So what exactly are the mods doing?

It’s always been like this. Light hearted trolling has never been punished, and it shouldn’t be.

If you’re getting banned here it’s either because you’re stalking/harrassing/threatening someone. Or, you said something racist/misogynist/homophobic/etc.

My feeling is that the moderators are doing the job they have been assigned to do by their bosses. Just because you think they should be doing it differently doesn’t mean we have reason to believe they aren’t doing the job as they were told to do it.


Why exactly care? What is the benefit to removing the threads you dislike?
There’s an ignore function on here, is there not? There’s also basic human willpower, that’s sorely underused in this day and age.

The less moderation anything has, the better.


I was once given a vacation for saying that the servers were up before they had actually finished maintenance. That level of egregious trolling clearly has no place here. It was a dark stain on the otherwise pristine front page of GD.


Looking for people breaking the rules :slight_smile:

You know how people get away with doing stuff IRL because it’s not technically against the rules? That :slight_smile:

This will forever be my favorite


Rofl, that’s just more proof that the appeals process is just an automated one that sends out an email confirming the action taken. There’s no way an actual review happened there.


You gotta remember the mods are just blue hairs who need to virtue signal as much as possible.


There’s something seriously wrong with the moderation on these forums.
Amount of threads I’ve been in that are derailed off-topic simply because some people don’t like them is absolutely unacceptable, and after dealing with several people I know being followed around and hassled/trolled for literal years, to the point that the group wound up doxxing me because they were allowed to do this for so long, is ridiculous.

It’s pretty obvious there’s no live moderation, it’s pretty much automated. And when your own forums have gotten this bad, it’s a horrid representation of the community since this would be the first place new/casual players would come to try talking about the game outside something like Twitter/Facebook.

It’s pretty bad when a place known for being toxic like MMO-C has better conversations going on, and they actually moderate and can tell when people are trolling or intentionally just trying to piss people off. Think the only place that got close to this bad for an official game forum was the Wildstar ones.

These forums have always been “bad” to an extent, I’ve been using them on and off for over a decade now, but this is honestly the worst it’s ever been, and I can’t see it getting better unless they get some actual live moderators going and actually pay attention to what’s going on in the community more like… actual community moderators.


I’ve had to request to overturn two different suspensions for light hearted threads. Thankfully, customer support overruled the moderators of these forums.


i don’t know why your worried about the forums i bet if you asked all the people still playing wow have you ever used the forums the majority would tell ya never it’s just a small group i never used them til the end of wod when i read the legion patch notes and i actually used to come here and talk about the game or try to seriously until i truly found of what the forums were all about. this place has been garbage forever why you think blizz just left it to sit here and rot away probably hoping it would just go away. the forums in no way help this game out and the op trys to say it was better in older days not really just a bunch trolls then as is now trying to rile everyone up and everyone falls for it why you think controversial topics always sit at the top people eat it up just like the rest of social media.

Everything is automated nowdays. The community is left to moderate itself and mass report things they don’t like.

Of course, certain posts seem to be immune to machine-powerered moderation due to the sensible nature of said topics.

People are bored, mainly. However, it doesn’t mean that those threads should continue. It’s pretty obvious which ones are actually about WoW and which ones are meant to drum up drama.

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the mods probably get alot of laughs of the stuff here and no one is keeping anyone here people constantly complain about them yet never go away. they clearly ain’t using these forums for the game and everyone knows it it’s just a small amount of people here who live to stir up crap it’s why all the threads that are purposefully made to just start bickering sit at the top and why i take nothing serious here. i go to better places when i wanna talk about the game seriously blizz never ruined these forums the players did and why you think blizz said see ya basically. they ain’t our parents and you shouldn’t expect blizz to do half the things people constantly ask of them.

I have no idea how many perpetrators there are, but at least one of the trolls has figured out an almost perfect system for avoiding any moderation at all, and others have now copied the formula now that they’ve recognized the pattern. Usually it works for most of them but a few can get overzealous and actually have their topics 404’d. Most of us that at least visit regularly can recognize them for what they are, but they’re just crafty enough to get away with it as far as mods are concerned.

I stared at this for like 5 mins just now trying to see wtfrick could have possibly warranted moderation and I still have no idea.


I assume it was the part where he said “a” and then followed it up with “f” because we know what those letters stand for.

I was similarly actioned for saying “f” and then “k” and then “n” because those three letters together stand for a bad word we all recognize. I appealed it and they confirmed to me that they, a human being, were reading the appeal and agreeing it was deserved. I hope I can’t get in trouble for saying this too? I accepted it like a grownup and scrolled reddit at work for two weeks instead of the forums, no big deal, but … yeah.

I specifically asked why it was that posts full of actual vile, obscene, hateful material was allowed to stay up untouched while I was suspended, and they told me to do a better job flagging those things. So now I send them plenty of flags every day, as requested. :blush:


The mods on this forum are truly awesome, awesome people who provide an extremely valuable service to Blizzard. They are the unsung heroes of their time - protecting us from microaggressions of other posts and making sure half the posts in the World of Warcraft General Forums are about LGBTQ+ people and not World of Warcraft - like it should have always been.

Whatever they’re being paid, it should be doubled.

I got suspended for criticizing DPS players in pugs but people are allowed to troll on here all day with seemingly no consequences


I want to know in which universe Corporate Communications would OK such a post. What benefit would it bring the company (any company) to tell customers that they’re reducing service to cut costs?