So, we have a slavery quest

Hehe hehe

There are a lot of questionable quests in older zones to be honest like recommend this video which brings up some of these kinda quests and even lore about certain quest fodder which the treaty of is kinda questionable.

I mean alot of wow is based around slavery.

German socialists*

It’s ok, we can say it, they can’t hurt us from 80 years in the past.

You’re a Dark Iron Dwarf, your people almost burned the world down, and in game that was like 7 years ago.

Every hill, because internet and boredom.

I was going to disagree, but you’re not wrong. There are a lot of factions or races that have been slaves in very recent WoW history.

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Currently working on Netherwing rep, don’t remember the boot tho, guess I just haven’t gotten that quest yet

I now know what I have to do

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I took it as a hat tip to Raiders of the lost Ark

It’s more than a tip of the hat. It’s the entire hat, suit, cane, and monocle.

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Cmon… you just shock the b’geesus out of him.

When you throw the boots, they come back to you…however they go significantly slower than a 310% flying mount. So you can always stay ahead of them. At one point (back in BC when this was current - was only 280% then), I had an entire line of boots following me all around the zone for like 10 minutes because I didn’t stop long enough for them to catch up.

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IIRC it’s someone that’s undead and you’re hitting him with a poker charged with the Light and in that case it’s definitely burning him.

I’m thinking about The Borean Tundra quest where you zap the Beryl Sorcerer with a “neural needler” inside the mage tower on the plateau. I thought it was “zapping” him with electricity. The Librarians wont use torture but they encourage YOU to do it.

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I had to look it up but I remember that quest now.

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We mass murder innocent people daily and commit genocide weekly, but you dont seem to have an issue with that.


If you like slavery then roll a Horde, go out to Durotar. Along the beach close to the blimp that goes to the Dragon Isles is an Orc who gives you a great little quest that makes the Uldum one seem fairly tame by comparison. Nothing beats humbling a few chained up slaves.


There are a ton of funny quests from Cataclysm! Don’t tell the current devs about them.

They already ruined the legendary Maximillian questline in Un’goro Crater by removing the word “damsel” from it, which was most of the joke. Not sure what about the word damsel upset the developers so.


This is so stupid, the lore in WoW has a lot of things that are or would be considered historic atrocities if in the real world but it’s not it’s a video game, look at the Horde they enslaved the Draenei to open the dark portal killing thousands of Draenei in the process it was horrible yes but it was needed to tell a story without storytelling we cannot reflect on our own humanity and without storytelling we cannot gain appreciation of our own trials and tribulations of our own society, yes there are evil things that happened in WoW but it’s all a part of the story and the story grew and it evolved into what it is today. Without it we wouldn’t have a great game like WoW.

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people like you shouldnt be on the internet lmfao. its a fantasy game called world of WARcraft grow up you wet noodle

Did you complete it though?

Yay fun woohoo!

We literally slaughter and genocide countless creatures for their bones, tusks, teeth, etc. for quests.
We were never the good guys.