shop sales.


That used to be the case, not anymore. People are leaving for other games, especially 1 (you know which one).

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