So we can’t upgrade season 1 items anymore…

My main issue was that the Crest ‘upgrade’ bags bugged out the day before this happened… I mean, I tried to use them up and get the last couple upgrades, but due to this bug I could not, and then the ‘bags’ that I bought that would not open disappeared… Feeling pretty jaded!

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Yes you do.

Its called just allowing ppl to upgrade s1 items for free. Kind of crazy you didnt do this.

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They did not. Mine never converted, neither did others on the bug report forums Automatic Conversion of Bronze Celebration Tokens to Timewarped Badges

i guess i’m weird, i log on to play and have fun even if number doesn’t go up every single time :dracthyr_shrug:

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“I expect things to be illogical and suck, so I don’t blame the company for sucking” is why we can’t have nice things

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This means I cannot get the waist and boots ‘normal’ color for my season one set, by upgrading the LFR stuff? That sucks.

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Very good points all around and what your post reveals you are integral to the WoW community. Thank you.


:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

I can go to Shadowlands today, grab a piece of gear from the expansion, bring it back to Dornogal, and upgrade it, today. At the same time, all of my current expansion gear is now greyed out and obsolete, and my current expansion currency was zeroed out. Even the argument that this is how it’s supposed to work is dorky because it’s a system that doesn’t make sense on its face and is, frankly deflating for many people. This isn’t like going from Vanilla to BC, it’s going from week to week, mid current expansion. The currency type didn’t even change! Add on top of that this weird limbo week where I go to the vault and get grey gear, I go to the new delve and get grey gear and people STILL come in singing, “My Blizzard tis of thee???”


Wanting Blizzard to improve systems / add consistency and expecting the worst + preparing for it are not mutually exclusive. lmao

Its not season 1 anymore.
Its not season 2 just yet.

Go cry because you had 6 months to upgrade season 1 gear.

if its like dragonflight, you will be able to catalyze the old season 1 stuff for no cost but you will not be able to upgrade the old stuff to higher ilvl

Now, I have seen people on this thread mention when they go back to old season it still charges them a currency (which recharges), i think they are either using incorrect items OR because at the end of season 4 DF blizzard just did not update some part of that system to remove the catalyst currency requirement

I was able to do what I said in season 2


Older upgradeable gear should stay upgradeable with just valorstones as the cost.


dude you’re so annoying real talk why do you care if we want to upgrade gear. not everyone played for 6 months not everyone has a char thats 6 months old. This clearly doesn’t concern you. The devs have a dumb dead week if no one complains nothing changes.


Thank you so much for the info, I appreciate it! I only care about catalyzing S1 stuff for the transmog alone, so I think I’m good in that case.

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There’s absolutely no reason for us to have a dead week. Either start season 2 when season 1 ends and open up mythic 0 and keys/raid, or allow us to continue to upgrade season 1 gear until season 2 starts. This is not hard to understand unless you’re a blizzard shill who just bends over and takes whatever blizzard decides to give you.


And yet you didn’t do that. If it sucks it sucks, regardless of if someone could have mitigated the suckage. The point is they shouldn’t have to. Get some empathy. Punch up, not down.


Read the very first sentence of that article.

I’m a filthy casual now and I’m pretty sure my sub is the same price as everyone else, regardless of how serious they may be.

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Completely agreed. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The more blizz caters to the 1% of hardcore players using every addon in the book, who play ONLY this game and no others, the more they drive regular players away and create themselves a very small consumerbase.


This sucks. Finally got the heroic wrists to finish tier transmog, but can’t upgrade for the mythic appearance. I expected one useless vault, but two?? Lame.