So what killed the hype?

I never said it was shut down?

As much as I like ooga as a concept. Every serious ganker is only going to go horde. Shame how nothing on alliance has popped up, but then again the qqing would be as much as horde squealed about alliance ganking flight paths in bfa (which both factions did, horde just got the sob story cause of greater numbers to boost the claim).

Speak for yourself, I am pretty hyped with the stress test going on.

You think viewers gonna be rabid for a month watching lvl 30 do SM and lvl 40s do uldaman? Viewership has declined from peak of beta launch and testers play less than they did doesn’t equate to “ZOMG HYPE DEAD”. Overall Wow viewership is still quite up from the usual 5k viewers it has.

4 month streamer beta

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Imagine complaining about how 10k year old elven ruins aren’t supposed to look like 10k year old elven ruins from essentially the same level of culture.
Also complaining about something looks. That’s a such a big problem with people these days and games. How the game looks beyond text being legible and abilities being understandable should have no importance on how the game plays. Developers and customers that put too much emphasis on looks and sound over gameplay and mechanics shouldn’t have a say in game creation.

I don’t have beta access. If I did, I’d be playing it.

Awww. Did you lose that lovin’ feelin too?

It’s a 48 hour stress test. Who cares if they started it in the middle of the day?

Sounds like people are waiting it out to play release.

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This game isn’t and never was going to be popular after the first month of release. People who actually enjoy the game for what it is may still be done with content after a month of grinding.

This is the same fate as all modern games. Don’t cry about it.

It’s only actively monitored for a small fraction of that time.

I brought my laptop to work, fought over spawns for about 3 hours… but now I gotta finish working before my boss notices.

One thing, probably the greatest thing about MMORPGs is that they are a 24/7 (mostly… except reset day) world. Not everyone plays at the same times or even in the same time zones.

Think about it from another perspective, if they had run this stress test at about 3am… would you get more or less people?

But this isn’t a “modern game”. Consider it right up there with the retro games.
And those are doing great.

The level is capped at 40. There’s only so many 5 man dungeons. The stress test isn’t unpopulated, it’s just testing layering.

You will get hyped again when we are closer to release.

It honestly doesn’t bother me that much, which is why it was just an offhand comment at the end of my post. The current iteration of classes being utter trash is the actual issue, and they did literally nothing to address it in 8.2. I’ll still probably play through the 8.2 content in August when Classic is out and I don’t have to wait through 2 months of time gating just to get through it all.


You aren’t wrong about classes being garbage. Playing ret and all my alts that I geared for mage tower, a few days and later months into bfa made me just feel so depressed about how broken and incomplete they are. Glad Ion had that long speech yesterday saying that unpruning will happen at “some point”. 8.2 looks better than other bfa content. Although right now even though I am in the beta, I find myself playing retail. Not cause of sunken cost or “its habit or better”, but rather to just get everything that I wanted done/let slip over the years get out of the way before moving on to classic. Just close the book until something like mage tower comes up in bfa or whatever.

For me honestly, it’s the streamers.

I’d be more hyped for it if Blizzard didn’t give every single Streamer and “influencer” beta access so they can circle jerk pvp all day.

I hate pvp, don’t like it and don’t want it. I won’t do it, won’t participate in it and won’t have a thing to do with it. I’d be 100% more excited if I didn’t know that Barrens chat is going to soon look like Asmondgold’s twitch chat.

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Um. Then don’t watch. It’s not like it’ll have any real affect if you don’t participate in some way.

go away troll

my hype is greater than ever