So what killed the hype?

I’m still hyped, if anything the stress test only being available to subs a bit of a buzzkill. I’d sub for the beta, not for 2 days of a stress test; even then I’m still tempted for even just those 2 days.


azmongold man this guy dont even have his keybinds wtf is this crap i am watching
this chipmunk looking guy wide eyed staring at the screen getting open mouthed for the soy
blizz gave all these streamers an invite? this guy a raider on live? why does he not even have his keybinds is this the standard in modern wow for being a popular player? dont evne have to play ur class right.
this guy is going WOO WOO WE DID IT after he beats the lvl 40 boss with his buddies. this dude clicking shield wall, no keybinds and cheering.
wtf is this soyboy crap?
this is classic community? im going back to retail

How does that work? BfA had similar amount of content of Legion’s last patch. Is it a recycle of a recycle?

That is how we get brown napkins! Arrrghhh! NOOO!

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I was working all day so didn’t get to play. My hype has not changed.

What killed the hype?

Nothing my friend. The hype is not dead. Classic is coming and it is going to be fun.

Everyone acting like the hype is dead clearly didn’t play Vanilla when BC was about to come out. This is what happens. People stop playing… they take a break. They do whatever it is they want to do because they know in 2 months Classic will release.

It’s just like any other expansion. People stop logging on because they know what they are doing won’t matter in a few months. Same with the stress test. People are waiting on Classic to launch. Also, this stress test started in the middle of the work day unlike the others which started later in the day.

I’m still super excited!


This 3 month beta should have been closed with NDA for 2 of them.

Streamers being capped with nothing to do makes the game look boring, especially since they binge they game and level fast.

Watching other people play while you don’t.


Sorry you lost your hype. It’s classic. Not sure what you expected. It isn’t going to be the savior of WoW, neither is it as dull as tiddly-winks. It is exactly as I remembered it, but with less boars. LOL.

But then I was never hyped. Mildly interested. Like going to hear a band you liked decades ago, you would be wise to remember that it isn’t going to be the same as it was back then.

Because there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it until Aug 27th unless you go to a poverty server.

To be blunt, it’s the greedy paywall beta issue. It’s leaving a sour taste in my mouth. I’m starting to think I may end up not bothering with WoW anymore at all, retail or classic. I’m not liking this companies business practices and am wondering why I’m even considering supporting them anymore. I would NEVER even consider playing any game that charges for a beta soooooooooooooo yeah, cause that’s exactly what this is.


So funny…I’ve done the last 2 stress tests, after I could log in. But I don’t need to do 1-15 after a character wipe. I’m home, screwing around with a 110 twink. I’m hyped for Classic, but never understood how people get hyped for stress testing and beta access.

I tested to find bugs and see if it was true to the original game. Once it met my expectations for that, I don’t want to play until live. Especially with Classic, I’m ready to no life it with a character I get to keep.


They are being capped to drag it out over the 3 month stretch.
Still have all of July to cover.

I know. OP wanted to know what possible reasons there could be for hype loss.

Being capped with nothing to do is one of them. Watching people be capped with nothing to do is one of them.

The level doesn’t matter, it’s the nothing to do part that will drain folks. You could be 60 but without stuff to do - things get boring.

Hype wasn’t killed people are just waiting till it releases are we supposed to run around on fire all day every day for something that can’t be officially started?


very true I am going to just play Classic but I will wait to sub until release day.


They had to close most of the stress test servers because not enough people even showed up. Kinda worrying but I hope things start hyping back up come August.

other than they had to shut down the other servers to have their paywall? was not paying another month just for a 3rd stress test. not throwing money for a bad product in bfa, i can not stomach to play.

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I voted with my wallet against current wow. I am not paying until they offer me Classic as a finished product. I personally know at least 15 people who are doing just the same thing.

If that leaves me out of their little test, fine I guess. The paywall is a mistake, since they are leaving most of the potential customers out of it. Remember most people that want classic are people like me, sick and tired and not paying for the current game but eager to pay for the complete classic experience.


I agreed with you up to this point.

“most potential customers out” are all of us. Paying and non paying.

And people like me. Tired of live and excited to get back to classic.

You dont have to pay and you can wait. That is fine.