So what exactly are the mods doing?

This. It’s surprising that Blizzard hasn’t shut them down. I can’t imagine this being anything more than a waste of bandwidth. You don’t need forums in 2022.

I believe you on the doxxing, there are some serious creeps out here.

They are doing their job!
And: we are glad to have them.

It could be because people’s posts get drown out by spam and trolling, so they stop trying. They probably went to reddit.

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This is true. I never make threads anymore because there’s always trolls or rude people who think they’re clever. This place is sad.


I’d say the WoW reddit has less creeps than the forums. But it’s still a cesspool overall.

It’s also funny a lot of the “social butterfly” clique posters here I’ve seen trolling too and get away with it.

One bizarre poster had a whole thread threatening someone and they’re still here.

It still at least gets moderated. I don’t see a bevy of off topic posts. There can be trolling sometimes, but it doesn’t seem nearly as bad as here. Especially with the profile jumping that goes on here.

Saw someone in another thread yesterday switching between profiles trying to make it seem like people agree with his points. As soon as he stopped posting all the other people agreeing with him also mysteriously stopped posting.

Straight up sociopaths in here.


It took me so long :laughing: I thought I had gotten in trouble for this emoji :open_mouth: because it’s called open_mouth :rofl:


I’m more like a social moth, drawn to the flames of a burning dumpster fire…


Honestly, a lot of us have discussed the overall lacking moderation more than once, including community council members who have said as much on the forums directly. There’s been plenty of violent threads which should not have been around that were up for hours. And it’s a serious issue.

All we can really do though is hope that Blizzard improves and we provide feedback as much as possible and report when necessary.

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statistically speaking, a lot, a lot of posters here have over 10,000 posts.

i’ve been since before Bus Shock. The wow forums now more of a social forums imo, which is fine.

That’s an interesting observation. The player base usually always has something game related to talk about. PvP conflicts, color of their gear, toys, mounts, achievements, bugs, more bugs, all the bugs, auction house, trade chat, LFG, classes, spells and abilities, questlines, lore, battle pets, heck, I remember when there were huge discussions about how Stormwind was redesigned after Cataclysm and there was the love it crowd, the hate it crowd, and the people who didn’t know anything in the city had been changed. Has the day really come when we’ve run out of WoW stuff to talk about? Because that would explain a lot!

I didn’t believe they should be doing it differently at the start of this post. It was just not clear if they existed or were doing anything at all, period. So I was asking what was going on, per other players experience. From what I have read through to the end, I still don’t exactly understand what they are doing. There seems to be a lot of bans going around that don’t follow a strain of logic. Kaurmine’s and Monkiy’s forum silences, for example seem odd. If this is how their bosses assign moderators to do their jobs, it uh, seems to hyper focus small issues and let larger transgressions fly. At least from what the stories in response to my original questions seem to convey.

It’s more curiosity than care. Things are just starkly different and I was wondering when and how it progressed. Also, just coming back, I’m learning about this mystical new ignore button - which I will be exercising as necessary.

I’m not entirely sure that individuals who deal with nuclear power, bio weapons, or protecting private data and records would agree with your assessment that less moderation that anything has the better. Sometimes though, letting the problem solve itself through Darwinism is exactly the road to take.

That’s another head scratcher. Clearly the post wasn’t read. Also funny that those who have been banned show them off as a badge of forum honor. lol.

Lol. Was this an actual response from a forum moderator, or a CC member? Because if they are at least having a discussion with you, that’s something.

In a corporation that deals with needing to build and maintain trust to keep it’s audience engaged, you typically stress transparency. Especially when said corporation is literally giving it’s users a public platform where in dangerous persons can verbally, psychologically or otherwise harrass or harm it’s general users. The audience expects some interaction or explanation of lack of interaction when harm comes forward and is not appropriately addressed.

Communications usually announce to the player base that moderation is then completely based on an automated system and give directions on how to further deal with any harrassment that is outside the system’s parameters. At least, in an ideally ethical world that’s how it’s supposed to work. As we’ve seen per our world, that’s clearly not the way companies address internal policy and system changes to the customer.

This is one of the things that was running through my head the last few days. Blizz used to merge threads and similar topics. They were extra protective of their bandwidth and the cluttery posts were a big no-no. I mean, technically, GD was always the trash bin for all trolling or silly posts. Yet they still had to be WoW related. My Goblin Glider is Bigger than YOUR Goblin Glider! is something you’d definitely find here. But things like the “Keanu Reeves is cool” post, not so much. You’d have to make the link that the actor plays the game or stretch to make a reach as to why the content belongs on the blizz forum.

It’s been an interesting evolution, to say the very least.

It was an actual moderator responding to my complaint when I escalated my ticket asking for non-stock replies.

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It’s actually meant to promote more open conversation. If people are constantly getting downvoted for whatever reason they’ll probably feel less inclined to state their opinion. That opinion may in fact be decent feedback about some aspect of the game despite what the mob may think.


I stopped caring when I got flagged because I didn’t post an opinion that the small vocal minority agreed with. It’s all automated and abused non a daily basis. If you want substance based opinions the forums isn’t the place imo.


Any time I’ve gone to Reddit, I’m bombarded with down votes for literally no reason.

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The unfortunate thing is harassment is up to anyone’s interpretation. Most cases are obvious I’ll admit. But sometimes people really do just use it as a downvote system. Scary thing is mods uphold it most of the time.

I really think they’re crap I’m sorry If you’re reading this but you really are

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Yeah that’ll happen.

But this part … X to doubt.

“dangerous” ? From an anonymous videogame forum where you can block or mute anyone and where IRL threats or even wishing you harm IRL will get the person doing it the banhammer?