So, we have a slavery quest

We know Tovi. We know. -pat pat-

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It’s not slavery if it’s gnomes. Just ask the blood elves, they’ll back me up on this.

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Oh, you poor dear! Did the bad quest made feel you uncomfortable? ;( Such a bidy-pity!
Maybe this game is to harsh for you?

I’ve got something here that may interest you instead:


Are you having a bad day? I’ve never done the quest before and just went “huh”. Some of you guys come in here projecting hard core.

Also Schnotzz (And Belloc Brightblade, for that matter) are part of the broader Harrison Jones/Indiana Jones parody of the zone.

Belloc being Indy’s french rival Belloch, who worked with the Germans who shan’t be named.

Well somehow this seems to have bothered you so much that you felt it necessary to create a thread here.

I’m aware. Those quests gave me quite a laugh. The writers were clever about skirting around the topics from the film without making censors angry.


I hate to break it to you, but people don’t only make threads out of outrage or being offended.


This is the world we’re rolling into sadly. Whitewashing of the history to erase slavery and other bad things we as humanity did in the past. Cause we’re ashamed?

Don’t ban the kids book from the 40s cause the slavery is mentioned and the dark person is called the N word. Add a disclaimer to the book, “we used to do this and have learned to no longer do this.”

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what do you expect, we’re basically mercenaries.

“hey stranger, go kill x many of our enemies and we’ll pay you”

I found Uldum impossible to take seriously because the entire zone is just an Indiana Jones parody. It feels like it doesn’t even belong in WOW.


Sounds like a fun quest!

I am in the real world, not a medieval-style fantasy world. What I like has nothing to do with how characters might act in that setting.

There is a misconception or misunderstanding here. We aren’t heroes, we’re mercenaries. We will do anything towards anyone if the reward is good enough. Go help the horde kill a town of innocent citizens in kul’tiras? Well i do need this rep so i can get a nice tabard and mount, also its so i can play as vulpera and get flying unlocked!

Alliance: Lets kill tons of innocent vulpera so we can continue the war campaign progress that have tons of rewards i would like.

Enslaving pixels that don’t exist, man thats where i draw the line!

I haven’t been to Uldum in yearssss. I used to fly around searching for the Mysterious Camel Figurine. Sometimes it was hard to spot even if it had spawned. Good times.

Can’t say I remember the quest, though.

Have you done netherwing rep? You poison and throw boots at orc slaves for like 150 rep a day.


This job is the poo! enrages


Ah the good old booterang. I forgot about that. I used to throw it and then fly around on my mount and have like 4 pairs of boots following me all around the zone.


I sent Leeroy to clean it

I personally prefer genocide, I like the quests that send me to eliminate a whole village.

The quests to bring prisoners are lame, how many times have you started a quest with a genocide then realize you were supposed to help them? often.

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Nah he just doesn’t give a Fyrakk

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