So what exactly are the mods doing?

Presumably threads/posts are viewed in a vacuum without taking into account posting habits.


Not going to lie, the moderators here are crap. If they exist outside of moderating solely auto-flagged stuff I would be shocked.


The most likely scenario is that you are misremembering. The forums have always been a cesspit.

Edit -

Yep, definitely misremembering.

some users do get away with stuff that would have seen their posting rights terminated in the past. It depends on what side you are on.

I still remember being holidayed for a week or so many years ago when blizzard rolled out some sweeping change that had the community up in arms. 1 user was using this forum as their personal toilet using crude offensive language, calling out specific players etc. Basically he read the TOS, and did everything it said not to do. HOWEVER, because he was targeting players that disagreed with the change, he didnt get actioned, he was never affected. Anyone who replied to his posts in opposition though, posts deleted or even temp forum bans.

Its pretty sad what the community has become, Once upon a time this game was so much better because the community had to be a community and not just a bunch of random btags with numbers after them (or alt hoppers in case of the forum). Its a shame, the gameplay itself isnt necessarily bad, even with the “controversies” of late


Clearly I’ve seen th LGBQT topic trend and it doesn’t bother me, save for the clone posts all over the place. It’s got an excellent mega thread on the boards. The posters looking for clout (?) by making a zillion other minor topics is of course part of the clutter problem we’re discussing. Why aren’t moderators reading these new threads and being like, “Great post, please put this in the mega thread!” They used to do that. In fact when I was making this particular post, I got a whole list of suggestions of previous published threads that were similar to my topic. I could read and post there if any of their suggestions seemed to fit.

So 1 identifiable problem is their auto suggestion bot is getting ignored. That’s not surprising.


We have mods who don’t care or can’t do anything about the trolls on the forums so instead they make it out to seem like we’re the bad guys/gals.

This is what the forums are now. They’ve created more segregation rather than being all inclusive.

It’s a sad to watch a company do everything they can to stay out of cancel cultures grasp.


Nah, that part I am sure I remember accurately because I was one of the players that got into a spat with a Blue over some PvP stuff during TBC. Something wasn’t proccing right on my spell rotation and the Blue insisted something else was the problem. I had my argument up for about 3 days and then it got tossed into General Discussion as irrelevant and subsequently buried. Later they fixed the issue I’d identified, but of course - nothing further had been said.

The best we can surmise is that, yes, there are human mods, but they are not the staple of the moderation any more. At best, they come in at certain flag thresholds, with a certain amount of automation that undeniably happens at other thresholds (even though they deny it).

This has major issues, as if those thresholds aren’t met, nothing happens, or at least not in a relevant time span. A few months ago it took more than five days for someone who outright called another poster autistic in a class forum to have that comment removed, and even then, that only happened when I brought it up in a similar GD thread to this one and people volunteered to go report the comment as well. Not mention a slew of other blatantly harassing posts within that same thread. But the fact that all that behavior was left to stand for nearly a week gives an awful impression of the forums, and what is acceptable.

And then there are many examples of threads, comments, or posters that should clearly have action taken on them that instead seem to get continuous passes. I suppose some of the few human mods that are left simply aren’t paid enough to give a damn.

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I remember there were always elitists and a bit of drama on the forums - particularly around new changes. So they were never perfect. But I’ve never hopped on and seen outright abuse that wasn’t directly flagged and almost immediately (within an hour or two) addressed by a moderator. Then the subsequent, “This comment” or “This post has been deleted/removed by the moderator” tag.

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I wouldn’t be surprised to wake up tomorrow morning and be suspended or banned from the forums myself.


Oh, it’s still there but sadly you need an addon to see it. The amount of dislikes on the new Rings of Amazon show is mindboggling.

They will try to disable comments next on youtube. Heh.


But why is RvW even on the forums? It’s supposed to be for posting about game content? This is why I’m so confused. General Discussion has gone skipping off into the weeds, fell off a cliff, face planted into a swamp and then got jettisoned into a black hole of everything that isn’t related to the game at all.


I do remember the old days of topics being moved or merged. That would actually be an outstanding thing to bring back. Though certain users posting certain threads would likely not be welcomed into certain megathreads due to what seems to be a trolling campaign, which is painting specific users in a terrible light.

So that as well as a bit more application of common sense moderation would go hand in hand to stabilise 1 issue thats currently ongoing

that has been possible since before they hid the dislikes. Its now possible for a user to upload complete garbage and a viewer wont know untill they click, by which time any non adblock users have funneled adsense money into the channel owners pocket

Reminds me of the time I got a three day “trolling” forum silence for disagreeing with a thread that claimed we couldn’t do anything in Shadowlands without Anima. All I said was, “Weird, I don’t need Anima to raid, PvP, do world quests, professions, etc.”

Of the three actions I’ve ever had on the forums, two of them were crap like this.


I didn’t. I was mildly sarcastic at worst.

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That is pretty wild. One sentence gets you silenced but a whole boat load of blatant nonsense posts go undisturbed. That for sure is a head scratching enigma of utmost human weird choices of behavior to police. You guys are painting a bleak picture, which is unfortunate.

Thanks for all the insight and input. It’s been good feedback to see that what I’m experiencing on these forums seems to match up with your experiences too. Likely I have some rose colored glasses about the past, but just the volumes of stuff here feels like way, way more junk flowing than it used to. And way less moderation interaction (at least visibly happening).

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Well, that’s my own secret business…


where mob rule was the order of the day in regards to threads. unpopular opinions got silenced almost instantly with dislikes. people the forums didn’t like got brigaded to death with dislikes. there was a really good reason dislikes got taken and it was because people like me got abused with them. you lost it because the forums acted like children with them and thus it got taken away the blues made it clear on the old forum that for that reason alone its NEVER COMING BACK. you have all the people who abused it to thank for that.


The mechanic of chain dislikes dropping comments down to the bottom of the thread ‘just because’ did get old and annoying after awhile. It was abused and became a problem for many people. Then I remember that very short time span where they actually used to allow the OP of a topic to delete comments that were intentionally derailing to the discussion or the OP just didn’t like the response. Those were crazy times.

Edit: I’m off to bed guys, thanks for all the feedback. Here’s hoping some responsible people get back on the forums and help create a little more order for those who desire constructive conversations.

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If they actually got rid of posts that shouldn’t be here there would literally be like nothing here you got realize the forums are quite deadfrom what they was last time you was here. The only thing going on in forums in 2022 are the few same topics just repeated over and over remove all that with the stuff that has nothing to do with wow it would be quite dead around here.

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