So, we have a slavery quest

There a Slave Trader in Durotar I believe, that give you a quest to beat up on his slaves.


Uldum has the best quests! There even a quest about a stone-cat person, Tol’vir, Salhet has an artifact that can control beasts or dragonkins to fight for him.

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You mean that one quest where we get to control the pack of lions, right?

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Yeah, he a beastmaster hunter, I guess.

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I can’t remember classic but I do know there are gnome slaves in Silvermoon and catching trolls for trade in Grizzly Hills. :scroll::robot:

edit: Kezan slavery is seen at the start. :mag::robot:

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I think we just do experiments on them, because we’re animal lovers.

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You think that quest is bad, play horde, do the quest chain in Hillsbrad Foothills till you get the quests “The Battle for Hillsbrad” and " Do the Right Thing". For the first one, read the journal that you have to collect for some really creepy things and then do the second quest for some more disturbing stuff especially if you want to double credit complete the quest.

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Is that the one where people are buried like a field of cabbage and we bash their heads in to harvest them?

Yep. Plus what is written in the diary for the one quest is pretty interesting. In order to “save” the humans, you an do one of three things.

  1. Dig them out and release them
  2. Don’t dig them out and instead just bash their heads in
  3. Dig them out and then also bash their heads in (double credit)

Yeah, I remember when I played that one back when it was first added into the game after the Cata revamp (one of the few times I played Horde), and holy cow did it not sit right with me.

Also, OP got flagged, really? Yeesh.

I had no problem with burning teldrassil as horde. In fact i was ok letting tyrande implode as night warrior and am ok fyrakk burning this tree down

This is a game. Im not going to want to do those kinds of things irl, but it makes for a more interesting story then friendship brigade or w/e predictable crap we have now.

The fact ppl still bring up the tree burning shows how it was a good story point cause ppl still debate it. No ones going to debate whelp daycare or avengers unite to save the tree.

What do ppl not read history cause bad stuff happens? Doesnt make bad stuff not happen.

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Apparently you’re just not allowed to have reactions to, or talk publicly, about quests you come across for the first time.

You do have a choice you can decline to do the quest.

If your looking for a game with alternative outcomes you might be happier with fable as its a game based around that idea. Trying to port a similar idea into WoW is just not feasible.


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I don’t mind the desire to burn the tree down but he is a very poorly written villain.

An underling asks hey why can’t you just use your axe to break down the doors, this makes him irrationally angry and he kills him for no reason than sometime later its exactly what he does anyway… He could have saved time and some troops by you know doing it in the first place.

Not to mention who wouldn’t question his ability to lead after that??? Why are his followers not asking if he is to stupid to lead or if they are going to be the next ones killed because the big bad dragon is… There is a word I’d call this but its one that would get me a vacation from the forums.

I guess this could suffice:



I got a whole army of slaves in Conan Exiles.

Yea i thought the same thing, but i think he is meant to be slightly insame. But insane doesnt mean stupid.

Entering the dream theres that one scene where he confronts alexstraza and goes i could just kill you now and that underling says yo ignore them we have a plan and he is like ok see ya later then.

I was like: do both?

But while some villains suck uncomfortable plot points help add depth. Idk i feel dumb having burned one tree down to just help save another. Im not the alliance. I dont want to help the alliance. Dod the alliance help rebuild org after sacking it in SoO?

I know they all say if this world tree burns so will azeroth. I say its propaganda. How many other world trees died and the planet was fine. This tree isnt even in azeroth yet


I thought Fyrakk is supposed to be dangerously unhinged, even by Incarnate standards, by this point in the story?


Well, apparently it’s ok to get quests to murder and steal from people but slavery is just too far.


Now, Tovi, we all know your helmet is the step too far. :wink:

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My helmet is fab and one of the few that looks good on a tauren.

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